Iran News in Brief – September 10, 2023

iranian resistance activism 09092023



Sunday Protests in Iran

Retirees from the Social Security Organization held protests in several cities, including Kermanshah, Dezful, and Isfahan, on Sunday, September 10. They expressed their discontent with poor living conditions and the organization’s failure to address their demands. These protests took place in front of the Social Security Organization offices.

Middle East Forum Resists Phishing Attack by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard

The Middle East Forum in the United States disclosed the failure of a cyberattack orchestrated by the Iranian clerical regime and the Revolutionary Guards against their organization.

In a statement issued by the Middle East Forum, it was revealed, “On September 8, 2023, the Middle East Forum (MEF) received a notification from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center regarding a spear-phishing attack directed at our research director, Jonathan Spyer. This sophisticated cyber-attack involved emails crafted meticulously to impersonate trusted sources with the intent to solicit sensitive information by leveraging detailed personal data to craft apparently legitimate requests to gain unauthorized access to secure systems.”

Furthermore, the Middle East Forum explained, “The assailant behind this attack is identified as the Mint Sandstorm group, a collective reportedly operating under Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) intelligence arm. This group has been involved in cyber-espionage activities since late 2021, targeting various crucial infrastructures within the United States. Under the guidance of the IRGC, they have sought to undermine democratic processes globally through an escalating series of sophisticated cyber warfare initiatives, focusing on sectors such as energy, utilities, and transportation.”

Dreadful Regime Targets Uprising Martyrs’ Relatives with Arrests

In recent weeks and on the eve of the anniversary of the nationwide 2022 uprising, the clerical regime has intensified its oppressive pressures and arrests of relatives and family members of the martyrs of the uprising.

According to reports from sources of the MEK from inside Iran, security forces in the cities of Divandareh and Borujerd have arrested two young men and transferred them to an undisclosed location. These victims were relatives of Foad Ghadimi and Reza Moazami Goudarzi who were martyred during the uprising.

Foad Ghadimi was shot by the regime’s criminal security forces on September 21, 2022, in Divandareh, Kurdistan province. Reza Moazami Goudarzi lost his life on November 17, 2019, after being shot by IRGC forces in Borujerd, western Lorestan province.


Ukraine Frontlines Reports Destruction of Iranian Regime Drones Near Kyiv

Ukraine Frontlines reported today, that 25 out of 32 Iranian regime-manufactured drones were destroyed by Ukrainian defenses near Kyiv. According to these reports, the wreckage of the exploded drones has fallen across several areas. However, there have been no reported casualties.

These drones, known as Shahed, are manufactured by the Iranian regime and have been employed by Russia in the war against Ukraine. Reports indicate at least 10 explosions were heard in Kyiv, with air raid sirens sounding and people seeking shelter. They later returned to their homes once the attacks ceased.

Young Iranian Vendor Dies from Injuries Inflicted by Security Forces

A young vendor named Pouya Babaei from Javanroud, Kermanshah province, tragically lost his life on Friday, September 8, one week after being injured by the repressive law enforcement officers.

Pouya Babaei’s vehicle was intercepted by security forces last week while traveling near Islamabad Gharb County. As a result of bullets hitting the front tires, the car veered off the road, and Pouya was severely wounded. Sadly, he succumbed to his injuries on Friday due to their severity.

Iran’s Wealth Squandered: Insight from State-Linked Analyst

Mahmoud Jamsaz, a state-affiliated expert, openly acknowledged the mismanagement of Iran’s wealth by the clerical regime on September 9.

Jamsaz revealed, “China, Iran’s primary oil buyer, purchases oil at a price nearly 30% lower than the Persian Gulf oil price, and they insist on non-dollar payments due to sanctions and fear of U.S. penalties. Chinese banks avoid direct dealings with us, instead opting for barter trade to settle accounts over an extended period.”

Jamsaz also addressed the issue of inflation, noting, “Uncontrolled inflation continues to drive up prices, placing an even heavier burden on the Iranian people and society. Vulnerable groups, including the middle class, bear the brunt of this crisis. This inflation is particularly noticeable in essential goods, food, pharmaceuticals, health products, housing, and rent, with trends differing significantly from official statistics.”


