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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsAs Anniversary of Iran Protests Approaches, Regime Increases Its Oppressive Measures

As Anniversary of Iran Protests Approaches, Regime Increases Its Oppressive Measures


As the anniversary of major Iran protests in November 2019 approaches, the regime increases its oppressive measures to counter possible uprising. The Iranian regime’s recent actions also reflect mullahs’ fear of the restive Iranian society. 

The state-run Mizan, an outlet close affiliated to the regime’s Judiciary, announced the creation of Tehran headquarters to counter activities by defiant youth. 

“In order to promote public security and fight against insecurity, a headquarters will be established in the Public and Revolutionary Courts in Tehran,” Mizan wrote. 

“As [Ebrahim] Raisi’s [Judiciary chief] emphasized on dealing decisively with the miscreants and those harming the security of society and neighborhoods in Tehran, dealing with norm-breakers was put on the agenda. A meeting was held to coordinate and intensify countermeasures,” Mizan added, calling defiant youths norm-breakers.  

As the regime is engulfed in crisis, it desperately tries to control the restive Iranian society. Economic pressure and the covid-19 crisis, which are the regime’s mismanagement products, have turned the Iranian society into a powder keg.  


The state-run media outlets and officials have been warning each other of looming uprisings. Also, the regime’s infightings have entered a new round. Last week, the regime’s Members of Parliament from the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, faction threatened Hassan Rouhani, the regime’s president, with execution. 

“It is imperative that Iran’s domestic, regional, and global strategy change. Given the current circumstances, there is no other way. The [society] struggle and [regime’s] hostilities have made the situation unbearable for people,” wrote state-run Setare Sobh (Morning Star) on Saturday.  

Coronavirus outbreak and the regime deadlock  

When the first covid-19 entered Iran, the Iranian regime, by cover-up and deception, used it to quell the restive society. Now, the coronavirus crisis has reached a point where even the regime has no control over it. Now mullahs fear the coronavirus outbreak and its rising death toll and subsequent increasing people’s hatred and anger toward the regime.  

Yet, despite helping people, both financially and materially, the regime has increased its oppression.  

The Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) commander, Hossain Salami, announced their new decision of “Searching houses, for finding sick people,” and “separating infected people from other and transferring them to health centers,” (state-run Khabar-online website, October 31). 

These measures of the IRGC are only due to the critical and explosive situation of the Iranian society, and the IRGC intends to increase its repressive measures to prevent any protest that would lead to an uprising. 

Besides, the IRGC massacred 1500 protesters during November Uprising, in addition to its record of oppression in 40 years. So, how a repressive force, without any medical knowledge, help the very same people that it had opened fire on last year?  

The IRGC’s so-called “mission to counter coronavirus,” is another oppressive measure to counter uprising and further oppresses people.