A Series of New Anti-Regime Protests Across Iran

A Series of New Anti-Regime Protests Across Iran

Iran has witnessed a series of protests in recent days by workers, teachers, looted investors, pensioners, and municipality staff members. Below are just a few examples
Trailers buyers rally in Sirjan, southeast of Iran:

On Thursday, July 4, 2019, looted trailer buyers rallied outside the Governor’s Office in Sirjan to protest the non-delivery of their purchased vehicles by officials at the state-affiliate Kerman Diesel Corporation.

Retired teachers protest in Iran capital

On Wednesday, July 3, a group of retired teachers rallied outside the state Retirement Fund in Tehran’s Fatemi Square, protesting their delayed pensions.

The protesters had gathered from various cities across the country. They also protesting the plunder of their assets and shares in the Retirement Fund by the regime.

Looted investors demand homes they had pre-purchased

Also, on Wednesday, clients of the Sheydeh Aircraft Project Company gathered in front of the Iranian regime’s Judiciary Complex (known as Mofatteh) in Tehran.

The regime’s officials have not delivered the houses purchased by these clients near Tehran’s Mehrabad International Airport. The state-affiliated company had presold 4,000 homes, but it has not done any construction ten years later.

Bus drivers go on strike

On Tuesday, July 2, minibus drivers in the city of Saravan in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, south-eastern Iran, went on strike. They protested officials’ refusal to provide them their share of subsidized fuel.

Protest by street vendors in Tabriz

On Tuesday, July 2, 2019, a group of street vendors gathered for a second time in front of the governorate of Tabriz, north-west Iran, in protest against the “prohibition of hawking their wares in the historical market place of Tabriz.” The ban is hurting their meager businesses, which is the only way they are making ends meet.

Protest by Teachers of the Literacy Movement in Tehran

Additionally, on July 2, a group of teachers from the Literacy Movement in Tehran rallied in front of the state Organization of Government Employment in the Iranian capital.

They were protesting the failure of the regime to implement the 95th Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on employment in education.

They demanded the implementation of the parliamentary employment plan and said their case has not been settled for two years.

Protests by street vendors in Tehran

Also on July 2, a group of street vendors in Vali Asr Street in Tehran gathered in front of the municipality of District 1.

They protested against the prohibition of working in the area and the shutting down of about 3,000 of their work places in the past two weeks.

Vendors raised a banner with reference to Article 3 of the trade union law (the formalization of mobile business units) and the bill on organizing mobile and unemployed businesses, stating that “hawking is not a crime, it’s our job.”

Protest by Aghajari municipality workers

On Monday, July 1, a group of Aghajari municipality workers gathered in front of the city’s municipality building demanding their salaries be paid.

Issa Hosseini, president of the Aghajari City Council, said: “The workers of the municipality who gathered for their unpaid wages have not received their wages for three months.”

Protest by employees of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences

A group of corporate employees from Lorestan University of Medical Sciences held a protest on Monday, July 1.

They demanded payment of their 3-month-delayed paychecks.

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