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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – September 26, 2022

Iran News in Brief – September 26, 2022



For the Eleventh Consecutive Day, Iranians Rise Up

Today, September 26, marked the 11th day of the national uprising inside Iran. So far, nationwide demonstrations and protests have been reported in more than 154 cities in 31 provinces. Meanwhile, more than 200 martyrs have fallen for freedom and at least 10,000 people have been arrested by security forces.

Despite the massive mobilization and herding of anti-riot police, foreign mercenaries, MOIS agents, and Basij militants, protests continued in most metropolises such as Tehran, Tabriz, Shiraz, Mashhad, Isfahan, and Rasht.


Demonstrations on Both Sides of The Atlantic Support Iran Uprising

Paris, Berlin, Bern, Vienna, London, Atlanta, and San Francisco hosted rallies and gatherings which were organized by supporters of the Iranian Resistance today, who expressed their outrage over the appalling conduct of the Iranian regime and the brutal crackdown on protesters inside Iran.

The protesters called on the Western governments to step up for a serious approach in condemning the systematic oppression by Iranian state security forces and support the Iranian people in their aspirations for democracy and freedom in their country.

Paris, France

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در پاریس در حمایت از قیام سراسری مردم ایران ۴مهر ۱۴۰۱

Berlin, Germany

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در برلین در حمایت از قیام سراسری مردم ایران ۴مهر ۱۴۰۱

London, the United Kingdom

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در لندن در حمایت از قیام سراسری مردم ایران ۴مهر ۱۴۰۱

San Fransisco, the United States

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در سانفرانسیسکو در حمایت از قیام سراسری مردم ایران ۴مهر ۱۴۰۱

Atlanta, the United States

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در آتلانتا در حمایت از قیام سراسری مردم ایران ۴مهر ۱۴۰۱

The Netherlands

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در هلند در حمایت از قیام سراسری مردم ایران ۴مهر ۱۴۰۱

Vienna, Austria

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در وین در حمایت از قیام سراسری مردم ایران ۴مهر ۱۴۰۱

Bern, Switzerland

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در برن سوئیس در حمایت از قیام سراسری مردم ایران ۴مهر ۱۴۰۱


Protesters Are Trained By MEK, Local Official Says


Abbas Abdollahi, director general of the Islamic Propaganda Organization of Semnan province, told Mehr state news agency: “The events that have taken place on the streets show that the work of trained mercenaries is led by the hypocrites (the regime’s term for smearing the MEK) and the counter-revolutionaries. Because the burning of ambulances, the desire to tear down the flag, setting fire to things, etc. are the work of trained people. This is street warfare. It is very clear that those who are on the street and vandalize public property… their concern is overthrowing the system.”

In recent days, many state officials have lied about vandalism against religious places and the Quoran to mobilize the increasingly thin ranks of their own supporters. The regime is also widely using ambulances to deploy troops or transport detained protesters.

Unrest in front of Evin Prison, Tehran

According to MEK sources from Tehran, following the widespread arrest of citizens and youths in the nationwide uprising of recent days in the capital, on Monday, September 26, the families of those arrested gathered in front of the Evin prison in order to hear from their loved ones. Consequently, security forces lined up in front of the families and refused to respond to the concerned relatives of those apprehended.

Following hours-long waiting, the families of the detainees started to protest and chanted “Shame on you! Shame on you!” but the prison guards responded to these cries with tear gas and tried to disperse the people.

According to the MEK, the number of people arrested by the regime’s police, intelligence, and special units has exceeded 8,000.


Calls for Support for Iran’s Uprising Echo Throughout Western Cities

On September 25, supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Denmark, Belgium, Italy, and Canada held rallies and demonstrations to call for support for the uprising in Iran. Holding high images of the martyrs of the recent protests, they asked Western governments to stop the appeasement policy vis-a-vis Tehran and hold Iranian state officials to account for crimes against humanity.

Brussels, Belgium

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده هواداران سازمان مجاهدین در بروکسل در حمایت از قیام مردم ایران

Aarhus, Denmark

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده هواداران سازمان مجاهدین در آرهوس دانمارک-میکشم میکشم هرآنکه خواهرم کشت

Toronto, Canada

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده هواداران سازمان مجاهدین درتورنتو در حمایت از قیام مردم ایران

Rome, Italy

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده هواداران سازمان مجاهدین در رم در حمایت از قیام مردم ایران


Live Report: Iran Protests in at Least 139 Cities as Regime Kills More Than 140, Arrests Over 5,000

photo_2022-09-24_20-31-24-e1664091337587Anti-regime protests continued across Iran on Sunday, September 25, despite heavy crackdown and internet restrictions. According to reports, protests have spread to at least 146 cities and all 31 provinces throughout the country. Over 180 people have been killed by the regime’s repressive security forces, with hundreds, if not thousands, as the Revolutionary Guards and state police resort to brutal measures aimed at quelling the protests. Sources also report over 8,000 arrested protesters.

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Iran Protests Spread to 146 Cities in All Provinces on the 10th Day


On Sunday, September 25, 2022, Iran protests spread to 146 cities in all 31 provinces on the 10th day. People cry for freedom across Iran as their 44-year pent-up anger erupts against the mullahs’ corrupt and autocratic rule.

According to the Iranian Resistance, 180 people have been slain and more than 8,000 arrested in nine days as Iran protests spread across the country. Many families of the detainees gathered outside Evin prison on September 24 despite tight security measures in the area adopted by the intelligence and security services.

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Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstrated in London, and Frankfurt in Support of the Iran Protests – September 23, 2022

Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally in Frankfurt in Support of the Iran Protests – Sep 23, 2022

September 23, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in England (London) and Germany (Frankfurt) held rallies and protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran. Iranian Resistance supporters in London and Frankfurt expressed their solidarity and support for the nationwide protests in the country.

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Iranian Resistance Demonstration in Paris, in Support of the Iran Protests

Iranian Resistance Demonstration in Paris in Support of the Iran Protests – September 23, 2022

September 23, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, members, and supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the MEK supporters in France (Paris) held a rally and protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran. Iranian Resistance supporters in Paris expressed their solidarity and support for the nationwide protests in the country.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 25, 2022