After the Violence: Resistance Will Not Fail

“Every survivor knows what organizing means.”
                    Mike Vogel, Auschwitz Survivor #65316

NCRI – The piece below is dedicated by Dr. Carole Fontaine, Taylor Professor of Biblical Theology and History Facilitator, ICSPPAI (Interfaith Committee for the Support of Protected Persons in Ashraf, Iraq), U.S., to the Iranian people in their uprising against the religious tyranny;

When life says ‘no’, make a fist, or growl.
Do not fall dumbstruck, desolated,
Astounded by each turn of events,
Helpless as a cheetah, winded,
From whom the prey has long since fled.
You have your right to misery, of course,
But in the end, it serves Nothing.

No. Drag your dreams on with an iron grip;
Shake them in frenzy from side to side,
Trail them beneath you on the steppes of desire.
Run toward them as though a fire
Blazed at your back, a scorching whip.

For it is Something to resist, proudly,
With a heart made strong by ones who bleed.
Respond with a jungle roar and a primal need,
Finding inside you more than before,
More than you knew, a signal door
On the path of freedom’s becoming.
Break the neck of your horror;
Slit open the entrails of your despair
And let the cubs of your spirit feed.

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