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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 15, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 15, 2022




Major Fire At Evin Prison

A major fire has engulfed the notorious Evin Prison, where many political prisoners have been kept behind bars. According to local sources, repeated gunfire can be heard. The lives of many prisoners are in danger.

At 9:50 PM Tehran Time, a huge explosion was heard which shook the windows of surrounding buildings. Some prisoners are on the roof of the Prison. Chants of “death to the dictator, death to Khamenei,” could be heard from inside Evin.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, called on the United Nations, the Human Rights Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the European Union to intervene immediately to prevent a massacre of Evin prisoners.

Mrs. Rajavi called on the people and the youth in Tehran to rush to aid the families who have converged on Evin Prison to help save the lives of prisoners who are facing fire and shooting by the IRGC.

Reminding a similar incident in the Lakan Prison in the city of Rasht on October 9, Mrs. Rajavi noted that at least 10 prisoners were killed because of the prison guards’ shooting and the fire, while a greater number of prisoners were wounded.

US Must Recognize Iranian’s People Right to Defend Themselves- NCRI FAC Member


In an interview with Just the News, NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee member Dr. Ali Safavi said: “The sheer violence of the regime’s security forces has failed to quell the rising tide of the uprising in Iran.”

“The protesters on the streets are saying we would rather get killed by the bullets than die by the constant harassment of this regime,” Dr. Safavi added. “Iranians are beyond the tragic death of Mahsa Amini now. They are calling for regime change. The most prevalent chant in every city in Iran is ‘Death to the dictator’ and ‘Khamenei must go’. They are also chanting “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the leader’. That means they reject any form of dictatorship in Iran, whether the previous regime or the current one. So I think it’s high time for the US administration to ensure that the Iranian people have unhindered access to the internet and are able to communicate with one another. The US administration should also make a very clear statement. It must support the right of the Iranian people to defend themselves by any means against this obvious onslaught and aggression against the defenseless people. This right has been recognized by the American Declaration of Independence as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”


Latest Updates on Saturday Uprising

The regime has enforced an almost total mobile internet blackout since Saturday morning in fear of large demonstrations among citizens of the Azari-speaking Iranians in the northwest who are outraged by regime violence against schoolgirls in Ardabil. Anger in the city of Ardabil and across Iran is palpable as the people of Ardabil are out in force raging against the brutal beatings of their children by regime security forces and some school headmasters in the service of the regime. Young protesters are blockading streets, taking down regime symbols, challenging authorities, and forcing them to flee in some locations.

Meanwhile, students across Tehran and other cities, including Tehran University, Melli, Shariati, Tarbiat Modares, Tehran Science and Technology, Punak Azad, Isfahan Fine Arts, Kermanshah, and Rasht Azad universities, staged demonstrations against faculty beholden to the regime and called for regime downfall. A general strike is held in many regions in Kurdistan province.

  • Regime plainclothes thugs (IRGC and Basij and intelligence agents) kidnap a female protester and have to pull guns and automatic rifles on bystanders who intervene.
  • Tehran – “Death to [Khamenei] for these years of crimes,” students of Shariati Technical University chant.
  • Tehran – “Imprisoned students must be freed,” students at Arts College affiliated with the Soore University chant.
  • Ardabil – “Death to the dictator,” citizens chant. Drivers honked horns in support of #IranProtests.
  • Rasht – Protesters on the streets chanting slogans against the regime.
  • Tabriz – Military helicopters continuously fly over Tabriz to control demonstrations.
  • Karaj – Flash protests against the regime are ongoing.
  • Karaj – Large poster of Qassem Soleimani is torn down in broad daylight and heavy traffic.
  • Isfahan – “Death to [Khamenei] for these years of crimes,” citizens chant in Shahinshar.
  • Mashhad – Protesters out chanting against the regime.
  • Gohardasht – Young protesters challenge regime security forces with “Death to the dictator” who shoot directly at demonstrators.

Maryam Rajavi has again backed the ongoing uprising of Iran’s young generation in Iran and called on all to rise up to establish a free and democratic republic in Iran.


Latest Updates on Iran’s Uprising on Saturday

On the 30th day of the uprising, students in 17 universities across Iran gathered and shouted slogans of “Death to the dictator” and “Death to Khamenei”. Reports from Tehran indicate that rallies found place in the Tehran University, National University, Science and Technology University, Tarbiat Modares University, Science and Culture University, Khajeh Nasir University, Allameh Tabatabai University, Sooreh University, Sciences and Research University, Art, Azad Punak University, Shariati University, as well as the Ferdowsi University in Mashhad, Azad University of Rasht, Gilan University, the University of Arts in Isfahan and Razi University of Kermanshah.


State Officials Express Their Fears on Iran Uprising

Statements from Ahmadreza Shahrokhi, the Supreme Leader’s representative in Khoramabad indicated some defections among officials in the government.

During his speech at the Friday prayer sermon, he said: “The managers’ knowledge concerning their subordinates and the ones whose qualifications they approve is unacceptable. It is unacceptable that people have been arrested who work in our administrative system and are in contact with the rioters. They also write things on the internet that provoke rioters. Hence, we need an administrative restructuring in this regard.”

