Iran News in Brief – October 24, 2021




Rising Tensions Between Baku and Tehran

Following escalating tensions between the clerical regime and the Republic of Azerbaijan, websites affiliated with the regime were taken down. Baku Post wrote on October 23 that the sites supporting the Iranian regime in the Republic of Azerbaijan, including Diarlar, Maedeh, and Ahl-e-Bayt have been suspended. According to the source, in addition to these sites, series that promote the ideology of the Iranian regime on the YouTube channels have also been blocked.

Today, according to Eurasia, Azerbaijan Security Service arrested a number of elements affiliated with the Iranian regime in this country. Ibrahim Aghloo, the former Friday prayer of Baku’s main mosque, and four other members tied with the Iranian regime were among those arrested. Ibrahimoglu, who was released after a lengthy interrogation, said the other detainees were still being held in custody.

Iranian Regime Was Violating the JCPOA Before US Withdrawal from the Agreement

Explaining about the meeting with Rafael Grossi, the IAEA Director General, US Congressman Andy Barr stated the Agency chief’s testimony underscored the serious flaws in the 2015 nuclear deal with the Iranian regime. The Congressman said that according to Grossi, the agreement lacked the power to audit the Iranian regime and failed to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency unrestricted access to undeclared sites in a timely manner and in accordance with Additional Protocols. In addition, the agreement did not guarantee that the Iranian regime will be punished for its non-compliance.

Andy Barr said: “During the meeting, Grossi confirmed that Iran had violated the agreement before the US withdrew from the JCPOA. Prior to the US withdrawal from the deal and at the time when the nuclear deal was signed, Iran did not explain the places where the nuclear traces were found and tried to hide its non-compliance. Iran also prevented the IAEA from accessing these sites. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) found evidence about the use and storage of nuclear material and nuclear-related activities in at least three undeclared locations in Iran.”


Khamenei Blames the US for Bombings in Afghanistan

Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei blamed the governing U.S. Democratic party for a recent series of bombings in Afghanistan.

Speaking to participants at the so-called Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, Khamenei said: “American elements are able to cause sedition anywhere in the Islamic world. The most recent example, which is a very unfortunate and sad event, was in Afghanistan on the last two Fridays when they blew up the mosque while Muslims were praying. Who blew up? It was ISIS. Who is ISIS? ISIS is an organization that the Americans and the same Democrats [ruling America] explicitly said that that they have created. Of course, now they do not admit it. Now they deny it. But they have done that and they have stated this explicitly.”

Talking about the Taliban, Khamenei added: “One way to prevent these incidents is for the current esteemed officials of Afghanistan to attend these prayers or encourage the Sunni brothers to attend. This is one of the ways that we in the Islamic world can organize.”


Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities Exceed 462,800

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Saturday, October 23, 2021, that the COVID-19 death toll in 547 cities had exceeded 462,800. In Tehran the number of victims has reached 108,396, Khorasan Razavi 37,895, Isfahan 31,460, Khuzestan 28,385, West Azerbaijan 17,028, Fars 16,865, East Azerbaijan 16,108, Lorestan 15,375, Qom 12,670, Kerman 12,342, Golestan 10,230, Hamedan 8,653, Central Province 8,473, Yazd 7,603, and South Khorasan 3,996.

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Gas Prices Are Going to Spike in Iran, Newspaper Speculates

State-run newspaper Arman wrote: “News about the increase of gas consumption in Iran and comparing it with other countries, as well as examining the consequences and damages that such consumption has financially and environmentally, coupled with the official’s announcement and then denial of very high prices and the comparison of gas prices in Iran with other countries, everything is indicating a psychological preparation of the society for an increase in gas prices.”

In November 2019, after months-long speculation and contradictory statements by state officials, gas prices were tripled and caused a major uprising across Iran that shook the rule of the clerics entirely.

Paris Warns Tehran About Its Behavior in the Middle East and Nuclear Talks

Philippe Etienne, French ambassador to the United States said: “There is a European consensus on the need for Iran to stop its nuclear violations.” In an interview with Al Arabiya, Etienne also made clear France will not stand idly by regarding the Iranian regime’s actions in the region.

Etienne further stressed that his country is coordinating with the United Kingdom, Germany, as well as China, and Russia on the immediate return of the Iranian regime to the Vienna talks and added that these countries are consulting on all issues, not just the nuclear issue.

U.N. Nuke Watchdog Chief Says Monitoring of Iran Is No Longer ‘Intact.’

Mandel Ngan / Pool via AFP – Getty Images file

NBC – The head of the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog says his monitoring program in Iran is no longer “intact” after Tehran refused requests to repair cameras at a key facility, creating the possibility the world will never be “able to reconstruct the picture” of what the Iranians have been doing.

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Iran’s Regime Remains in the FATF Blacklist

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has opted to keep the Iranian regime in its blacklist after holding meetings on October 19-21. The FATF is an intergovernmental organization that develops policies for combating money laundering and terrorism financing around the world.

The FATF blacklist, which is also known as the “call for action” list, includes countries with “significant strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter money laundering, terrorist financing, and financing of proliferation.”

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Iranian Teachers Cannot Make Ends Meet, Educational System Faces Collapse

In 2020, the average salary of teachers in Iran was 58 million rials [$221] per month. Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, the former head of the Planning and Budget Organization, had already vowed that this salary would increase in the following educational year. However, there is not yet a tangible advance in this context.

Shahryar Fuladvand, the head of the Education Ministry’s non-profit school’s office, had already declared the minimum salary of non-profit schools’ teachers to be 38 million rials [$145].

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – October 23, 2021

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