Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran News in Brief – December 30, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 10:00 PM CET Amnesty International Mohammad Hassan Rezaiee is hours away from execution UPDATE: 2:30...

Iran News in Brief – December 29, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 4:00 PM CET Tehran Health workers at Iran's Medical Sciences Universities gathered outside the...
Iran, people walking on a street of the city of Sanandaj. The Iranian Judiciary hanged a woman yesterday in the Central Prison of Sanandaj.

Iran News in Brief – December 28, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 4:30 PM CET Iran - Grafitti on public walls "While the world is vaccinated,...
The Central Prison of Urmia, where political prisoner Shaker Behrouz is presently detained. The First Branch of the Penal Court of Urmia issued the second death sentence on Saturday, December 26, for him.

Iran News in Brief – December 27, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 4:30 PM CET The health of Hashem Khastar a teacher detained in Mashhad Prison,...
Iran, 2017–2018 uprising

Iran News in Brief – December 26, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 3:00 PM CET Two orphan children live in a ditch near Koohdasht River in...

Iran News in Brief – December 25, 2020

Maryam Rajavi Jesus Christ, the Harbinger of Justice and the Eternal Beacon of Hope for the Salvation of Humanity Christmas Message Fellow Christian compatriots, Followers of Jesus Christ...

Iran News in Brief – December 24, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 6:00 PM CET Maryam Rajavi Jesus Christ, the harbinger of justice and the eternal...
With the Coronavirus outbreak, many families have suffered additional economic and social harm. Women heads of household often must leave their homes, regardless of conditions, to earn an income.

Iran News in Brief – December 23, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 5:30 PM CET Washington Free Beacon: Illicit Iranian Oil Shipment Shut Down at...

Iran News in Brief – December 22, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 5:30 PM CET Comment Central: Iran's reckless state terrorism may mean closing its London...

Iran News in Brief – December 21, 2020

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 8:30 PM CET eureporter: How low can the EU go? Unacceptable, unjust, appalling, barbaric,...