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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsAnother Hack That Revealed the Truth About Iran

Another Hack That Revealed the Truth About Iran


Unlike everywhere else in the world where hacking is labeled cybercrime and largely intersects with misinformation or manipulation of public opinion, there are incidents in Iran that serve the opposite.

On February 7, an Iranian cyber group calling itself Edalat-e Ali (Persian for Imam Ali’s Justice) told RFERL (Radio Free Europe)that it had hacked the surveillance network system at Karaj’s Ghezel Hessar prison and gotten access to some evidence about the crimes committed by the Iranian regime.

“We, Iranians, we are political prisoners of this authoritarian regime, and we are going to turn the 10 Day Fajr Ceremonies into a period of resumption of nationwide protests,” the group announced.

Edalat-e Ali also published documents, including a list of 1,846 protestors arrested during the November 2019 uprising and what they had been charged with. These people were imprisoned and tortured for charges such as “disturbing the order”, “propaganda against the regime”, “insulting the leaders” of the regime on the internet, and “gathering and colluding with the intention to act against national security”.

Many of these people have been sentenced to between one month to 10 years in prison, and a considerable number have been sentenced to flogging as well.

For instance, the charge against one of the detainees reads: “He frequently appeared at the rally site on Pirouzi Street and texted his relatives to show off.” This person was sentenced to one year in prison and 74 lashes.

Another person was sentenced to one year in prison and 20 lashes for parking a car diagonally across the area where the unrest was taking place.

The group also submitted a “very confidential” document to the London-based Iran International that showed Iranian officials in the Judiciary are discussing international courts that are addressing human rights abuses in Iran and have made suggestions on how the Iranian regime should deal with these courts.

Referring to the Aban People’s Tribunal, the Iran Tribunal, and the Swedish Court where Hamid Noury, a prison guard and complicit in the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, an official at the Justice of Tehran Province has made some recommendations. One of the recent documents, released with the subject “human rights trials against the Islamic Republic of Iran in Europe” was signed on November 15 by Mir Mostafa Seyed Ashrafi, Deputy Prosecutor and Head of the Tehran International Court of Justice.

Full report on widespread hack of Iran state-run TV and media

In this report, Seyyed Ashrafi addresses Ali Al-Qasiemehr, Tehran’s Public Prosecutor, detailing the process of the three international trials, that are or have been held in London, Stockholm, and The Hague, along with some explanations.

Following these explanations, the Deputy Prosecutor of Tehran has presented his conclusions from these courts in the section “Summary and Recommendations”, which includes nine paragraphs, as well as solutions for how the regime should deal with these courts.

He wrote that although these courts “had merely a media aspect and lacked the executive mandatory force”, the “European courts seem to have paved the way for the trial and detention of officials of the Islamic Republic on their soil.”

The document also highlights warrants to arrest the Iranian regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi outside Iran, accused of being involved in the massacre of political prisoners in 1988.

This judicial official also called the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK/PMOI) one of the “main directors” of the uprising.

Previously, Edalat-e Ali claimed it had hacked the Evin Prison surveillance network in Tehran as well as the Telewebion, an Iranian state television streaming website.

The nature of the group notwithstanding, intelligence leaks and penetration in the regime’s most sensitive centers of command and control are becoming the “new normal.” For decades, Tehran has tried to project strength and absolute rule over the country by crushing dissent on the streets and torturing political prisoners in its dungeons.

But as the nation is standing tall to confront the regime and justice in the free world is beginning to revive the meaning of “international jurisdiction,” leaked evidence shows that fear is slowly but surely changing fronts.