Iran Protests: U.S. Lawmakers Support Nationwide Protests by Iranian People



Iran Protests: U.S. Lawmakers Support Nationwide Protests by Iranian People
US lawmakers voice support for the Iranian people

As the protests by the Iranian people against the regime continue and spread across the country, United States lawmakers voice support for the Iranian people.

The latest protests erupted on Saturday and continued on Sunday against the downing of the Ukrainian commercial airliner by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) on January 8.

U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Indiana) wrote on Twitter: “I’m inspired by the bravery of the Iranian people who are peacefully protesting in the streets this evening. May God watch over them.”

For three consecutive days, the regime tried to conceal its crime in downing the passenger jet, by blaming it on some technical issues. This bogus claim was rejected by the Iranian people and other governments.

While referring to this issue, U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, wrote on Twitter: “The brave people of Iran are not fooled. They have no illusions about the evil men who rule them. As they yet again take to the streets, God bless them and their hope for a better future.”

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said on Twitter: “Could not agree more with Secretary Pompeo. The Iranian people deserve better. The American people stand with the Iranian people for their freedom.”

Mike Gallegher, the member of the U.S. House of Representatives, said on Twitter: “Iran’s admission they downed a passenger plane is proof that the primary victims of the Iranian regime are the Iranian people. As I said I hope our allies unite with us to impose maximum pressure on the regime and drive a wedge between the regime and its people.

The Iranian regime was forced to acknowledge that the Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 was targeted by its military units, killing all 176 passengers and crew. This delayed development followed a wave of protests and revelations by Iranians inside the country.

The latest protests have entered their second consecutive day.

In addition to many parts of Tehran, protests have spread to other cities in the country, including Mashhad, Isfahan, Tabriz, Kermanshah, Ahvaz, Sanandaj, Karaj, Shahroud, Qazvin, Zanjan, Semnan, Yazd, Gorgan, Arak, Oroumieh, and Babol.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), praised student protesters across Iran who have come to the streets for a second day.

“Hail to the brave people of Tehran, Isfahan, Mashhad, Ahvaz, Shadegan, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Karaj, Sari, Babol, Amol, Semnan, Shahroud, Tabriz, Qazvin, Zanjan, Shiraz, Urmia, Gorgan & Arak, who have heralded dawn of a Free Iran with chants of ‘Death to Khamenei,” said Mrs. Rajavi.


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