Iran: On 47th Day of Uprising, Students Stage Sit-ins, Demonstrations in Tehran, Other Cities


Iran Protest-No. 98

On Tuesday, November 1, on the 47th day of the nationwide uprising, students in dozens of universities staged sit-ins and protests despite the regime’s arrests, threats, and pressures. They were chanting, “Death to the dictator,” “Freedom, freedom, freedom,” “If a student is suspended, the entire university will be shut down,” and “The imprisoned student must be released.”

In Tehran, students in the Technical, Mathematics, Electrical, Literature, and Computer faculties of Melli University, faculties of Materials and Metallurgy and Airspace at Amir Kabir University, Science and Psychology faculties of Tehran University, as well as students in Sharif, Kharazmi, Al-Zahra, Allameh, Rehabilitation Sciences, and Social Health and Azad Tehran units of West, East and North universities launched sit-ins and demonstrations. They chanted: “University has turned into a prison,” “Students are in trenches in Tehran,” “Freedom, freedom, freedom,” “Neither monarchy nor leader (Khamenei), yes to democracy, equality,” and “Iran is bleeding from Zahedan to Tehran.” Plainclothes agents at Melli University checked and controlled students with the cooperation of the university’s special security forces.

In Karaj, students at Azad University staged a strike and demonstrated while chanting, “Iranian youths are bleeding; where is justice?” The students of the Technical and Psychology faculties at Yazd University also staged a sit-in and chanted, “If a student is suspended, the entire university will be shut down.” Students at the Isfahan University of Technology held a protest rally in support of the students who the regime’s intelligence had suspended. Students in the universities of Madani in Tabriz, Amol, and Journalism of Mashhad were chanting, “Congratulations on Basij and ISIS unity.”

in Sanandaj, western Iran, Ibn Sina High School students protested in the streets, chanting, “Death to the dictator.” In Qazvin, the students of a girl school forced a mullah, who had gone to their school to give a speech, to leave the school.

In Noorabad, Lorestan province, people staged a protest rally against the efforts of the State Security Forces to arrest a youth. In Bandar Abbas, southern Iran, youths set fire to a large poster of Qassem Soleimani on one of the main streets. The families of those detained during the uprising and the prisoners in Evin Prison gathered outside the Evin on Tuesday to obtain information about their loved ones.

On Monday, November 1, the Kurdish website Rudaw quoted Jalal Mahmoudzadeh, a member of the regime’s parliament from Mahabad, saying, “Six people (from Mahabad) were shot dead by the security forces within three days of last week.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 1, 2022

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