Iran News in Brief – November 6, 2021



Saturday Protests in Iran

This morning, workers at the Shafarood Dam staged a rally in front of the governor’s office in Gilan province. While many of the workers have not received their salaries and benefits for more than 6 months and even though their employment insurance records have not been confirmed, they are still working. Despite having a long time working experience, a number of these workers have been fired for no reason and without receiving their benefits and they are now demanding their rights.

Farmers in the Bavi County held a rally, protesting the officials’ refusal to provide water for their growing wheat and cutting off the water in the orchards.

Protesting 14 months’ delay in receiving the salaries, teachers in deprived areas of East Azerbaijan province staged a rally today. By signing a petition, these teachers are protesting against discrimination and injustice, stating that their complaints have not been addressed by the regime’s General Directorate of Education.

The workers of Kut Abdullah Municipality were on strike today. They are protesting against the official’s refusal to pay their salaries that is worsening their living conditions.

A group of retired workers of the Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Company gathered in front of the building of the regime’s Employment Office in the city of Shush and demanded the amendment for paying their pension.

A number of nurses and medical staff staged a protest rally in front of the Program and Budget Organization and the regime’s parliament today.

Workers of Bandar Mahshahr Municipality staged a protest rally today to pursue their demands.

A number of employees of the Islamic Azad University in Mahshahr organized a sit-in and demanded payment of their wages. According to the protesting employees, their monthly salary has not been paid for a long time, and the university blames the lack of financial resources for this.

This morning, a group of Larestani residents appeared in front of the main building of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development in Tehran’s Argentina Square, holding placards protesting against the poor conditions of their roads that have left so many deaths.

Workers of Iran Khodro in Tabriz went on strike, protesting the delay in payment of monthly salaries and the existing discrimination against some of the workers.


Another Prisoner Executed in Southwestern Iran


The Iranian regime executed a prisoner in Zahedan prison this morning, Saturday, November 6. The prisoner is identified as Yasser Gargij, son of Nasser and a resident of the Shirabad area of Zahedan. The prisoner was transferred to the quarantine of Zahedan Central Prison two days before his execution.


State-run Newspaper Warns About the Influence of the MEK/PMOI

State-run newspaper ‘Mostaqel’ wrote today: “We need to keep in mind that if this round of negotiations does not lead to an agreement and the revival of the JCPOA, the impact of the stalemate will not remain limited to international relations, rather the immediate impact will be felt within the country. Aren’t economic crises like skyrocketing prices and unprecedented inflation the same driving force of social crises?

‘Mostaqel’ warned: “More importantly, there is an enemy that plans for the surge of social crises. Right now, the enemy, especially the Monafeqin (Arabic for hypocrites, the pejorative name used to describe the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI), who got the state entangled in the nuclear crisis, are trying to incite social discontent to cause occasional disturbances that lead to wider uprisings. Don’t we see how the Monafeqin have been infiltrating sensitive centers of the country for the past two decades and are continuously publishing military and intelligence secrets and are the main cause of the sanctions? Don’t we see that they are now spreading their destructive teams inside the country and inciting the youth to revolt and riot?”


State-run Newspaper Highlights Corruption in Raisi’s Administration

The state-run Hamedli newspaper wrote on November 6: “From the beginning, Ebrahim Raisi tried to make contact with different faces …. Now, after a few months, while his ministers are gradually filling positions in different ministries and departments, it has become clear that all those claims [about fair political appointments] were nothing but just a show.”
Hamdeli added: “For some time, family and tribal appointments have been the subject of various debates in many parts of the country. From ministries to the municipality of Tehran, personal relationships have been one of the most important causes for recruitment and appointments. This issue is now acknowledged and challenged by critics of the government as well as by supporters of the government.”
Hamdeli quoted an MP, Mohammad Saleh Jokar as saying: “Another problem caused by family appointments is the suspicion of corruption, especially in economic debates … News and various reports show that members of parliament are sending their relatives to the government in return for their support of the government, and this cycle of corruption continues.”


Health Expert Warns about New Surge of Covid-19 Cases in Iran

An Iranian state-linked health expert warns about fake statistics and the risk of a serious increase of contracting, while the sixth Covid-19 wave is waging across Iran.

