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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – September 11, 2023

Iran News in Brief – September 11, 2023

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Monday Protests in Iran

Today, September 11, multiple labor and retiree groups across Iran voiced their grievances through protests and strikes. In Arak, the Machinery Workers continued their strike for the 26th consecutive day, demanding responses to their unresolved issues. Simultaneously in Mashhad, sanitation workers took to the streets in protest, seeking attention to their demands.

Down in Kangan, employees of Petrochemical plants organized a strike and protest to address their pressing concerns. Meanwhile, retirees from the telecommunications sector gathered to march and protest against their living conditions. In another part of the city, retirees affiliated with the state broadcasting agency gathered near the Bilal Mosque to voice their demands, adding to the growing wave of demonstrations highlighting economic hardships and worker rights issues across the country.

To Stop Endless Wars, Iran Needs Regime Change

townhall-logoIn contemporary political literature, the term “regime change” has become synonymous with foreign invasions led by one or more global powers. These interventions often entail enormous costs in blood and treasure – billions of taxpayer dollars; and countless lives placed in harm’s way. Regrettably, such efforts are often marked by poor outcomes, including ever-increasing casualties and disruptive socio-economic consequences that ripple through an interdependent world where life for the majority is considerably harder than it was two decades ago. According to an estimate by Brown University’s Costs of War project, Department of Defense spending has totaled over $14 trillion since the start of the war in Afghanistan in 2001, a sum that underscores the immense financial burden that conflicts have placed on the nation.

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Skirting US Sanctions, Iran Earning Billions From Oil Exports While Russia, China Cash In

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EXCLUSIVE — FOX Business has learned that numerous Russian and Chinese companies attended the highly guarded Iran Oil Show run by the sanctioned National Iranian Oil Co., which is involved in the financing of a Tehran terrorist organization responsible for the murders of more than 600 American military personnel. The National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) finances a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force. A source who attended the 27th Iran Oil Show in Tehran in May told FOX Business, “There was more security than in the past” and “You could see security people with earpieces.” The source said the situation had an “uneasy feeling” and noted that security guards were present “when the head of the atomic energy agency came in.”

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Former CENTOM Chief Warns Against Iran’s Regime Agenda in Middle East

gen mckenzie face the nation (1)

In an interview with CBS News, former CENTCOM commander General Frank McKenzie warned against the Iranian regime’s malign influence in the Middle East region.

Responding to ‘Face the Nation’ host Margaret Brennan on September 10, Gen. McKenzie said, “Iran remains the most significant threat to peace in the region. And they continue to pursue ultimately a policy of ejecting the United States and other Western- Western nations from the region. That hasn’t changed. That- that’s a- in return to hegemonic power in the region. All those remain the core goals of Iran. Now, they will do a lot tactically to gain sanctions relief. And that’s- in my judgment, that’s what they’re doing now. The core problem of Iran has not gone away. In fact, it’s worsened, because, over the last 10 years, Iran has significantly increased the capabilities and capacity of their ballistic missiles. They have thousands of those- land attack cruise missiles, low-flying missiles, and drones. And those give them the capability to gain what we would call overmatch against their neighbors. That’s a significant- that’s a significant rise in Iranian capabilities. We tend to overlook that sometimes because we look hard at the nuclear issue and the nuclear issue is important. But the issue that’s- that poses a threat this afternoon is the Iranian capability with their missiles.”


Meeting With Former Prime Minister and Former Foreign Minister of Kosovo

Meeting kosovo delegation maryam rajavi

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, Professor Abdullah Hoti, former Prime Minister and former Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, who is also a current member of the Parliament, and Professor Enver Hoxhaj, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Kosovo, former Deputy Prime Minister, and former Foreign Minister of Kosovo, met with Maryam Rajavi. It’s worth noting that more than 95% of Kosovo’s population adheres to the Islamic faith. Expressing his happiness at the opportunity to meet with Mrs. Rajavi, Professor Hoti stated: We have fought for freedom and democracy in our country for many years, and as a result, we are well aware of the conditions faced by the Iranian people and Resistance. I greatly admire your resilience and extend my congratulations for your years of unwavering persistence and struggle. Please know that you have many friends across the world, and I hope for the day when we can celebrate the freedom of your people in a free and democratic Iran.

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Iran’s Regime Is on the Path of No Return, Analyst Warns

iran protests

There is a lot of talk about the meaning of Ali Khamenei’s purge of Iran’s universities by excluding thousands of professors and academic staff and replacing them with 15,000 figures who are aligned with the regime. In this regard, Mohammad Reza Tajik, the former head of the Presidential Strategic Research Center, has words that are worth pondering. Tajik, whose statements were included in an interview with the state-run Jamaran website (belonging to Hassan Khomeini), considered the “radical removal of professors as a sign of desperation” by the regime and said, “This is a desperate regime that is frightened of anything.”

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Marzieh Farsi and Forough Taghipour Remain in Limbo in Evin

Forough Taghipour and Marzieh Farsi min

Nineteen days past the arrest of former political prisoners, Forough Taghipour and Marzieh Farsi, they continue to remain in detention in Ward 209 of Evin Prison without standing trial. During this period, they only had two short calls with their families. Marzieh Farsi has been taken out of the ward once for interrogation. Former political prisoners, Forough Taghipour and Marzieh Farsi were arrested in Tehran on Monday, August 21, 2023, amidst the wave of arrests the regime is making on the eve of the anniversary of the Iran Uprising on September 16, 2022. They were immediately transferred to Evin Prison. Marzieh Farsi suffers from cancer, and she does not have access to her medications while in detention.

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The Inhumane Conditions of Political Prisoners in Iran’s Ghezel Hesar Prison


In a letter, Iranian political prisoner, Saeed Masouri, described the conditions of Ghezel Hesar prison as inhumane and warned that political prisoners may be murdered in the prison. Masouri is one of several prisoners who were forcibly transferred from Evin prison to Ghezel Hesar on September 3. They were beaten during the transfer and their belongings were stolen. In his letter, he stated: “After 23 years in prison, I thought I had witnessed and experienced the worst conditions and crimes of the Iranian regime in prisons, unaware that a dungeon like Ghezel Hesar existed. “Ghezel Hesar is a black hole where criminals like Eje’I (Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’I, Chief Justice of the regime), under the orders of the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, throw the people of this land, young and old, and burn them in the fire of their crimes.

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Copenhagen and Aarhus: MEK Supporters Held Rallies Supported the Iran Revolution, and Celebrated the Anniversary of the Foundation of the PMOI/MEK Iran

Denmark Sep 7 9, 2023

Copenhagen and Aarhus—September 7-9 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies, and celebrated the anniversary of the foundation of the PMOI/MEK. They also supported the Iran Revolution against the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 10, 2023