Iran News in Brief – September 6, 2023

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Record-Breaking Taxation from the Disadvantaged and Tax Exemptions for Supreme Leader’s Institutions

On September 5, the state-run website Khabar Online published an article that exposed the grave and systemic discrimination in society under the rule of the clerical dictatorship.

Drawing parallels with the previous monarchial rule that was subservient to the Russians and the Britons in the previous century, the source wrote, “Some experts have drawn comparisons between the new tax system and the Qajar-era financial system. These comparisons highlight a significant appetite within the country’s financial system to expand income-generating tariffs for the government, regardless of the less-than-ideal state of the economy. This is happening despite the fact that, according to the law, institutions like the Astan Quds Razavi, the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh, the Shah Cheragh Shrine, the Fifteenth of Khordad Foundation, the Mostazafan Foundation, the Revolutionary Housing Foundation, the Executive Headquarters of the Imam’s Decree (EIKO), the Kowsar Economic Organization, the Alavi Foundation, and dozens of other organizations and institutions that collectively control over 30% of the country’s economy are exempt from paying taxes.”

Mohammad Reza Najafi Manesh, the head of the Business Commission of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, stated, “Iran has achieved the top rank in regional taxation and is among the highest-ranking countries globally in tax collection.”

Unidentified Drone Targets House Used to Store Weapons by Iranian-Backed Militias in Neighborhood in Deir Ezzor City

Deir Ezzor province: An explosion was heard at 2:45 after midnight on Monday-Tuesday in Deir Ezzor city, as a result of an attack by an unidentified drone targeted a house was used to store weapons by Iranian-backed militias in the Al-Amal neighborhood in Deir Ezzor city. The attack completely destroyed the house, and the ambulances rushed to the site of the attack, but no casualties have been reported yet. It is worth noting that it is unknown if the drone is Israeli or affiliated with the International Coalition. On March 24, Reliable SOHR sources reported that unidentified aircraft attacked an ammunition warehouse in the “grain centre” and “rural development centre” opposite the “Officers Residences” in the Harabesh neighborhood in Deir Ezzor City. Also, SOHR activists reported hearing explosions in Al-Jafra village, near Deir Ezzor city.

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Funeral of Slain Political Prisoner Attracts Large Crowds

On Monday, September 4, honoring the seventh-day commemoration ceremony for Javad Rouhi, a political prisoner who was killed in prison, was held in the village of Kalikan. The ceremony was attended by a large crowd of people, including those who had been detained during the 2022 nationwide uprising in Iran.

Javad Rouhi, a 35-year-old resident of Amol, was arrested in November 2022 and subjected to brutal torture while in the custody of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Due to severe torture, he lost his ability to speak. He was unjustly charged with fabricated allegations of “spreading corruption on Earth and waging war against God,” leading to a triple death sentence. However, due to both domestic and international protests, the regime was unable to carry out this sentence.

On January 10, the clerical regime’s Judiciary, notorious for systemic human rights violations and mass executions, claimed, “Javad Rouhi was the leader of a group of rioters and individuals present at the gathering, inciting and encouraging citizens to engage in turmoil.”

The Judiciary reported the death of Javad Rouhi in the Noshahr Prison on Thursday, August 31.


Zahedan, Iran Tops Global Charts for Internet Disruptions in 2023

A statistical report from an organization actively involved in monitoring and providing open internet access has highlighted a concerning trend: Zahedan, the capital of Sistan and Baluchestan Province in Iran, has experienced the highest level of internet disruptions in the first half of 2023.

This report, recently released by Surfshark, indicates that Iran faced 14 instances of internet restrictions, significant disruptions, and deliberate outages during the first six months of this year. Notably, all of these incidents occurred in Zahedan and coincided with Friday prayers and subsequent protest marches.

Looking at the data collected from 196 different countries, it becomes evident that a total of 42 internet disruptions were recorded in the first half of 2023. Alarmingly, Iran accounted for one-third of these disruptions, solidifying its position as the global leader in internet restrictions.


Maryam Rajavi Meets Dominique Attias, Chair of the Board of Directors of the European Lawyers Federation

On Monday, September 4, 2023, Maryam Rajavi met with Ms. Dominique Attias, Chair of the Board of Directors of the European Lawyers Foundation (ELF). Ms. Attias, formerly the Vice-Bâtonnière of Paris and the President of the European Law Society Federation, commended the brilliant role of women in the Iranian Resistance which is the result of the movement’s 40-year-struggle against the misogynistic regime ruling Iran. Maryam Rajavi expressed her gratitude for the unwavering support extended by Ms. Attias to the Iranian people’s Resistance against religious fascism and her dedication to the Iranian women’s ongoing struggle for freedom and equality. Mrs. Rajavi said: The mullahs’ inhuman and misogynistic regime is employing all available means to deploy its repressive apparatus and spread disinformation. Their aim is to impose restrictions on the Iranian Resistance and hinder the progress of the Iranian people’s uprisings and resistance in their quest for freedom.

