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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 5, 2021

Iran News in Brief – November 5, 2021




Another Prisoner Executed in Southwestern Iran


According to HRANA, the Iranian regime’s Judiciary executed a prisoner in Zahedan Central Prison at dawn on Thursday, November 4. The executed prisoner was identified as Javad Qaljaei, a resident of Shirabad, Zahedan. Javad Qaljaei had been in prison for two years.

Iranian Official Threatens With 60% Enriched Uranium

Behrooz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Iranian regime's Atomic Energy Organization

According to the state news agency ILNA, Behrooz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Iranian regime’s Atomic Energy Organization said: “Our reserves of enriched uranium with 20 percent purity has exceeded 210 kilometers and our 60 percent enriched uranium reserves has reached 25 kilograms. No country can produce 60 percent enriched uranium, except those with nuclear weapons.”

Villagers in Northern Iran Clashed With Municipal Forces over Their Lands

مقاومت و درگیری مردم شهرک امام حسین در شهرک امام حسین در گلستان

The people of Imam Hossein town in Golestan province clashed with a group of municipal agents who had come to confiscate their lands. The state forces faced resistance from the locals and as such, some of the locals were arrested in this confrontation.


A Poor Freight Carrier Killed in Iranian Kurdistan Province

FILE PHOTO; kulbar

According to HRANA website, state security forces shot and killed a deprived ‘kulbar’ (freight carrier) in the border areas of Baneh on Thursday, November 4. The victim was identified as Mohammad Khodaei Kani Seif, 28 years old, the son of Baghi and a resident of Kani Seif village, Kurdistan Province. Security forces fired four bullets at his waist and killed Mohammad. His body was transferred to Salahuddin Ayoubi Hospital in Baneh and has not been delivered to his family yet.

Heavy Rainfall and Flooding in Seven Iranian Provinces

During the last 48 hours, seven provinces of the country, namely West Azerbaijan, Zanjan, Qom, Kurdistan, Lorestan, Khorasan Razavi, and Mazandaran, were affected by heavy rainfall, which has led to serious flooding.

A market in Isfahan, Central Iran

وضعیت بازار زرگرهای اصفهان پس از بارش های امروز

Inflation is Robbing Food from Iranian Tables

Over 60 million people across of Iran’s 85 million population are living in poverty (1)

In a report on Thursday, the Living Wage Committee of the Islamic Councils announced the rate of a household disposable income (HDI) at 11 million and 479 thousand tomans. According to state news agency ILNA, the percentage of wage coverage in October reached 35.36 percent, which means that the minimum wage covers less than 40 percent of the cost of households and only suffices for 10.6 days a month, in case a standard family can afford one warm meal per day.

In an interview with ILNA news agency on November 5, Majid Reza Hariri, Chairman of the Iran-China Chamber of Commerce said: “A major part of Iran’s economy relies on oil sales. An oil-addicted economy cannot be cut off quickly… Today, we are at the most dangerous historical point of inflation in the last 4 decades. If we bypass these stages of 50% or 60% inflation, it becomes increasingly difficult to control and can lead to hyperinflation.


A Regime That Can’t Stand the Death

شکستن سنگ مزار عباسقلی صالحی پس از مراسم چهلم در گلزار شهدای یزدانشهر اصفهان

In the aftermath of the popular commemoration ceremony of Abbas Gholi Salehi in Yazdanshahr, Isfahan, which was held yesterday, unknown forces close to the state poured bitumen on his grave of destroyed the gravestone. These forces used graffiti, writing “death to the hypocrites”, which is the Iranian regime’s acronym for the People’s Mojahedin Organization (PMOI/MEK).


Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities Exceed 470,300

Infographic-PMOI-MEK reports over 467,300 coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in Iran

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Thursday, November 4, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities had exceeded 470,300. In Tehran at least 110,255 have lost their lives to COVID-19, in Khorasan Razavi 38,445, Isfahan 32,060, Khuzestan 28,775, West Azerbaijan 17,498, Fars 17,270, Mazandaran 17,240, Gilan 16,390, Alborz 13,878, Golestan 10,350, Hamedan 8,758, Kurdistan 7,612, Bushehr 5,254, and Ilam 4,488.

