Iran News in Brief – September 22, 2022

Courtesy NCRI: Tehran, Vali Asr Street- Parkway Square- September 21, 2022,



Uprising Intensified on Thursday

The new wave of protests that began with the murder of Mahsa Amini on September 16, has now turned into a nationwide uprising and women continue to lead all protests, courageously defying the regime’s security forces and exhorting Iranians to rise against the regime.

Protesters overwhelmingly rejected the religious dictatorship and called for the death of Supreme Leader Khamenei in almost all cities. “Death to Khamenei” has become the main slogan as the population sees him as the root of all grievances and suffering. Protesters also signaled a rejection of any sort of dictatorship with “Death to the oppressor, whether the Shah or the Leader”.

According to many reports from inside Iran, solidarity among people has reached a peak in society. Despite life-threatening risks and even economic hardship, people are generously helping each other out for the fight against the regime to continue.

Social media posts show many police stations were ransacked and burned down by protesters responding to violence by the security forces. Government offices in Amol and Hamedan were attacked.

Police precincts in Babol, Tabriz, Mashad, and at least 3 other cities were torched. Dozens of police cars, vans, and buses were confiscated and torched in many cities throughout Iran.

Large propaganda posters of Khamenei, the slain IRGC-QF commander Qassem Soleimani, and other regime symbols were torn down and torched in many places, including a large memorial of Soleimani in his hometown of Kerman. A portrait of the founder of the regime that Iranians despise, Ruhollah Khomeini was torn down as people cheered in the northern city of Sari.

Meanwhile, the regime showed its true colors. The internet was shut down or restricted in many cities for the brutal crackdown to be hidden from the outside world. Security forces showed no mercy to young and old.


Former MOIS Official Calls For Restricting Internet in Iran

Mohammad Sadegh Kushki, a former MOIS interrogator told the Mehr state news agency: “It is rational to demand that the internet must be free from vulgarity, and if our virtual space becomes lawful, we will no longer witness any activities and riots.”

Referring to the recent uprisings following the murder of “Mahsa Amini”, Kushki said: “Since the beginning of the year, people who are foes of the stability and security of the country have tried to launch hundreds of rallies under various pretexts in order to take advantage of the economic pressures imposed on the society in parallel with the government’s economic surgery plan. Some people are trying to bring the recent riots to their desired result, and even if the recent issue would not happen, they would seek to achieve it with other excuses.”


Funeral Turns into Political Protest in Kermanshah, Western Iran

Today, September 22, one of the protesters that was killed by the brutal security forces, was buried in Kermanshah.

According to local reports and footage posted, the funeral of Minu Majidi turned into a political protest and the attendees started chanting the very slogans that Minu was killed for on September 20. She had demanded equality, freedom, and a life with dignity.


A New Martyr Laid to Rest in Urmia, Northwest Iran

People in Urmia gathered on September 21 to bid farewell and honor a martyr who has fallen for freedom in the newest wave of uprisings. Farjad Darvishi, 23, was shot by the regime’s security forces and sent to the hospital. He later died from his wounds.

But his funeral turned into a new stage of inspiration for the public and the people chanted “Martyrs don’t die!” and “Death to the dictator!”


Maryam Rajavi: Instead of Welcoming Raisi, the Henchman of the 1988 Massacre, Prosecute Him

From Saqqez, Sanandaj, and Divandarreh, to Tehran, Karaj, Isfahan, Mashhad, Rasht, and other cities of Iran, brave protesters have shaken the pillars of Khamenei’s oppressive rule with their chants of “From Kurdistan to Tehran, Iran is drenched in blood,” “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate,” and “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the (mullahs’ supreme) leader.”

Our brave compatriots in Kurdistan went on a general strike. The students at Tehran University, Sharif University of Technology, Amir Kabir University, Melli University, Tarbiyat Modarres University, Allameh University, University of Arts, and Isfahan University also held daring demonstrations. All these signs indicate that a powerful force is embedded in the heart of Iranian society, which is determined to overthrow the regime.

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Live Report: Nationwide Protests Engulf All of Iran With People Seeking Regime Change

Strikes and protests that erupted following the death of Mahsa Amini continued on Wednesday, September 21. In the morning, protests resumed in several universities in Tehran.

The students at Tehran University began their protests with chants of “Death to the dictator,” referring to regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei.

At the same time, the students of Al-Zahra University held a rally, chanting, “Students will die but won’t give in to disgrace!” and “Proud students, support us!”

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The Killing of Mahsa Amini – 6th Day of Nationwide Protests in Iran

Iranian cities continued to rise on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, the 6th day of nationwide protests over the clerical regime’s brutality and the killing of Mahsa Amini.

At least 86 cities have launched anti-regime protests in 28 of the 31 provinces of Iran. Young women and girls have a high fighting spirit. Their voices can be heard in all footage sent from the four corners of Iran. Their active participation can be seen in most.

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Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Geneva Protested the Brutal Murder of Mahsa Amini by the Mullahs’ Regime

September 20, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Switzerland (Geneva), paid tribute to Mahsa Amini and protested against the brutal murder of Mahsa by the mullahs’ regime.

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Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Melbourne, London, and Gothenburg Protested the Brutal Murder of Mahsa Amini by the Mullahs’ Regime

September 20, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Australia (Melbourne), paid tribute to Mahsa Amini and protested against the brutal murder of Mahsa by the mullahs’ regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 21, 2022

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