Iran News in Brief – September 9, 2023

iranian resistance activism 08092023



A Shameful Betrayal of EU Law and Justice

The shameful humiliation of European justice was broadcast recently on the Iranian regime’s state-controlled media. President Ebrahim Raisi, dubbed ‘The Butcher of Tehran,’ visited the home of the convicted bomb-carrying diplomat, Assadollah Assadi, and honored him as a national hero. Assadi was a senior officer of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) who functioned under the guise of a registered diplomat in the embassy in Austria. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison by a Belgium court, for the crime of directing the bombing of an Iranian opposition rally in Paris in June 2018.

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Analysis of IAEA Iran Verification and Monitoring Report – September 2023

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has raised serious concerns regarding Iran’s compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and its monitoring challenges, according to its quarterly report dated September 4, 2023.

The Institute for Science and International Security has highlighted the following from IAEA’s report: “One major issue highlighted is the absence of monitoring and surveillance equipment, particularly since June 2022, which has led the IAEA to question its ability to verify Iran’s activities related to advanced centrifuges. There is a risk that Iran may secretly accumulate advanced centrifuges, potentially for clandestine enrichment plants, creating uncertainty about their production sites.

Additionally, Iran’s refusal to implement the non-voluntary Modified Code 3.1 to its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) raises doubts about its willingness to report the construction of new enrichment facilities promptly. The IAEA has noted Iran’s construction of a deeply buried facility near Natanz, potentially for a new enrichment plant.

The IAEA’s ability to provide assurance of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program has been significantly hindered by Iran’s removal of surveillance and monitoring equipment.

Concerns also mount over Iran’s installation of advanced centrifuges at an undeclared site, particularly as its 60 percent highly enriched uranium (HEU) stocks grow. This could potentially facilitate rapid enrichment to weapon-grade HEU.

Furthermore, discussions between Iran and the IAEA in August failed to address remaining questions about undeclared nuclear activities and materials at two sites, indicating Iran’s lack of cooperation.

Combined with unresolved safeguards violations, these challenges severely reduce the IAEA’s ability to monitor Iran’s complex nuclear program with unresolved nuclear weapons dimensions and detect potential diversions to undeclared facilities.”

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Justice Department Announces First Criminal Resolution Involving the Illicit Sale and Transport of Iranian Oil in Violation of U.S. Sanctions

The Justice Department announced today the successful disruption of a multimillion-dollar shipment of crude oil by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a designated foreign terrorist organization, that was bound for another country. This is the first-ever criminal resolution involving a company that violated sanctions by facilitating the illicit sale and transport of Iranian oil and comes in concert with a successful seizure of over 980,000 barrels of contraband crude oil. According to court documents, on April 19, Suez Rajan Limited pleaded guilty to conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). On that same date, the company was sentenced by U.S. District Court Judge Carl J. Nichols for the District of Columbia to three years of corporate probation and a fine of almost $2.5 million.

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Maryam Rajavi: The Regime’s Atrocities Will Not Deter Our People in Their Quest for Freedom

Thursday, September 7, 2023, a conference entitled, “Iran nationwide uprising, one year after,” was held featuring Congressman Randy Weber, a member of the US House of Representatives, Senator Gerry Horkan from Ireland, and Mr. Jim Higgins, former Minister and Vice President of the Irish Delegation to the European Parliament. Maryam Rajavi opened the conference by welcoming the participating dignitaries and said: “The Iranian Resistance and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) have over half a century of experience in fighting for freedom against two dictatorships of the Shah and the clerical regime. Today, the prospects of overthrowing the regime and establishing a free and democratic republic in Iran shine brighter today than ever. We are getting close to September 16, the start of the nationwide uprising in Iran.”

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Resistance Units Inside Iran Mark the Anniversary of the Founding of PMOI

As the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) marked the 58th anniversary of its founding on Wednesday, Resistance Units, the network of PMOI activists inside Iran, celebrated the event by projecting images of the organization’s leaders, founders, and emblem in different cities across Iran. In Tehran, Resistance Units projected a large image of PMOI co-founder Mohammad Hanifnejad at the Imam Ali Highway, Shabazi Street. Also in Tehran, an image of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi was projected in Abbas Abad Highway, Gol-e Nabi Street. In Zanjan, a large image of all three PMOI founders, including Hanifnejad, Saeid Mohsen, and Asghar Badizadegan in Keshavarz Boulevard. Also in Zanjan, a large image of the PMOI emblem was projected on Mehr Boulevard.

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The Consequences of Raisi’s Empty Claims and Promises

Ebrahim Raisi came to office more than two years ago with promises that were impossible to fulfill by his government. Regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei was trying to close any gap at the top of the regime to prepare himself to suppress any protest, which is why he appointed Raisi as president. Raisi is entering the third year of his presidency while the living conditions of the people are declining daily due to his predatory policies. It is possible to estimate people’s living conditions with several indicators, such as per capita income, inflation, unemployment, poverty, human development index, and so on.

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A Closer Look At The Frequent Visits of Iran’s Foreign Minister to Syria

The Fars state news agency recently reported on Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s, visit to Damascus, stating that he undertook the trip to bolster regional and neighborly relations and expedite the implementation of agreements made between the two countries’ presidents. Amir-Abdollahian emphasized Iran’s commitment to stability, peace, and the preservation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. This visit marks the seventh time Amir-Abdollahian has traveled to Syria, and its purpose is not concealed. Rather, it is to quell the Syrian people’s aspirations. After enduring a brutal suppression by the Iranian regime, which resulted in the tragic loss of countless innocent lives, including women and children, the Syrian people have once again risen to demand their rights.

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Iran regime’s Foreign Minister Strengthens Ties with Lebanese and Palestinian Militias Amidst Rising Tensions

Iran regime’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, recently concluded his fifth visit to Lebanon in just two years. During this visit, he engaged in discussions with leaders of Lebanese and Palestinian militia groups that maintain affiliations with the Iranian regime. This diplomatic activity occurs in the backdrop of Iran’s proxy conflict with Israel. It’s noteworthy that Iran has been attempting to ease tensions with the United States in recent months, which has resulted in agreements such as the release of blocked funds in Iraq and South Korea. The genesis of this proxy war can be traced back to the Israeli protests that commenced several months ago, catalyzed by proposed judicial reforms. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, perceived these developments as being ‘against Netanyahu,’ which set the stage for the regime’s decision to intensify its proxy war against Israel.

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Iran’s Ongoing Literacy Crisis: Women and Girls Left Behind

On International Literacy Day, celebrated each year on September 8th, the world comes together to recognize achievements in literacy and to address persistent challenges. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals emphasize universal access to quality education, with particular attention to literacy and numeracy. Unfortunately, in Iran, basic literacy remains an elusive goal for many, especially women and girls.

The former Minister of Education in Ebrahim Raisi’s government suggests that there are around “9 million absolute illiterates” in Iran today, constituting over 10% of the population. Furthermore, the former Minister highlights a significant number of children deprived of education, with over 160,000 children currently lacking access to education across three levels.

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Ayda Rostami

Ayda Rostami was born on July 16, 1986, in Gorgan, northern Iran. She lost her father when she was ten, but by working hard and overcoming life’s problems, she could be accepted into medical school and become a doctor. She volunteered to treat the injured and people in need in many instances, including during the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated the western province of Kermanshah. During Iran’s 2022 protests, 36-year-old doctor Ayda Rostami went to the western areas of Tehran and Ekbatan township to voluntarily treat those wounded by security forces.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 8, 2023

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