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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – September 13, 2022

Iran News in Brief – September 13, 2022




Physicians and Doctors Are Fleeing Iran, Experts Warn


Brain drain and the issue of Iranian elites fleeing Iran have now rolled over into a mass migration of doctors and medical staff. According to statistics, 160 cardiologists have migrated in the last year on the Persian calendar. In the same period, 30,000 medical staff applied for a certificate for faculties of medical sciences for being accepted in Oman. In the last four years, 16,000 general doctors have left the country. According to the state-run Ensafnews, about 5,000 physicians have migrated since the beginning of the pandemic.

Farhad Daneshjoo, president of Tarbiat Modares University, admitted: “We are facing the problem that faculty members are planning to emigrate. We notice almost one request every week. The emigration of students and elites to the emigration of professors and faculty members from Iran has intensified, and even the emigration of knowledge-based companies has been proposed as a group.”


Amnesty International- Iran: Walls Erected Around Graves of Massacre Victims Show Urgent Need for International Investigation


States engaging at the UN Human Rights Council must call on the Iranian authorities to stop concealing the mass graves of victims of the 1988 “prison massacres” and immediately open an international investigation into the extrajudicial execution and enforced disappearance of thousands of dissidents amounting to ongoing crimes against humanity, Amnesty International said today.

In recent months, Iranian authorities have erected fresh two-metre-high concrete walls months around the Khavaran mass graves outside Tehran where the remains of several hundred political dissidents executed in secret in 1988 are believed to be buried. The construction has sparked serious concerns that the authorities can more easily destroy or tamper with the mass grave site away from public view as the site is no longer visible from the outside and its entrance is guarded by security agents who only permit relatives to enter on certain days.

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On Navid Afkari’s Execution Anniversary, Security Forces Arrested Family Members


Today, September 13, state security forces arrested family members of the slain Iranian wrestler Navid Afkari to prevent a major ceremony at his grave in Shiraz cemetery.

According to reports from inside Iran, when Navid Afkari’s siblings Elham and Habib and Habib’s wife Fatemeh Namjoo were on the way to participate in an anniversary ceremony for Navid, security forces blocked their way and apprehended them.

Navid Afkari was an Iranian popular wrestler who was arrested for participating in the major uprisings in 2018. Under Ebrahim Raisi, then Chief Justice and currently the regime’s President, the Judiciary executed Navid despite a worldwide outcry and condemnation.

Since Navid’s execution, the Iranian regime’s intelligence agents have continued to harass, arrest, and interrogate his family members and tried to force them to silence and denounce their martyred brother.

New Acid Attack Reported in Tehran


Another young girl fell victim to an acid attack in Tehran’s ‘Tarasht’ neighborhood. According to the state-run Tasnim news agency, at 19:30 on Monday, September 13, residents of the South Tarasht neighborhood heard a woman crying for help and rushed to the source of the shouting. Upon arrival, the people learned that the young woman had been a victim of an acid attack by a motorcyclist a few minutes ago. The girl was brought to the hospital and is currently suffering burns on her face, arms, and body.

Throughout the years, state officials’ call for stricter measures against women and girls who refuse to wear the obligatory hijab has initiated many acid attacks by state-affiliated reactionary forces like the Basij or Hezbollah militants.


Resistance Units Across Iran Mark the Mek’s 57th Founding Anniversary

resistance-units-mek-founding-celebrationIranian Resistance Units, a network of activists affiliated with the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), have been celebrating the MEK’s 57th founding anniversary in many cities, towns, and villages throughout Iran. Their campaign focuses on providing new hope and encouraging Iran’s restive public and leading the ongoing struggle against the mullahs’ regime with the objective of establishing freedom, democracy, and human rights in a non-nuclear Iran.

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Kurdish Activist Kajal Nasri Condemned to 5 Years in Prison


The Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj sentenced a Kurdish cultural activist, Kajal Nasri, to 5 years in prison. Kajal Nasri is charged with cooperation and membership in Kurdish Parties.

Kajal Nasri, 27, lives in Tangsir village near Sanandaj, the capital of Iranian Kurdistan province, western Iran. She was violently arrested on December 12, 2021. No information was available on her, and she was denied family visits, legal advice, and access to a lawyer.

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Iran: Monthly Report on Freedom and Human Rights Violations – August 2022


Under the rule of religious fascism in Iran, millions of citizens have been deprived of their fundamental rights. The authorities routinely apply gross and systematic violations of human rights to quell the people’s protests and demands.

In August 2021, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei appointed the former judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi as the regime’s president. Raisi is infamous for his role in the extrajudicial executions of thousands of political prisoners in Tehran in 1988.

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Cutting off the Fingers of a Prisoner in Gohardasht Prison


On Thursday, September 1, 2022, the verdict to amputate the fingers of a prisoner named Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini was carried out in Gohardasht prison in Karaj.

At 5 a.m. on Thursday, September 1, 2022, Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini was transferred to the prison’s dispensary, and 4 fingers of his right hand were amputated without informing his lawyer and family in advance.

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Vienna, September 12, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters, Demonstrated Against Appeasement Policy Toward Iran’s Regime

Vienna, September 12, 2022: Iranians, Demonstrated Against Appeasement Policy Toward Iran's Regime

September 12, 2022 – Vienna: At the same time as the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting, freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a protest rally in Muhammad-Asad-Platz square.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 12, 2022