Iran News in Brief – November 10, 2021

Iran MEK Supporters Commemorate the November Uprising in 18 Cities in Europe
Iran MEK Supporters Commemorate the November Uprising in 18 Cities in Europe, North America, and Australia



Some Iranians Can Only Afford Half of A Meal

State-run website Eqtesad24 wrote: “Due to the high cost of food, people have shrunk their meals, so they can at least still their hunger. According to a restaurant owner, a worker who is supposed to support his family with a salary of 4 million tomans, can no longer afford to buy a full meal and they rather buy half of a meal.

Iran’s Prisons Are Cultivating Crime, MP Admits

Jalil Rahimi Jahanabadi, a member of the Iranian regime’s parliament said today: “Our prisons are not correctional facilities, rather they are criminal facilities. We have about 250 thousand prisoners but our prisons neither have classifications, nor education, nor facilities for correction.”

While addressing other MPs in the parliament, he added: “Four years ago, I was a member of the Judicial Commission. Once I went to Evin prison, and once I visited a prison in the county. I swear to God, when you see the circumstances in those prisons, you’ll suffer from the mental side effects for a month.”


Wednesday Protests in Iran

Reports from inside Iran indicate several gatherings and protests in Tehran, Isfahan, and Khorasan Razavi Province.

Today, farmers in Isfahan resumed their gathering for the third consecutive day. Protesting the state officials’ negligence to address the water problem, they also spent the last night setting up tents at the Zayandehrood river bed.

Workers of Iran Khodro Khorasan Company went on strike inside the factory. Four thousand workers of the company are protesting against forced overtime hours and low wages.

Today, a group of landowners in Estalak, east of Tehran, whose lands have been confiscated by Imran Pardis Company, staged a rally in front of the regime’s Ministry of Roads and Urban Development to protest against the officials’ inaction to address their complaints.

Retired telecommunication workers in Tehran held a protest rally to claim their demands.


The Cry for Justice Continues to Echo in Stockholm

Today, while the Swedish Court was held in Albania, hearing one of the plaintiffs of Hamid Noury, a perpetrator of the 1988 massacre, Iranians, and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization (PMOI/MEK) in Stockholm demonstrated in front of the Stockholm courthouse and chanted slogans in support of the justice movement.


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Iran: MEK Supporters Commemorate the November Uprising in 18 Cities in Europe, North America, and Australia

On the eve of the second anniversary of the November 2019 uprising in Iran, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, November 5-7, 2021, Iranians, supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) in 18 cities around the world in Europe, North America, and Australia held demonstrations and rallies to honor the 1,500 martyrs of the November uprising. The protesters called on the United Nations, European, and American governments to bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice.

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Tehran Throws a Wrench in Nuclear Talks With Excessive Demands

After months of playing for time, Iran’s regime has agreed on a date to resume nuclear talks in Vienna: November 29. The date is opportunely set a few days after a scheduled series of sessions by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the nuclear watchdog of the United Nations. The regime is thus implicitly forcing the Board of Governors to avoid passing a resolution against the belligerent flouting of its commitments to avoid disrupting upcoming negotiations.

And to make things even more complicated, the regime has declared another set of demands that would give it a free pass to continue pursuing nuclear weapons and wreak havoc across the Middle East region.

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Iran Bans Newspaper for Linking Khamenei to Poverty

Iran’s judiciary banned a newspaper for publishing a graphic of Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei’s hand drawing the line of poverty. According to the state-run YJC website, the judiciary banned the Kelid newspaper’s permit yesterday. The picture printed on its first page showed a graphic resembling Khamenei’s hand drawing a red line (the line of poverty) and the people under it, and a carton of foodstuff above it, with the title “Millions of Iranian families are under the line of poverty”.

The Kelid newspaper was formed in April 2015 by Attaollah Hakimipour as the Manager and Mansour Bitaraf as the Chief Editor.

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IRGC Detain Group for “Anti-revolutionary” Activities on Social Media in Central Iran

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) detained a group of Iranians for “anti-revolutionary” activities in Isfahan, central Iran. According to the state-run IRNA News Agency, the Head of the IRGC Public Relations Office said the group detained was “anti-revolutionary” and claimed the members of the group intended to take measures against the people’s security through social media channels and on the ground.

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A Female Textile Worker Dies When a Spinning Machine Pulls in Her Head

A female textile worker lost her life when a spinning machine pulled in her head. Marzieh Taherian was working with a ring-spinning machine in the Kavir Semnan Textile Factory when this horrendous accident happened on November 6, 2021. The factory is located in the Industrial Township of Semnan, in east-central Iran. Marzieh Taherian was only 21 years old. Her fellow workers said initially her head covering was stuck in the machine, but immediately afterward her head was also pulled in.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – November 9, 2021

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