MP Ahmad Rastineh Hafeshjani acknowledged that internet restrictions are the decision of the state and will continue as long as the uprising holds.

The state-run Jamaran website reported: “During 4 weeks of protests that started in Tehran and many other cities, the internet was disrupted or completely shut down in tense times. The popular WhatsApp and Instagram applications were also “filtered” and until today, there has been no clear response from the authorities regarding the lessening of the restrictions. Ahmed Rastineh, a member of the parliament’s Cultural Commission told Jamaran: ‘As long as the security issues are not resolved and peace and comfort of the people are not provided, it is possible that this situation will continue.”

According to Jamaran, the regime’s Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi has refused to give any date and time for when the internet will return to normal.

Esmail Roshantan, the Supreme Leader’s representative in Tabriz warned against MEK’s influence on Iranian youth. During his Friday prayer sermon, he said: “Don’t let them take away our children. Today is a scandalous day for those who wanted to bury the knowledge that has been awakened in the name of Islam for 43 years. The hypocrites (the regime’s phrase to slander MEK in Iran’s society) who are worse than infidels, want to defend women. Today, instead of chanting ‘woman, life, freedom’, they should be chanting ‘woman, life, awareness”. Otherwise, they would be following bad people.”


Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 30

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Saturday, October 15, 2022 – 12 PM CET

  • Days: 30th day
  • Protests: 190 cities
  • Fatalities: 400+ estimated deaths, 206 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 20,000+

One of the amazing hallmarks of current protests is the powerful presence of the high school and university students. Today as protests kick-off in Iran, Sanandaj female students, and also in Marivan, are out in the streets protesting against the regime. The regime has tried to brutally suppress school protests only to face backlash from students and parents alike as the uprising pins the general populace against the entirety of the system of the theocratic dictatorship of Ali Khamenei.

Reports emerging from Ardabil in the north indicate another atrocity carried out by the regime’s security forces against unarmed children. A social media post in Telegram from a health worker states: “The school principal forced all pupils at the school to go out on a pro-government demonstration against the recent protests without the consent of their parents or any prior notification. When the students realized what this was about, they began to shout slogans against the regime and were attacked by the school principal. The students were all girls below 16 years old. After this, the suppressive forces arrived on the scene and attacked the students with truncheons and tear gas. I am a health worker and at around 11 AM they put out an alert in the hospital many suppressive forces came to the hospital and threw everyone out except one doctor and several nurses. They brought in 21 female students who were mostly below 16 years old…”

Following the disturbing news of such savagery on the part of regime security forces, the people of Ardabil are out in the streets shouting slogans against the regime and fending off regime thugs.

  • Shahin Shahr, Isfahan – Protesters chanting: “Death to Khamenei!” referring to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
  • Rasht – Students of Islamic Azad University—Rasht Branch took to the streets to protest against the mullahs’ regime.
  • Hamedan – Locals are in the streets in large numbers and continuing the nationwide protests against the regime on the 30th day of the uprising.


Live Report: Iran’s Revolution Sees More Cities Where Protesters Confront Security Forces


Friday, October 14, marked the 29th day of relentless protests in Iran, witnessed a growing number of cities where people are taking to the streets in anti-regime demonstrations and bravely confronting the mullahs’ security forces.

Protests have spread to 190 cities across all 31 provinces of Iran. According to information obtained by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the regime has so far killed more than 400 people and arrested 20,000 others.

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A High School Girl Dies in Security Forces’ Attack


Plainclothes agents attacked Shahed High School in Ardabil on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, arrested seven students, and injured ten more, reliable sources said.

The injured were taken to the Fatemi Hospital; however, one of the girls lost her life due to internal bleeding. The Coordination Council of Teachers confirmed this report. The council said the school’s principal, Ozra Fatehi, had collaborated with the intelligence services.

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Iran’s People Continue Protests on Day 29, Challenging Regime’s Crackdown


In their struggle for freedom and justice, Iran’s people are showing a new level of courage and solidarity that have not seen before. Despite the regime’s crackdown and brutality, citizens continued protests for day 29th on October 14.

Tens of thousands have taken to the streets since Mahsa Amini’s death. The regime opposes them with violence. According to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK/PMOI), 400 protesters have already been killed, but the death toll is much higher because receiving accurate information and statistics is difficult due to the regime’s censorship and constant internet shutdown.

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Bones of Long Missing Wrestler Found in Mountains of Shiraz


The test results of human bones found at Mount Deraak in Shiraz were announced today, October 14, 2022. It has been approved that the pieces belong to the captured Iranian wrestler, Amin Bazrgar.

The wrestler and a close friend of the slain Navid Afkari, Amin Bazrgar suddenly went missing in July 2020. From that date on no one had heard anything about Amin.

Amin Bazrgar had informed his friends about Iran’s security forces threatening and tracking him. Amin had become a target for the security services because of his support for his executed friend, wrestling champion, Navid Afkari.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 14, 2022