Iran News in Brief – September 16, 2023

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Cities in Iran’s Kurdistan Strike Marking 2022 Uprising Anniversary

According to local reports, vendors, shopkeepers, and tradespeople in the cities of Baneh, Sanandaj, Marivan, Divandareh, and Oshnavieh have staged strikes and closed to honor the first anniversary of the 2022 nationwide uprising and declare their opposition to the clerical dictatorship.

Ukrainians and Iranians Unite to Support Women’s Rights

A thousand prominent leaders have signed a statement urging the international community to stand by the Iranian people, particularly its women, in their pursuit of freedom. The signatories include 50 former presidents, vice presidents, prime ministers, ministers, as well as serving and former MPs as well as hundreds of mayors, former, women activists, academicians, experts, Nobel laureates, and presidents of non-governmental organizations.

Several signatories came from Ukraine, which has historically been supportive of women’s rights and equality, including 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winner Oleksandra Matviichuk along with Yulia Tymoshenko, Lesia Vasylenko and Kira Rudik, members of the Verkhovna Rada. 

The  President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, received strong support from the signatories for her “Ten Point Plan for the Future of Iran.”

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Thousands March in Brussels on Anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s Death

BRUSSELS, Sept 15 (Reuters) – Iranian emigres marched in Brussels on Friday, the eve of the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman whose death in the custody of Iran’s morality police sparked months of anti-government protests.

Thousands of demonstrators, holding up pictures of Amini and many others killed in the protests, called for the overthrow of Iran’s theocracy and the establishment of a democratic republic.

Organisers said they had also demanded a unified European Union policy to hold Iran’s Shi’ite clerical rulers accountable for abuses.

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A Message to the Iranian Demonstrators in Brussels on the Anniversary of the Uprising

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s speech addressing the rally in Brussels: “I begin my speech in the name of freedom, what the Iranian people have been searching for over the past 120 years. I speak in honor of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this cause, and in the name of the uprising and its participants, who ignited the hearts and stirred the emotions of people worldwide. In the name of the women who have courageously led the fight against the Khomeini and Khamenei regimes. In honor of the resilient prisoners who endure torture and harassment without forsaking their principles.

In the name of the Resistance Units, who illuminate the path and guide the uprising and the rebellious youths. In the name of the parents of the martyrs and the brave souls who resolutely proclaimed, ‘Do not yield.’ And in your name, freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance, who resonate at every moment with the spirit of the uprising, amplifying the echoes of demands and impassioned cries from Iran across cities and streets worldwide.”

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Shouts of Regime Change in Tehran and Mashhad

On Friday evening, September 15, according to local reports, citizens and youth in Tehran and Mashhad gathered to chant slogans against Khamenei, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, marking the anniversary of the 2022 nationwide uprising in Iran. Their slogans included, “Khamenei, you’re a killer, go down to the grave,” and “Death to the dictator.”

Internet Restrictions in Iran: Impact on Economy and Society

The Iranian regime has gained notoriety in recent times for its stringent control over internet access, setting an alarming record in the first half of 2023 by leading the world in targeted internet shutdowns. According to data from Surfshark, Iran experienced a staggering 14 internet outages during this period, all concentrated in the Sistan and Baluchistan region. This wave of restrictions has raised concerns about the state of digital freedom and its profound consequences on Iran’s economy and society. Surfshark’s statistics reveal that Iran, along with China and Russia, has emerged as one of the most enthusiastic advocates for internet censorship on a global scale.

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Two Imprisoned Elite Students, Ali Younesi and Amir Hossein Moradi, on Hunger Strike

The elite students, Ali Younesi and Amir Hossein Moradi, announced their hunger strike through a brief message from Evin Prison. They stated that they had started the hunger strike from September 13, the anniversary of Zhina Amini’s arrest by security forces during the Guidance Patrol operation, until Saturday, September 16, 2023, which marks the anniversary of her passing. On Thursday, September 14, Aida Younesi, the sister of Ali Younesi, wrote on the social network platform “X” (Twitter): “My brother Ali Younesi and his friend and comrade Amir Hossein Moradi are on a hunger strike in Evin Prison from today until Saturday, the anniversary of Zhina’s (Mahsa) killing. The “Freedom for Ali and Amir Hossein” page on the social network platform “X” announced that it is in solidarity with Zhina’s uprising from the anniversary of her arrest until her killing, which is the reason for the hunger strike by these two imprisoned students.

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Iranian Women Leading the Nationwide Struggle to Overthrow the Regime

One year ago, the death of a young woman in the custody of the Iranian regime’s patrols ignited the long-suppressed anger of the Iranian populace, especially the younger generations. The remarkable uprising, led by women, which followed, reached its peak in strength and persisted for an impressive six-month duration. It symbolized the evolution of the previous nationwide uprising in November 2019 and represented the culmination of the nation’s resistance spanning over 44 years. Since March, these protests have taken on various forms, including demonstrations held on the birthdays of the victims, vocal condemnations of the execution of protesters, daily protests orchestrated by diverse social groups, acts of aggression against IRGC forces, and deliberate attempts to set fire to the regime’s oppressive establishments.

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On First Anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s Death, Canada Announces Additional Sanctions Against Iranian Regime

A year has passed since Mahsa Amini died due to the actions of Iran’s so-called Morality Police. Since then, Canada has led international efforts to respond to the Iranian regime’s actions by imposing sanctions on 31 entities and 129 individuals for gross and systematic violations of human rights and grave threats to international peace and security. In October 2022, Canada convened a meeting of women foreign ministers to hear directly from Iranian women about the state of human rights in Iran. In addition, for the 21st consecutive year, Canada will lead the UN General Assembly resolution on the situation of human rights in Iran this fall.

Building on these efforts, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that Canada is imposing additional sanctions under the Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations. This is the 14th package of sanctions imposed by Canada against the Iranian regime since October 2022, bringing the total number of individuals sanctioned since October 2022 to 135.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 15, 2023

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