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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsClashes rock Tehran and other cities amid anti-regime protests: WSJ

Clashes rock Tehran and other cities amid anti-regime protests: WSJ

NCRI – Thousands of Iranians gathered in several locations across Tehran Monday in solidarity with Egyptian and Tunisian protesters who recently toppled their own regimes, the Wall Street Journal said in several reports on Monday and Tuesday.

The paper reported that security forces clashed with protesters in several areas in Tehran, Isfahan and other cities, dispersing crowds with tear gas and beating them, according to witnesses.


Police used tear gas against protesters in central Tehran’s Enghelab Square and in Imam Hussein Square, as well as in other nearby main streets, the Associated Press reported, adding that demonstrators responded by setting garbage cans on fire.

“Witnesses said a few thousand protesters had also gathered at Imam Hussein Square, sitting on the ground and breaking out in chants when police tried to disperse them.

“Thousands of student activists also gathered at the campus of Sharif University, preparing to march to the square.”

The Wall Street Journal added, “By midafternoon, uniformed security forces had lined many Tehran streets, diverting traffic and blocking all access—on foot and by car—to Azadi Square, according to witnesses. Metro stations near the protest route been closed.”

“Mubarak! Ben Ali! It’s now the turn for Seyed Ali!” people chanted, according to witnesses and videos, referring to the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

In Tehran’s Enghelab Avenue, a crowd of young men and women stomped on a giant banner depicting Khamenei and set it on fire, the paper added. Videos of the scene showed crowds cheering in response.

“As darkness fell on Tehran, the city was rocked again by the chants from residents on rooftops across the capital: “God is great,” and “Death to the dictator,” according to witnesses.”