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Iran: Retirees Hold Three Days of Protests Against Regime Policies

Retirees and pensioners of different sectors in Iran held protest rallies in dozens of cities from Sunday to Tuesday to protest the deteriorating conditions of their lives and the regime’s destructive policies. These protests have been continuing as the regime continues to disregard the plight of the retirees. On Sunday, the retirees of the Social Security Organization held their weekly rallies in several cities, demanding higher pensions and other basic needs. In Kermanshah, the protesters were chanting, “The ‘loyal’ government has caused the price hike!” referring to the government of Ebrahim Raisi, whose president and cabinet members have been handpicked for their loyalty to regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei.

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The Corruption and Plunder of Endowments in Iran

Endowments, known as “waqf” in Islamic tradition, have a noble purpose rooted in making private property available for public benefit, aiming to alleviate societal poverty. However, the transformation of this concept into a breeding ground for corruption and exploitation in Iran underlines a significant departure from its original intent. This article delves into the historical trajectory of endowments in Iran and examines how they have become entangled in a web of government control, ultimately facilitating corruption and looting. The history of endowments in Iran dates back centuries, with some historians tracing its roots to the Samanid era. Notably, during the Constitutional Revolution, a significant organizational structure emerged to oversee mosques and endowment properties. Subsequent changes in political power dynamics led to further reconfigurations, with the establishment of the ‘Ministry of Education, Endowments, and Fine Arts Industries during the Shah’s dictatorship.

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Azam Gholami Was Sentenced to 16 Years of Imprisonment at the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad

On Monday, September 4, 2023, Azam Gholami Zahab, a resident of Mashhad and one of the detainees of the nationwide uprising, was sentenced to 16 years and 4 months of imprisonment by Judge Hossein Yazdankhah from Branch 5 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad. She has been charged with “gathering and collusion with the intent to disrupt national security,” “anti-regime propaganda activities,” and “arson and communication with the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization.” According to the court reports, her case was heard on August 23, 2023. Judge Hassan Yazdankhah did not allow Ms. Gholami’s lawyer to attend the court session. Ms. Azam Gholami Zahab, a 35-year-old resident of Mashhad, was arrested in front of her home in Qasemabad, Mashhad, in October 2022 and was transferred to the quarantine of Vakilabad Prison.

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The Corruption Crisis in Iran in 2023: Unveiling the Regime’s Ill-Gotten Wealth and Its Devastating Impact

In a world of stark contradictions, one of the most glaring examples can be found in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranian leaders and officials have long preached the values of simplicity to the people, yet their own lives are marked by extravagance. Behind the façade of modesty, they reside in opulent palaces, surrounded by layers of servants and bodyguards, and travel in bullet-proof vehicles with convoys of escorts. They even send their own family members abroad under various guises, all while urging the public to embrace a simple life. The Iranian government’s hypocrisy is not lost on the people. It raises questions about their responsibility, accountability, and truthfulness. It appears that their true religion is the accumulation of wealth and the pursuit of power, with insatiable desires that know no bounds.

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While Critics Urge More Pressure over Hostage-Taking, Tehran Sees New Opportunities

Recently a US State Department official met with the family of an Iranian-German dual national, signaling a possible expansion of ongoing American efforts to secure the release of hostages from the Iranian regime. The meeting was preceded by weeks of international discussion and debate over a prisoner exchange agreement that is currently pending, which could see five American citizens released from Iranian custody in exchange for at least four Iranian plus six billion dollars worth of Iranian financial assets that have been frozen in South Korea. Various enemies of the Iranian regime and critics of US policy toward that regime have voiced opposition to that agreement in its current form, with many arguing that the financial component comprises a “ransom” payment that could help to finance more malign activities by the Iranian regime, including crackdowns on dissent which have accelerated in the wake of that nationwide uprising sparked last year by Mahsa Amini’s death at the hands of “morality police.”

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Copenhagen, Denmark—September 2, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Support of the Iran Revolution

Copenhagen, Denmark—September 2, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iran Revolution. They also expressed strong support for the MEK leadership.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 5, 2023

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