Maryam Rajavi Meets Randy Weber, US Congressman From Texas

Thursday, September 7, 2023, Maryam Rajavi met Congressman Randy Weber, a member of the US House of Representatives from Texas, a member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and a member of the Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus. Mr. Weber expressed his abhorrence at the clerical regime’s crimes against the Iranian people. He said the Iranian regime was a threat, not only to the people of Iran but also to the Middle East region and the world. He said members of the US Congress support the Iranian people’s struggle under Maryam Rajavi’s leadership to overthrow the mullahs’ regime. Mr. Weber added that the majority of members of the US Congress stand beside the Iranian Resistance and support Mrs. Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran. He admired the Iranian people’s courage, especially the courage of the men and women of the Iranian Resistance, as they faced off the clerical regime.

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Regime Agents Are Invading Iran’s Universities

While Iran’s regime is fast busy purging universities of critics and dissidents, on August 4, news broke about Saeed Haddadian, a regime eulogizer, being appointed as a university professor. Haddadian is a former commander of the Meqdad Basij base in west Tehran, whose operatives shot and killed unarmed protesters during the 2009 uprising. On August 29, the Iran Dideban website wrote, “After the government, the Majlis (parliament), the radio and television, now the university is in line to be purified. Every day the names of professors are published as suspended or fired, who are among the assets of the country and the prestige of the university.”

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How Iran’s National Development Fund Became an Island of Missed Opportunities

Mehdi Ghazanfari, the head of the National Development Fund of Iran, recently voiced a concerning sentiment: “Iranian people are worried that they will soon become the staff of neighboring countries!” This raises the crucial question: Who is responsible for turning Iran into an isolated realm devoid of opportunities? The National Development Fund serves as a government entity akin to the National Wealth Fund. It was established as a response to the shortcomings of the failed foreign exchange reserve account, ratified in 2000 under Article 84 of the ‘Fifth Development Program’ law of the regime. The fund’s objective was to convert a portion of the proceeds from oil and gas sales, gas condensates, and petroleum products into lasting, productive wealth and generative economic capital. Additionally, it aimed to safeguard the resources of future generations. However, over time, this fund has regrettably found itself in a state of life support, like a currency reserve account.

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Iran’s 2022 Uprising Anniversary: Regime’s Fears and Preemptive Measures

In the lead-up to the anniversary of the 2022 uprising protests in Iran, the Tehran regime is facing a complex web of domestic and international challenges. As the regime grapples with these issues, it becomes increasingly clear that they are deeply concerned about the potential for widespread nationwide protests marking this significant anniversary, which has heightened tensions within the government. At the same time, issues like government inefficiency, corruption, and incompetence have fueled public dissatisfaction, particularly in the face of economic and social problems. To preemptively quell the possibility of protests and widespread uprisings, the regime is aggressively targeting any potential means of protest coordination, expediting its suppression of trade unions, political and civil activists, and even the families of those with grievances.

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A Woman Hanged in the Central Prison of Qom

According to the latest reports on September 8, an unidentified woman was executed in the Central Prison of Qom, on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. The unfortunate woman hanged in the Central Prison of Qom was convicted of deliberate murder. As of the time of this report, no state news outlet has published the execution of this woman, the 16th woman to be executed in 2023 and the 219th woman to be executed in Iran since 2007.

The Iranian regime is the world’s top record holder of the executions of women. The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran has compiled these women’s names in a list called “List of Women Executed in Iran since 2007.” No government in the world has executed so many women. The list does not account for the tens of thousands of women executed in Iran on political grounds.

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Experts Warn About “Environmental Disasters” In Iran

On Sunday, at the “International Summit on Sand and Dust Storms,” Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi referred to industrial and military developments in “developed countries” as “injustice to humanity” and the environment. The Iranian regime President stated that developed countries are “only” focused on their own industrial and military development, disregarding the impact on the air, sea, water, soil, forests, and space. While Raisi accuses other countries of “neglect” towards the environment, environmental experts warn that Iran has experienced “tragic” conditions due to the wrong policies of the Iranian regime’s authorities over the past four decades. Shirin Hakim, the director of the unit for “environment, climate security, and public health” in Berlin, previously stated, “With the mismanagement of the Islamic Republic, the water situation in Iran has become critical, and irreparable damage has been done to the environment.”

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 9, 2023

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