Iran News in Brief – October 28, 2021

Coronavirus fatalities in 547 cities had exceeded 336,800.



MP Warns of Social Explosion

Talking about the explosive state of society during a televised interview, Mohsen Zanganeh, a member of the Program and Budget Commission at the Iranian regime’s parliament said: “The government has run out of money. There is no money to argue about how we’re going to spend it… Now the society is on the verge of tolerance and we are at a 40-50% inflation. If we provoke the society again, even if inflation surges another ten percent, there’ll be an explosion. We now have a budget deficit of 400,000 billion (tomans).”


The Enemy Is Planning To Create Chaos in October, Interior Minister Warns

In a meeting with the Friday prayer leader of Rasht, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi referred to the cyber attack against the national fuel system and called it “an agenda by the enemy” aimed to create chaos and uprising in Iran. According to Quds Force-run Tasnim news agency, Vahidi told Rasul Flahati: “The enemy is planning for October, and this is considered to be the beginning.”


34th Session of Justice for a Perpetrator of 1988 Massacre in Iran

Today, the Swedish Judiciary began its 34th session of a former Iranian official’s trial. Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization rallied in front of the Stockholm court where Hamid Noury, one of the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre is being tried. The demonstrators also commemorated the fallen freedom fighters of the October 28, 2015 rocket attack in Camp Liberty, Iraq.

Sunni Political Prisoners on Death Row Relocated to Unkown Location

Three Sunni political prisoners, Mohi-ud-Din Ebrahimi, Mohi-ud-Din Tazavared, and Davood Jabbari were transferred from Urmia Prison to an unknown location. The sudden transfer of the prisoners who were sentenced to death has raised concerns about their fate.

MP Warns Raisi’s Government Over Failure To Show Tangible Results

Ali Yazdikhah, a member of the Iranian regime’s parliament, threatened to indict the government of Ebrahim Raisi if it fails to deliver achievements. According to the state-run Khabar Online, on October 27, Ali Yazdikhah said: “The promise to build one million housing units [per year] is a serious [public] demand, and if the MPs are still treating the government and its ministers gently, it is because the government has just started its work. The government took office almost two months ago. Over time, if the MPs are not going to see tangible and practical results from the government, they will definitely start their warnings and questions.”


As Fuel Disruption Continues to Pester the Public, Officials Fear Unrest in Iran

According to reports from inside Iran, the recent hack and disruption into the smart fuel distribution system have become a new crisis for the state and some brokers have doubled fuel prices. Officials at the Ministry of Oil acknowledged that restoring the fuel delivery system to supply the stations is progressing slowly. Most gas stations supply gasoline at a price of 3,000 tomans per liter instead of the previous price at 1,500 tomans per liter.

The CEO of the National Company for Refining and Distribution of Petroleum Products said: “In the Tehran province, only 18 stations are officially active and throughout the country, this number reaches 220 stations. We hope that we can cover 20 to 30% of the stations today.”

Meanwhile, Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council said: “Although the first line of our passive defense system was penetrated by a cyber-attack on the fuel system, the enemy failed to reach its goal to get through the second line of our defense, which was to wreak havoc in Iran.”


Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities Have Passed 465,300

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, the COVID-19 death toll in 547 cities had exceeded 465,300. In Tehran, the number of victims has reached 109,015, Khorasan Razavi 38,070, Isfahan 31,675, Khuzestan 28,520, West Azerbaijan 17,198, Fars 17,005, East Azerbaijan 16,168, Lorestan 15,460, Sistan and Baluchestan 13,055, Kerman 12,402, Hormozgan 7,810, Yazd 7,648, Qazvin 5,299, and Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari 3,540.

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“I Never Saw Any of the Prisoners Again”—Witness of 1988 Massacre Testifies in Hamid Noury Trial

On Tuesday, Stockholm’s District Court convened for the thirty-third session of the trial of Hamid Noury, an Iranian prison official charged with torturing inmates in the Gohardasht prison (Karaj) and taking part in the 1988 massacre of thousands of political prisoners. Noury was apprehended by Swedish authorities during a trip to the country. Noury is now standing trial in a court where many of his victims are giving harrowing testimonies of how he and other regime officials brutally tortured prisoners.

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Concerns Raised About Iran’s Human Rights Situation by UN Rapporteur

Javaid Rehman, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Conditions in Iran, expressed in his recent report to the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee about the alarming situation concerning continuing human rights abuses in Iran. Rehman stated that the current human rights situation in Iran ‘remains grim’ and the main thing preventing the improvement of the situation is the ‘persistent impunity for serious violations of human rights law’. He said, “The situation is aggravated by the fact that individuals who face allegations of being involved in the commission of serious human rights violations remain in powerful positions, including at the highest level of public office.”

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Iran’s Failure To Criminalize Honor Killings Is License for Murder

Honor killings in Iran are on the rise, despite ongoing protests and activism. In fact, the clerical regime perpetuates and systematically promotes various forms of violence against women. There are no exact statistics on honor killings in Iran, but in recent months there have been numerous reports of these cases in the media and cyberspace. In December 2019, the state-run ISNA news agency wrote in a report citing university research that “between 375 to 450 cases of honor killings occur annually in Iran” and “honor killings in Iran” account for about 20% of all murders and 50% of family murders.

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FATF: Three Major Challenges for Iran

“How should petroleum revenues transfer to the country if we would like to sell it? Because the only path for transferring the incomes are banks, and we should transfer them in other ways and with higher expenses when our banks are not eligible for transfer,” says an Iranian economist. Three years ago, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) gave Iran a deadline to adopt the necessary steps regarding financing terrorism and money laundering. Later, on February 22, 2019, the FATF gave another opportunity to Tehran and designated July 2019 as the last call. Indeed, the international body did whatever it took to facilitate removing Iran from the FATF blacklist and paved the path for the country to rejoin the global banking transactions. However, officials in Iran burnt these chances and put the country’s financial system in an awkward position.

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Why Iran Needs Fake Polls To Show the West How Much Iranians Love the Regime

Institutions and organizations linked or directly run by the Iranian regime’s lobbies in the US have recently published several fake polls showing mass support for the regime. Several of these “polls” were conducted by the University of Maryland and Iran Poll, both of which have known regime lobbyists running the show. I could go into detail about who these people are and how they’re linked to the regime, but this piece is not about Iran’s lobbies.

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Imprisoned Teacher Nosrat Beheshti Starts a Hunger Strike in Vakilabad

Imprisoned teacher Nosrat Beheshti has started a hunger strike in Vakilabad Prison of Mashhad. Mrs. Beheshti started her hunger strike on October 24, 2021, in protest of her temporary detention and unacceptable charges leveled against her. The imprisoned teacher Nosrat Beheshti has declared that she has also stopped talking until her demands are met. She said Vakilabad prison authorities are responsible for her life. She demands to be released and exonerated from all charges against her.

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Two Baluch Men Killed by Security Forces in SE Iran


Two Baluch men were killed in a conflict between locals and security forces yesterday in Delgan County, southeastern Iran. According to the Baloch Campaign Telegram channel, the two men were identified as Bahman Bameri and Mehdi Shahli Bor. Six security forces were also killed in the conflict. Other locals and security forces were injured as well. According to an informed source, Bahman and Mehdi’s car had a technical issue, and they went to a repair shop. Intelligence agents started shooting at them.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – October 27, 2021

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