According to the state-run Arman daily, Mohammadreza Mahboubfar said: “The new Covid-19 wave has started much earlier than expected. The increase in numbers of highly infected cities in Iran is worrying. Canceling remote-working in governmental and non-governmental organizations has made things worse. But the main concern of health experts is the reopening of more schools from today as well as plans for reopening other schools in the country and universities by mid-November. Now is not the right time to reopen schools and start face-to-face training. The rate of student vaccination has not been confirmed, and it is misleading to say that more than 88% of students have been vaccinated. It is hard to imagine that while at least 40% of the country’s population has not received the first dose, and yet the student vaccination rate is said to be around 90%.”


Commemorating 2019 Uprisings, Iranian Diaspora Call for Justice

Today, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held demonstrations in various cities around the world. While expressing solidarity with the people in Iran, especially family members of the martyrs of the November 1998 uprising, they demanded justice and the Iranian officials to be held to account for the bloody crackdown.


Iran: Regime Intelligence Agents Desecrate Abbas-Qoli Salehi’s Grave

A memorial ceremony was held on Thursday, November 4, 2021, for Abbas-Qoli Salehi on the fortieth day after his brutal execution, in the presence of a large and enthusiastic group of youth and others. The next day, in a cowardly act, the agents and mercenaries of the clerical regime’s Intelligence Ministry desecrated his tombstone and splashed tar on it. They also wrote graffiti around the grave, reading, “Death to the hypocrites, (pejorative name used to describe the main opposition, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI).”

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The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Friday, November 5, 2021, that the COVID-19 death in 547 cities had exceeded 470,800. In Tehran the number of victims has reached 110,405, Khorasan Razavi 38,485, Isfahan 32,110, Fars 17,305, East Azerbaijan 16,328, Lorestan 15,620, Kerman 12,532, Kermanshah 8,704, Central Province 8,593, Yazd 7,728, Semnan 6,270, North Khorasan 5,993, South Khorasan 4,066, and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad 3,474.

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Survivor Recalls Horrific Scenes of Iran’s 1988 Massacre Victims in Body Bags

Thirty-three years ago, the summer 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners across Iran went unnoticed, and only now is the world beginning to somewhat understand the brutal nature of this genocide. The mullahs’ regime ruling Iran has the distance to literally eradicate the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), considering this entity as the main threat to its rule following the 1979 revolution.

This includes sending over 30,000 political prisoners, mostly affiliated to the PMOI/MEK, to the gallows in mere months, burying their bodies in mass graves across the country, and maintaining a lid on these events to prevent any leakage of the massacre to the outside world. This demanded cutting off the prisoners from the outside world through all possible channels.

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Why Iran Claimed US Tried To Detain Tanker

Tensions between the United States and the Iranian government over nuclear issues continue as the US demands Iran to return to its commitment and the negotiating table. New tensions rise as the Pentagon rejected claims by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards that they had thwarted an attempt by the US to detain a tanker carrying Iran’s oil in the Sea of Oman.

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What Role Does IRGC Play in Today’s Iran?

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was established mainly by the Iranian regime to suppress criticism and opposition inside Iran. Originally, the IRGC was formed by men without high school education, and some with less than five years of primary school education.

They were initially members of vigilante groups working under the name of “Hezbollah”, cracking down on public gatherings of public groups after the 1978 revolution. Young men joined the IRGC for monetary rewards, and the Iranian regime would give them salaries making sure they do not have any financial problems.

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Saba Returns to Qarchak Prison Before Completing Her Medical Treatment

Saba returns to Qarchak Prison before completing her medical treatment. Saba Kord Afshari returned to Qarchak Prison on Thursday, November 4, 2021, before completing her medical treatment. Saba suffers in the stomach. Prison authorities rejected her request to extend her leave although she has completed her medical treatment.

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Political Prisoner Sentenced to Prison and Lashes in NW Iran

The Criminal Court in Tabriz, northwestern Iran sentenced a political prisoner to three months of prison and 74 lashes yesterday. According to the Human Rights News Agency, the prisoner was identified as Mohammad Mardi. Mohammad was charged with “disrupting public order”. His trial took place in his absence as he was hospitalized.

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Notoriety by Iran’s Officials

In the history of Iran after the start of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s reign in 1979, some people gained notoriety for their cruelty in the regime’s prisons. One of them was the infamous butcher Asadollah Lajevardi and the other one famous, known as a ‘bloodthirsty man,’ who was the mastermind of many of the regime’s torture practices such as the ‘cage’ and the ‘coffin’, Davood Rahmani or Haj Davood. In an article entitled “Death in Silence” the journalist of the state-run daily Ensaf News tried to explain this butcher’s record, as one of the only media who dare to speak about him.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – November 5, 2021

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