Anti-government protests held in central Tehran on Tueday

The protests were held on the 31st anniversary of the Black Friday

NCRI – On Tuesday, Tehran residents gathered in various districts on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the Black Friday (September 8, 1978), the day in which the Shah’s security forces opened fire on protesters prior to 1978 revolution in Iran.

At 5.00 p.m. local time, large crowd including many youths gathered in Martyr’s Square (in central Tehran) and nearby streets.  Iranian regime’s suppressive State Security Force (SSF) were stationed in the area to crackdown on protesters, as large groups of residents where joining the gathering.

In order to prevent people from joining the protest, SSF agents sealed off the area by blocking entry to the streets leading to the square. SSF helicopters flew over the area to discover the people’s gathering points.

The SSF beat the protestors as they resisted the efforts made by the agents to disperse the crowd and prevent the gatherings from taking place.

Meanwhile the SSF attacked and dispersed a large group of Tehran residents who gathered in protest at Revolution Enghelab Square.

Following the sham presidential elections in Iran, people have used many occasions to gather and protest against the mullahs' rule.

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