Iran News in Brief – October 8, 2023

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Sunday Protests in Iran

Today, October 8, people with disabilities held their sixth nationwide gathering to protest the inadequate living conditions. The protests took place in front of the regime’s Planning and Budget Organization in cities including Ahvaz, Tehran, Ardabil, Sanandaj, Isfahan, Sari, and Kermanshah.

Since this morning, retirees from Shush, Arak, and Tehran have gathered in protest against unmet demands and inadequate living conditions in front of the retirement building.


Conference Entitle, “Iran: Uprising and Resistance Against the Regime of Execution”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s speech: “First, let me salute my fellow Baluch compatriots. On the anniversary of the Zahedan uprising, where 120 people were killed by the regime last year, they staged a courageous protest and confronted the repressive forces under gunfire and tear gas. I also salute the brave young people who undertook many acts of protest on the anniversary of the 2022 uprising despite the maximum presence of the Revolutionary Guards and other repressive forces. According to the regime, 600 women were arrested in Tehran alone on September 16. Suppression of women continues and recently, a 16-year-old girl was badly beaten by the regime’s agents under the pretext of not observing the mandatory hijab.”

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The Intelligence Minister of Iran’s Regime Exposes His Fear of Uprisings

Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei’s to prevent protests in Baluchestan on the anniversary of the Bloody Friday of Zahedan was an utter failure as the people of the region marked September 29 and 30 with protests and strikes in several cities. One day after this defeat, Intelligence Minister Esmaeil Khatib said, “The enemy attempted to create a convergence against Iran by increasing pressure and sanctions on various issues in order to perpetuate riots and disturbances, create a security crisis, and continue it until the elections.”

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Tehran’s Growing Concern About Infiltration in its Ranks

Beneath the veneer of Iran’s authoritative regime lies a simmering crisis that threatens to undermine its very foundations. Recent revelations from key figures within the regime have exposed a harsh reality: Iran’s regime is grappling with a pervasive infiltration of its intelligence and security apparatus by foreign actors. Against the backdrop of unexplained explosions and covert operations, the regime’s internal weaknesses are becoming increasingly evident.

Morteza Mahmudvand, the representative of Khorramabad and a member of the National Security Commission in Iran’s regime’s parliament, recently voiced apprehension, saying, “We are facing a crisis of infiltration by spy services.” This statement came just two days after a loud explosion rocked Khorramabad, followed by conflicting statements from government officials regarding its origin.

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Seeking Answers: The Fate of Armita Geravand

Armita is just 16 years old and a high school student. The unfortunate incident took place on Sunday, October 1st, when Armita and her friends were at a Tehran metro station, preparing to board a subway train. It was at this moment that she reportedly became the victim of an attack by a Morality Police agent, which ultimately led to her falling into a coma due to severe injuries sustained during the incident.

The latest information that has come out from the hospital paints a grim picture of her condition. Armita is currently in a state of low consciousness, with unresponsive pupils, and she is in a critical medical condition. As you mentioned earlier, she has suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and brain death. It’s crucial to note that the government’s official explanation for her injuries differs significantly from what many suspect.

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Freedom House: Iran Further Declines in Worldwide Internet Freedom

In a report, the non-governmental organization Freedom House announced that Iran had the worst decline in internet freedom worldwide in 2023, with a score of negative five out of 100 on the scale. The report indicates that digital repression in the country has intensified.

According to the report, following the murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini in the custody of the “Morality Police,” the Iranian regime experienced the greatest regression in internet freedom evaluation worldwide. This regression was attributed to the internet shutdown, blocking of WhatsApp and Instagram, increased surveillance, and monitoring to suppress anti-government protests.

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The Soaring Cost of Living and the Economic Quagmire in Iran

As the cost of living in Iran continues to surge, an increasing number of Iranians are facing the daunting challenge of making ends meet. Basic necessities such as food, housing, and healthcare have become increasingly elusive for a significant portion of the population.

Farshad Momeni, an economist within Iran’s regime, recently made a stark observation during a roundtable discussion with Hossein Raghfar, another economist, in September. He drew upon the economic ideas of John Maynard Keynes, particularly Keynes’ book ‘The Economic Consequences of the Peace,’ to emphasize the gravity of the situation: “When inflation surpasses conventional limits and persists, it threatens the very foundation of society. Therefore, it is imperative that those in power understand they are, in essence, digging their own graves. Large segments of the population are enduring suffering, poverty, and misery, and as a result, the social fabric is under severe strain.”

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Michigan, USA: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Michigan, USA—September 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and photo exhibition in solidarity with the Iran Revolution.

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Brussels: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Brussels, Belgium—September 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iran Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 7, 2023

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