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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – September 4, 2022

Iran News in Brief – September 4, 2022




“Eat Insects If You Lack Money”- Iranian Regime’s News Agency


Criticizing the latest talking points by the IRIB news agency, affiliated with the state TV and radio stations, the Hamdeli newspaper warned about the declining state of society.

In an article titled “Eat Insects If You Lack Money”, Hamdeli daily wrote  today: “IRIB news agency’s advertising about the benefits of palatable insects as an alternative to protein items has been accompanied by many reactions and criticisms in the past days. Although later, this article was removed from the news agency’s page, we have seen similar news in which the benefits of locusts as a special food have been discussed before. Also, in one of the TV programs, an expert put forward a controversial suggestion by saying people should only eat rice and forget about eating fruit. While the last few years have brought a soar in prices of many basic items, especially red meat, which is a protein-rich food and valuable for people’s health, has been removed or significantly reduced on the tables of many Iranians. Some economic policies have been implemented to affect the food basket and living conditions of a part of Iranian society in different periods. According to the surveys, an Iranian household must spend at least 5 million tomans a month to have a healthy diet. An expense that seems to be beyond the means of many low-income Iranian families.”


Tehran Must Withdraw from NPT, Khamenei’s Mouthpiece Chief Threatens


Following Washington expressing its frustration over the Iranian regime’s response to Europe’s proposal on how to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, Kayhan daily’s editor-in-chief, whose editorial guidelines are directed by the regime’s Supreme Leader’s office, urged Tehran should withdraw from the NPT to push the West for more concessions and accept the regime’s terms at all costs.

“From this point of view, the negotiation to lift the sanctions is futile, and we can boldly say that these negotiations are leading to nowhere,” Hossein Shariatmadari told the IRGC-run Fars news agency today. “Our country’s 20-year nuclear problem with the United States and Europe clearly shows that the opponent is not worried about the production of nuclear weapons by Iran, but uses it as an excuse for sanctions, and since economic sanctions are almost the only remaining leverage for the US to confront the Islamic Iran, it will never give up on that.”

Asked what he considers a solution for his regime, Shariatmadari answered: “Withdrawal from the NPT. We are not seeking to produce nuclear weapons, but the agency’s most pressure is focused on Iran, and at the same time, India, Pakistan, and North Korea have nuclear weapons and are not members of the NPT.”


Nuclear Limbo Continues as Iran’s Regime Enriches More Uranium

iran-nuclear-talks-viennaThere was a recent increase in hopes among certain western governments and circles that the Iran nuclear deal was about to be finalized. European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, the coordinator of the ongoing talks between world powers and the mullahs’ regime, believed we were witnessing the last millimeters, describing responses from both Washington and Tehran as reasonable and logical. Inside Iran, optimism about reaching a deal had peaked, only to see the fruitless process continue and the Iranian regime raising even more demands.

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Political Prisoner Forough Taghipour Not Sent to Hospital Despite Critical Conditions


Political prisoner Forough Taghipour was not sent to the hospital on August 30, 2022, as she opposed being hand and foot cuffed during her transfer.

Political prisoner Forough Taghipour was supposed to be sent to the hospital due to her poor physical and GI condition. But she disagreed with being handcuffed and shackled. For this reason, the Evin prison authorities wasted several hours during which they harassed her, finally preventing her from going to the hospital and returning her to the prison ward.

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Tehran Perceives Executions as a Means of Power


In his report addressing the United Nations General Assembly on August 31, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his concerns over the increasing number of executions in Iran. He declared that at least 333 inmates were hanged in 2021, including 17 women and three juvenile offenders, compared to 267 in 2020.

Guterres also said the Iranian regime is responsible for 60 percent of executions in the Middle East and North Africa. Reports indicate this number is on the rise, and the regime has executed at least 105 prisoners in 2022’s first quarter.

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Iranian Activists Confirm the Execution of Child Offender


Iranian activists confirmed that Mohammad Hossein Alizadeh, a man recently executed in Iran was a minor at the time he was charged with committing a crime.

Halvash news website, which covers the news of the Baluch ethnic minority in Iran, published the pictures of Mr. Alizadeh’s prison documents, as well as his indictment and court verdict on Wednesday, August 31, confirming that he was a native of Afghanistan born in 2001 and a resident of Qom city.

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Baluch Political Prisoners Executed at Southeastern Iran Prison


Baluch activists reported that two political prisoners, one of whom was a child at the time of his arrest, were executed today at the Central Zahedan Prison.

The two Baluch political prisoners Mohsen Ghanbarzahi and Einollah Ghanbarzahi, were executed on Saturday, September 3, two days after being taken to solitary confinement.

The two, who were relatives, were arrested in 2012 on charges of “acting against national security, collaborating with anti-state groups, and murdering three officers” and were sentenced to death by the Zahedan Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Mahdovian.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 3, 2022