Iran News in Brief – September 13, 2021




Monday Protests in Iran

On Monday, September 13, graduated teachers gathered in front of the Ministry of Education for the tenth day in a row to protest their non-employment. A number of these demonstrators, who have come to Tehran from different places of the country, also have night sit-ins and spend the night in the same place in front of the ministry. The demonstrators demand and have the right to employment in education. These people have held numerous rallies since last year to protest the ministry’s vows, but their problems have not yet been addressed.

On Monday, scammed users and clients of Cryptoland Exchange held a rally in front of the regime’s Economic Crimes Tribunal to protest. These people have been holding large rallies for several months but so far no official nor judicial body has been willing to take care of their case.

A number of scammed car buyers of Azovico Company who have not been able to receive their remittances or their purchased cars for nearly four years staged a protest rally on Monday.

Workers at the Shafarood Dam in Rezvanshahr gathered in front of the company this morning after the company’s leadership failed to hold its promise and to pay their salary. According to the workers, the managers and local officials had promised that arrears of 3 months were to be paid by September 8; a promise that never materialized.

The people of Khairabad Paduk village in Gachsaran County held a protest rally in front of the interior ministry on Monday. These locals had disputes with their governor that have remained unresolved.

Medical students of Mashhad Azad University staged a rally on Monday, to protest the unfair and illegal increase in tuition fees.


IAEA Chief Expresses Concerns over Iran at Board Meeting

Rafael Grossi, IAEA Director-General expressed his concerns about the Iranian regime’s conduct during his introductory statement to the Board of Governors. Referring to Tehran’s lack of cooperation with the agency, he said: “I remain deeply concerned that nuclear material has been present at undeclared locations in Iran and that the current locations of this nuclear material are not known to the Agency. And I am increasingly concerned that, even after some two years, the safeguards issues outlined above in relation to the four locations in Iran not declared to the Agency, remain unresolved.”



5.2 Strong Earthquake in Northeastern Iran

An earthquake of 5.2 magnitudes hit Quchan in Khorasan Razavi province at 8:32 AM (local time) on Monday, September 13th. The quake occurred at 58.86 longitudes and 37.08 latitudes and at a depth of 6 km, the state-run IRNA news agency reported.
The epicenter was reported 30 km from Quchan, 35 km from Chapshloo, and 42 km from Chekneh with tremors being felt in many parts of the Khorasan Razavi province.

Iran: The Staggering Number Of Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 419,800

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Sunday, September 12, 2021, that the Coronavirus fatalities in 547 cities had exceeded 419,800. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 98,616, Khorasan Razavi 33,225, Isfahan 27,710, Khuzestan 25,751, Mazandaran 16,020, Fars 15,059, East Azerbaijan 14,983, West Azerbaijan 14,798, Gilan 14,550, Lorestan 14,300, Alborz 12,288, Sistan and Baluchestan 12,165, Qom 11,575, Kerman 10,987, Central Province 7,768, Kermanshah 7,294, Yazd 7,078, Kurdistan 6,587, Semnan 5,930, North Khorasan 5,439, Ardabil 5,285, Bushehr 4,769, and South Khorasan 3,726.

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The Resilient MEK: An Ideology Rooted in Freedom and Equality

After 1979, as the MEK navigated the political struggles of those days, the second generation of the MEK joined our organization in their thousands across Iran. Several hundred joined us from abroad as they returned home after the revolution. Massoud Rajavi and the Central Committee of the MEK held briefings and lectures for our supporters as it was our first chance to freely and organically connect with our social base, which included university students, scholars, professionals, nurses, doctors, workers, laborers, mothers, ethnics groups, religious monitories, and the families of martyrs and former political prisoners.

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Young Teachers and Pensioners Hold Protests in Tehran and Other Cities

Young teachers and pensioners hold protests in Tehran and other cities. Sunday, September 12, 2021, marked the 9th day of round-the-clock protests by young teachers, known as “teachers with green report cards,” outside the Ministry of Education. These young teachers passed the 2020 Education Ministry’s employment exam but are still without jobs. These young teachers, many of them women, have held protests on numerous occasions. This new round of protests started on September 5, 2021. They accused the Education Ministry of supporting a mafia in the education system.

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Roundup of Iran Protests in August 2021

Protests have continued in Iran throughout the month of August, with at least 3,568 acts of protest reported by various social groups.  Continued strikes by oil and petrochemical workers: 3389 cases in 36 cities in 15 provinces. Protests by different strata: 179 cases in 70 cities in 27 provinces

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Mother of Navid Afkari Appeals to the World Over the Fate of Her Sons

This morning, Sunday, September 12, 2021, the clerical regime’s security forces stopped the family of Navid Afkari at the entrance to the city of Shiraz. They were going to Navid’s grave to prepare for the first anniversary of his martyrdom. Security forces brutally beat Elham Afkari, Navid’s sister, and arrested and brutalized her brother, Saeed Afkari.

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Security Forces Arrest Brother of Renowned Executed Wrestling Champion Navid Afkari

Security forces today beat and arrested Saeed Afkari, the brother of renowned executed wrestling champion and political prisoner Navid Afkari on the anniversary of Navid’s execution. Saeed Afkari used Twitter as a platform against the regime and to shed light on the injustices against his two other detained brothers, Vahid and Habib. His Twitter account was deleted after his arrest. According to human rights organizations and social media reports, he was beaten and detained by six undercover agents upon entering the city of Shiraz, his hometown in southwestern Iran.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – September 12, 2021

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