Day 37 of Iran Protests: UN Experts Denounce Crackdown on Protesters

Day 37 of Iran Protests: UN Experts Denounce Crackdown on Protesters
Day 37 of Iran Protests




Here are the latest updates on the nationwide Iran protests for regime change which erupted in mid-November. More than a dozen United Nations human rights experts on Friday called on the Iranian regime to release all individuals arbitrarily detained and mistreated during recent protests.

According to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) the Iranian regime has killed at least 1500 protesters. The MEK has so far identified 547 of these martyrs.  


Number of uprising cities: 191 

Number of martyrs: At least 1500 

Number of injured: More than 4,000 

Number of detainees: More than 12,000 

DECEMBER 21, 2019:

Iran Protests Update:

Nikta Khazaii 31st woman identified among those killed in Iran protests

Names of 547 martyrs of Iran Uprising announced, so far. Nikta Khazaii is the 31st woman identified among the martyrs of Iran protests. In light of an estimated 1,500 people have been killed during the uprising in November, the number of women killed must definitely be considered higher.

UN News:“Deeply disturbed” over the illegal treatment of indiscriminately imprisoned Iranian protesters, 16 independent UN special experts   on human rights, called on Friday for their release.

Iran news in brief, December 21, 2019

UN Experts Alarmed at Mistreatment of Detained Protesters in Iran.

Chairman of Albania’s Republican Party Supports Iran Protests.

Angry Locals Chant “Death to Dictator” Over Death of 14-Year-Old in Iran.

Iranians Support 4-Day Telethon by Major Opposition Satellite TV Channel.

International support of the Iran Protests:

200 Parliamentarians of all parties from 14 European countries support Iran Protests for freedom, condemn suppression of protesters. MPs endorse call by Maryam Rajavi for UN to dispatch a fact-finding delegation.
+1500 murdered
+12000 detained under brutal torture

MP’s condemned repression of Iran Protests on Khamenei’s order and underscored video footage show IRGC firing guns from rooftops or close range at people, even using helicopters and tanks to repress them.
Inaction of World Leaders is unacceptable. Regime leaders Must be held accountable.

The signatories of the statement called on UN and Member States to:
-Condemn suppression of protesters
-Take urgent measures to stop massacre
-Release of detainees
-Provide Iran people with free Internet access

Global Labor Justice (with 200 million members): Deep solidarity with protestors in Iran fighting for liberation and justice amidst a brutally repressive government trying to squash dissent.


Iran Protests Update:

Iran, Kurdistan, Marivan: Farhad Khosravi, a 14-year-old impoverished Kurdish porter, kiled in the snow after trying to evade the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). After that, Marivan people, chanting “Death to dictator!” (referring to Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei) during his funeral ceremony.

Italian Labor Unions With Over 12 Million Members Condemn Iran Regime’s Deadly Crackdown on Iran Protests

Three main Italian syndicates with over 12 million members sent a joint letter to the Iranian regime’s embassy in Italy on December 10, supporting the recent Iran protests and expressing their concern over Iranian regime’s excessive use of violence against the protesters. The syndicates and unions were the Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL), the Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori (CISL) and the Italian Labour Union (UIL). 

NCRI-US new book Iran Uprising Shakes Iran Regime’s Foundations

One minute video description of the new book released by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, U.S. Representative Office (NCRI-US) about Iran uprising in November 2019.

Pompeo: U.S. Stands With Iran’s People; The Regime Has Possibly Killed More Than 1,000 Protesters

The United States on Thursday blacklisted two notorious Iranian ‘judges’ who have handed extremely harsh sentences to Iranian dissidents, and it stands with the brave people who have taken part in the recent nationwide Iran protests, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said.

At the State Department on December 19, 2019, Secretary Pompeo said: “The United States will stand and has stood under President Trump with the Iranian people. Our public support, our moral support is important.  Our calls for justice matter.” 

“The protest that started and accelerated in November clearly signaled that the Iranian people have just had enough.  They’re fed up. They’re fed up with the regime’s economic failures. They’re fed up with the kleptocrats. And they’re fed up with a regime that denies them basic fundamental human dignity that comes from each of us as a nature of our humanness,” Secretary Pompeo said. 

“Think of the thousands – you all know them – think of the thousands of Iranians executed in prison following protests in 1988, the students that were slaughtered in the protests in 1999.” 

EU Parliament Condemns Iran Regime’s Deadly Crackdown on Iran Protests 

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Thursday, condemning the Iranian regime’s deadly crackdown on the Iran protests. 

Polish lawmaker Anna Fotyga, on behalf of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, on Monday proposed a motion at the European Parliament on the Iranian regime’s slaughter of defenseless protesters.

“We already know that around 1,500 people have been killed in Iran during the recent crackdown,” said Ms. Fotyga, a member of the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee and a former Foreign Minister of Poland. 

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), welcomed that European Parliament resolution, saying in a Tweet that the EU, five of whose member states are in the UN Security Council and 10 of them are members of the UN Human Rights Council, must take immediate action to expedite these investigations by the UN.  

UN Experts Alarmed at Mistreatment of Detained Protesters in Iran

Read more: Day 36 of the Iran Protests for Regime Change 

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