Iran News in Brief – September 11, 2022

September 10, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a conference in the French capital to discuss “Impunity for Terrorism and Crimes Against Humanity.”



Khamenei’s Rep. Publically Threatens with Nukes

Following a new deadlock in the nuclear negotiations with the West, the Iranian regime is becoming increasingly desperate and threatens the West to push for one-sided concessions. In his Friday prayer sermon, Abufazel Razavi Ardekani, the Supreme Leader’s representative in Shiraz made belligerent statements about changing Khamenei’s fatwa regarding the production of nuclear weapons, rendering decades-long false hopes in the West futile. 

Ardekani said: “The fact that the Supreme Leader issued a fatwa that Iran will not approach nuclear weapons is only valid for these times! At some point, the leader may consider it advisable to say no! In our jurisprudence, sometimes it is permissible to pour poison into the river to strike the enemy. If there is only one path to victory, then let it be. Yes, nuclear weapons are prohibited as long as they don’t use them. But if they use nuclear weapons, do you think we will stand idly by?”

“The leader may give an order to enrich uranium up to 90%. The leadership is mindful of when and how to issue a fatwa. The fatwas of our officials with secondary titles are not permanent. This is the difference between primary and secondary fatwas. In secondary decrees, the Supreme Leader might issue a ruling that may be valid for ten years. Then he might violate that ruling but it will also be based on jurisprudential principles. That means Muslims must become as strong as they can so that the enemy would fear us.”


Nationwide Protests in Iran Today

Retirees and pensioners of the Isfahan Steel Pension Fund held a rally today, September 11, at the site of the Steel Pension Building. After years of hard work, these retirees want to get paid for their livelihoods. The protesters chanted “We won’t stand down until we get our rights!”

Teachers and families of gifted students in Tehran held a rally today protesting new transportation restrictions for students. The protesters vowed to continue protests if their demands are not met.

Also, this morning, a group of municipality workers of Rudbar city in Gilan province rallied to demand to receive their wages. According to the protesters, they have been deprived of their salaries for four months, and their employer has also refused to pay for their overtime hours and insurance premiums since 2013.

Today, September 11, project workers working in Islamabad Petrochemical Company stopped work and went on strike to protest the authorities’ refusal to pay their arrears. These workers, who are employed by the Qitasi Contractor, have not yet received their salaries for the months of July and August.

Today, September 11, as family members of death row inmates gathered in front of the regime’s parliament, they met with security police forces cracking down and trying to disperse them. According to local reports, 20 of the protesters were arrested by the police. Consequently, the families went to Judiciary in Tehran and started a new rally in front of its headquarters. The protesters called on the government to stop the execution of their loved ones. This has been the fifth consecutive day of their protest.


Maryam Rajavi: End Impunity for the Most Dangerous Terrorist State

I send you my sincerest greetings. And I express my respect and gratitude to every one of you.
You are the friends of the difficult days the Iranian Resistance has endured. Your courageous positions have always impacted the fight against religious fascism, which unfortunately has the support of the appeasers in the West. The regime will continue its repression, terrorism, and its quest for nuclear weapons until the day it is overthrown.
For many years, Western governments claimed that they appeased the clerical regime to support the moderates. Of course, we said from the outset that moderation in the ruling religious dictatorship is a big lie.

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Iran’s Defense University Study Warns of “Political Collapse”

Since the end of 2017, Iran has witnessed several large-scale uprisings and countless local protests in various regions, involving people from a range of demographics and professional affiliations. This ongoing phenomenon was recently the focus of a study conducted by the Supreme National Defense University, which concluded that “three out of four Iranians participate in protests” and that a similar proportion can be expected to remain involved if another nationwide uprisings breaks out in the near future.

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Summary of Protests and Social Movements in Iran – August 2022

According to the recorded news and statistics, at least 161 protests took place in August 2022 by the Iranian people in many provinces and cities across the country. It is also worth mentioning that the decrease in the number of protests is related to the latest floods, the excessive heat in many provinces, and the closure of schools and universities.

Often, the people have targeted the major regime officials in their protests. They chanted slogans against the regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi, the parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, and Mohammad Mokhber, Raisi’s first deputy, because of the miserable living conditions and the delay in the payment of their wages. In the protests, the presence of women has been significant.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 10, 2022

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