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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – September 3, 2023

Iran News in Brief – September 3, 2023

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Former Official Says Most Iranians Are Rooting for Regime Change

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A former member of the Iranian regime’s parliament expressed concerns about the upcoming parliamentary sham elections, stating that a significant portion of the population has lost faith in the system and no longer believes in anything except for regime change.

In an interview with the state-run website Etemad Online on September 2, Esmail Gerami Moqaddam stated, “One sign of democracy is holding elections with competition so that the system can continue to survive. Conversely, imagine that the Guardian Council would qualify all of us, the reformists, and then tell Mr. Qalibaf or Mr. Zakani to vote for me. Do you seriously believe, they would turn out and vote?”

He added, “Gradually, people’s demands, especially in the economic sphere, have become increasingly concentrated, and ultimately when dissatisfaction accumulates, it finds expression in the streets. Unfortunately, these economic and livelihood dissatisfactions have become intertwined with political discontent, resulting in the country’s political space getting tight, and… eventually, we saw that for about six months, protests continued in the streets.”

Violent Raid on Evin Prison Targets Political Prisoners

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According to reports received from inside Iran, today at 8 AM local time, security forces at Evin Prison launched a violent attack on Ward 8. During this assault, they forcibly removed nine political prisoners from the ward.

The names of these political prisoners are Saeed Masouri, Afshin Baymani, Hamzeh Savari, Mohammad Shafei, Saman Seyedi, Hossein Gachloo, Masoudreza Ebrahiminejad, Loqman Aminpour, and Matin Ahmadian.

Additionally, the security forces confiscated the belongings of these prisoners. The prisoners have been relocated to an undisclosed location. This attack’s primary objective appears to be suppressing potential uprisings and intensifying the repressive environment within Evin Prison.

Sunday Protests in Iran

On Sunday, September 3, retirees from Shush, Ahvaz, Tehran, Isfahan, Kermanshah, and more gathered in protest in front of the Social Security Organization in objection to poor living conditions and the officials’ refusal to address their demands.

The UK Must Proscribe Iran’s Brutal Revolutionary Guard


For several years, British parliamentarians – myself included – have been calling for the proscription of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organisation. That call has now apparently been heeded by Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who is concerned by intelligence reports that Iranian agents are increasing their activities in the UK and are working with criminal gangs to target political opponents. She reportedly considers the IRGC to be the single greatest threat to the UK’s national security.

The US, prompted by similar concerns, added the IRGC to the State Department’s terror list in 2019. However, even that was far too late, given the IRGC’s well-documented sponsorship of terrorism since the Islamic Republic’s very earliest days.

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Raisi’s Monumental Lies About Iran’s Economy


On Tuesday, August 29, Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi once again set new records of lies and insolences in a press conference. While economists and the regime’s experts are warning about the destruction of economic foundations and the general public is experiencing the most difficult and dark livelihood situation, Raisi claimed that economic indicators have grown and progressed in all fields. He claimed that the 103 percent production inflation rate had lowered to 30 percent, the rate of inflation in the production of machinery dropped to 19 percent, and production growth was at 6 percent. He added that all indicators show growth effort and progress. He also claimed that the unemployment situation, which many were worried about, has become 8.2 percent, and authorities of 23 provinces announced that the unemployment situation has completely changed.

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The Iranian Paradox: How Western Institutions Fail to See the Whole Picture

townhall-logoThe Iranian regime’s attempts to rewrite its history are deeply troubling, most recently manifested in their efforts to empty and sell the Gohardasht prison in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran. This prison was the site where thousands of political prisoners were sentenced to death by a four-member ‘Death Commission,’ which includes the current president, Ebrahim Raisi. This effort, undoubtedly intended to erase any trace of the 1988 massacre, exposes a critical question that the West must confront: Why does the approach toward Iran remain fraught with inconsistencies?

The 1988 massacre remains one of the darkest chapters in Iran’s history. However, it’s not just about one massacre. It’s about a regime’s unbroken history of attempts to suppress, intimidate, and erase the memory of those who dare to dissent. The primary target has long been the People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi.

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Iran’s Oil Exports: The Reality Behind the Numbers


Iranian regime officials from the Ministry of Oil assert that they continue to sell oil just as they did prior to the sanctions, and they receive payments in cash. Bloomberg recently reported a surprising surge in Iran’s oil exports, which reached 2.2 million barrels per day during the first 20 days of August, despite the ongoing US sanctions. These reports underline the fact that a significant portion of Iran’s oil finds its way to China, as most other countries still adhere to the imposed sanctions. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of Iran’s oil exports to determine the accuracy of the stated figure of two million barrels per day.

Hamid Hosseini, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Union of Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Products Exporters of the regime, raises doubts about this statistic. He emphasizes, “While there is indeed a demand in the oil market and oil prices have risen to $87, there remains skepticism about Iran’s capacity to export 2 million barrels of oil.”

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Exclusive: Shocking Moment Iranian Man Drags Woman Out of a Car and Punches Her in the Face… Before His Fearless Victim Gives Him a Taste of His Own Medicine – As Tehran Cracks Down on Women’s Rights


This is the moment an Iranian woman was dragged out of a car by a furious man in Tehran, with activists saying she was beaten for not wearing a hijab.

Such violent attacks against women are commonplace in the strict Islamic Republic, but on this occasion, there was a twist: the woman fought back… and won. For years, Iranian women have faced the threat of violence at the hands of the morality police and pro-government vigilantes seeking to enforce the regime’s laws.

The video – provided to MailOnline by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) – perhaps demonstrates why Tehran is cracking down so hard: it shows a women – like many others – who is angry and has had enough. She is seen fighting back against an aggressive man and accusing him of being a member of Iran’s security forces that enforce its laws, the Basij.

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Research Delves Into the Reasons Behind Iran’s Electricity and Gas Crises


The Iranian people are suffering from an electricity crisis. The electricity crisis is rooted in the Iranian regime’s strategy. Instead of solving these problems, this regime spends all of Iran’s resources on terrorism and nuclear ambitions and does not care about the fate of the Iranian people. Iran’s vast assets are in the hands of a regime whose goals and desires are to safeguard its rule by all means. Iran’s wounds and problems have remained open and are continuously deepening for years now. Research conducted by Iran’s open data platforms indicates that this year many provinces in Iran have experienced “gas cuts, followed by power cuts”.

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Fatemeh Bagherzadeh

Fatemeh Bagherzadeh Nosrat

Fatemeh Bagherzadeh, a member of the PMOI’s Central Council, passed away at a hospital in Germany on September 1, 2023. Born in 1947 in Mashhad, she was affectionately known as Nosrat. She was a humble and selfless woman who dedicated her life and resources to the cause of Iran’s freedom. In the early years of the mullahs’ rise to power in Iran, Fatemeh joined the Association of Muslim Mothers, an organization that supported the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Her commitment to the cause led her to become a member of the National Liberation Army of Iran in 1986. She actively participated in NLA operations in July 1988, known as the “Eternal Light” operation, and in April 1991 during the “Pearl Operation.”

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Vienna—August 31, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Vienna—August 31, 2023: MEK supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution.

Vienna, Austria—August 31, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution. They Also Expressed Strong Support for the MEK Leadership.

Stockholm – Sep 1, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally, Seeking Justice for 1988 Massacre’s Martyrs

Stockholm - Sep 1, 2023: MEK supporters held a rally, seeking justice for 1988 massacre's martyrs.

Stockholm – September 1, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters held a rally in front of the Swedish court, seeking justice for Iran’s 1988 massacre’s martyrs. They supported the Iran Revolution and demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders.

Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 2, 2023