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Italian Senate Conference: Iran, Human Rights, Justice, and the Role of the International Community


I salute and extend my gratitude to you for defending the human rights of the Iranian people. This conference is being held in sensitive circumstances.
With its belligerent policies and efforts to export fundamentalism and terrorism, Iran’s ruling regime is today the epicenter of war and insecurity in the Middle East.
It is a threat to global security because of its insistence on expanding its ballistic missile program and dangerous nuclear weapons project.
It poses an omnipresent threat to European communities because it is actively plotting terrorist operations in Europe.

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Privatization in Iran, a Tool for Plundering the Country’s Capital

How privatization of major companies is destroying Iran’s economy

The privatization of state-owned industries and economic enterprises in Iran has been one of the levers through which government-linked institutions, such as the Revolutionary Guards(IRGC), the Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam (SETAD), Bonyad Mostazafan (Foundation of the Oppressed), Shahid Foundation (Martyr Foundation), and so on, have taken over state-owned economic institutions for a small price.

The SETAD’s influence and domination over the Iranian economy surpasses even that of the IRGC. It is the most assertive of the so-called “non-government public sector” companies when it comes to the confiscation of assets.

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Iran’s Regime Increases Human Rights Violations To Balance Its Weakness


Every day that the Iranian regime is getting weaker because of the crisis over its nuclear project, which it is unable to solve, it balances this increasing weakness with new cases of human rights violations, according to Iran experts.

The regime knows very well that the people are feeling this weakness, therefore it is forced to increase torture and executions. Seeing these actions as preventive measures, it hopes to overcome this situation by controlling the people’s increasing fury which is a result of hunger, poverty, and other social crises.

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Tehran Court Issues Death Sentence for Kamran Rezaeifar


The Revolutionary Court of Tehran, Branch 28, issued a death sentence for Kamran Rezaeifar, 56, charged with Moharebeh, or waging war on God, for supporting the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Agents of the Intelligence Ministry arrested Kamran Rezaeifar in January 2020. They took Mr. Rezaeifar to wards 240 and 209 of Evin to conduct their interrogations. In order to extract forced confessions from him, they kept him for 77 days in solitary confinement under psychological and physical torture.

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Security Forces Arrest Gohar Eshghi and Her Daughter, Sahar Beheshti


Security forces arrested Gohar Eshghi and her daughter, Sahar Beheshti, on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. Gohar Eshghi and Sahar Beheshti are the mother and sister of Sattar Beheshti, a dissident web blogger killed under torture on November 4, 2012. The Sattar Beheshti Foundation had invited Gohar Eshghi and her daughter, Sahar Beheshti, as well as the mothers of the victims of the November 2019 uprising, and a number of civil activists to commemorate their loved ones in a ceremony on November 4.

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Political Prisoner Mehran Qarebaghi Develops Heart Condition, Faces New Charges


Political prisoner Mehran Qarebaghi has developed a heart condition in the Prison of Behbahan, in the southwestern Khuzestan Province. Mehran Qarehbaghi is in dire heath conditions. The Intelligence Ministry has filed a news case against political prisoner Mehran Qarebaghi, accusing him of propaganda against the state and in favor of the opposition PMOI/MEK while in prison. Mohammad Hossein Ansarifar is also accused in this case on similar charges. A reliable source says Mehran Qarebaghi has developed a heart condition due to stress and all the pressures he endures in prison.

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Man Sets Fire to Wife for Being Pregnant With Sixth Daughter, in Northwestern Iran


A man set fire to his pregnant wife a few days ago after their sixth child was revealed as a girl in an ultrasound appointment, in a village in Maku, northwestern Iran. According to local reports, the woman was identified as Fatemeh Rasouli, the mother of five girls, who was pregnant with her sixth daughter. Fatemeh was transferred to a hospital in Urmia but passed away due to the severity of her burns.

Her husband was arrested following the death of his wife but was later released following claims by local officials that Fatemeh self-immolated. According to the state-run IRNA News Agency, the Governor of Maku and the Head of the Security Council said the woman had self-immolated because of a “family argument”. Ali Mohammadi Irvanlu, the Maku Governor, said the Maku Health Manager had announced that she was not pregnant.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – November 4, 2021
