Iran News in Brief – November 23, 2020

Ardakan is the capital city of Ardakan County, Yazd Province, Iran. The coronavirus death toll in Yazd Province has reached 2,862
View of an old building in Ardakan city in Yazd Province, Iran. The coronavirus death toll in Yazd Province has reached 2,862



Íngrid Betancourt: Iranian youths join MEK for regime change

Íngrid Betancourt

Íngrid Betancourt, former Colombian senator and presidential candidate, virtually attended an online conference, marking the first anniversary of the November 2019 uprising. The event hosted by the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) homaged the Iranian people’s sacrifices for a free and democratic Iran.

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New Strikes Against Iran-Backed Militias in Syria

Attacks in Syria (file photo)

On November 18, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported air raids against Iran-backed militias in Syria. According to the Observatory, five members from the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force (QF) and two Lebanese or Iraqi Shiite militiamen were among casualties.

Political analysts believe recent attacks were precise in sending a public message about Iranian involvement in Syria. In such circumstances, Iranian authorities consider U.S. political developments as a window to heighten their influence in the region, particularly in Syria. However, these bombardments show that they might have miscalculated.

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Razing homes of women heads of households turns into common practice

Despite the Coronavirus pandemic, unemployment and financial straits of impoverished people, razing homes of women heads of households had turned into a common practice by municipalities in various parts of Iran.

Agents of the municipality of the city of Fasa razed homes of people in the suburb of this city. Fasa is located in the province of Fars in southern Iran.

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Iranian internet activists Mahan Jalaldust & Mehrdad Garivani were arrested by IRGC


Violence Against Women in Iran state-sponsored and institutionalized

State-sponsored violence against women in Iran is on the rise, despite the 24-hour news cycle, the prevalence of social media, and ongoing protests and activism. In fact, the clerical regime perpetuates and systematically promotes physical, mental, economic, and political violence against women and girls.

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Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 465 Cities Surpass 164,000

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Sunday, November 22, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 465 cities across Iran had exceeded 164,000. The number of victims in Tehran is 40,391, Khorasan Razavi 11,850, Isfahan 9,275, Lorestan 6,840, Qom 6,660, Mazandaran 6,532,East Azerbaijan 6294, West Azerbaijan 5,733, Fars 4,507, Alborz 4,410, Central Province 3,168,Kurdistan 2,941, Kerman 2,934, Yazd 2,862, Ardabil 1,820, Qazvin 1,688, Ilam 1,605, and Zanjan 1,560.

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Iran: A world championship medalist in wrestling works as a street peddler to earn a living


Security forces raid up to 50 Bahai homes in 4 Iran provinces

Security forces raided the homes of 30-50 Bahai citizens in at least 4 provinces today and confiscated their personal belongings.

According to the Human Rights News Agency, the houses searched were in Tehran, Alborz near the capital, Isfahan in central, and the northern province of Mazandaran. Some of the personal belongings of the Bahais including laptops, smartphones, personal computers, and religious books were confiscated.

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Iran News in Brief, November 23, 2020




Monday, November 23, 2020, marks the 367th day since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified 828 of the more than 1500 protesters killed by the regime so far.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has called on the United Nations to urgently send an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons to meet with the detainees.


Number of uprising cities: 191

Number of martyrs: At least 1500

Number of injured: More than 4,000

Number of detainees: More than 12,000

Read moreIran News in Brief – November 22, 2020

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