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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 4, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 4, 2022




More Reports on Iran’s Uprising on Tuesday

Today, a new wave of demonstrations and protests was launched in universities and high schools across the country. Courageous youths in many cities called for the end of the clerical dictatorship by tearing down the infamous images of the regime’s Supreme Leaders Ruhollah Khamenei and Ali Khomeini. Meanwhile, there was a massive strike by teachers and merchants in various cities and provinces, rising up in defiance and ignoring state warnings and threats of repercussion.

In total, demonstrations and protests were recorded in 16 provincial capitals today. At least 28 universities and colleges expressed their support for the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran and called for the release of the arrested students.


Four New Executions Reported Inside Iran


On Sunday, October 2, the Iranian regime’s Judiciary executed four prisoners in Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi province. The executed prisoners were identified as Asef Shibak, Saeed Shibak (20), Ramzan Mazarzehi, and Awad Bilrani, all residents from Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchistan province.

According to a human rights group, these prisoners were previously sentenced to death due to drug-related charges. Until the moment of writing, the execution of these prisoners has not been made public by official sources.


Iran’s Uprising Continues On Tuesday

Today, October 4, marked the 19th day of the nationwide uprising while many students and teachers across the country chose ‘protest’ as the first lesson of the new school year.

Tehran, Mechanical School of Khajenasir University– students chant: “Iranians die but won’t give into disgrace!”

اعتصاب دانشجویان دانشکده مکانیک خواجه نصیر با شعار ایرانی می‌میرد ذلت نمی‌پذیرد - ۱۲مهر

Khorasan Razavi province, Mashhad, Ferdowsi University– students blocked the road and chanted: “Death to the dictator!”

مشهد - تظاهرات دانشجویان دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد و بستن مسیر وکیل‌آباد - ۱۲مهر

Urmia province, northwest Iran, Urmia University

ارومیه - تظاهرات و اعتراض دانشجویان دانشگاه ارومیه - ۱۲مهر

Tehran, Beheshti University- students chant: “Basiji, you liar! Where is your student card?” calling on those paramilitary agents of the regime who disguise as students and attend the campus to control and harass ordinary students.

تظاهرات واعتصاب دانشجویان دانشگاه موسوم به بهشتی و شعار علیه بسیجیان خامنه‌ای - ۱۲مهر

Yazd province, Yazd city, Medical Science University– students chant: “No to veil, no to oppression, freedom and equality!”

یزد - تظاهرات دانشجویان علوم پزشکی یزد - ۱۲مهر

Saqqez, Kurdistan province- school students march and chant: “Don’t fear, don’t fear, we’re all together in this!”

سقز - تظاهرات دانش‌آموزان در نوزدهمین روز از قیام سراسری - ۱۲مهر

سقز - تظاهرات دانش‌آموزان در نوزدهمین روز از قیام سراسری - ۱۲مهر

Tehran, Faculty of Management at Tehran University- students chant: “If we fail to gather, we will be eliminated one by one!”

تهران - اعتراض و اعتصاب دانشجویان دانشکده مدیریت دانشگاه تهران - ۱۲مهر

Khorasan Razavi province, Mashhad, Imam Reza University

مشهد - اعتراض و اعتصاب دانشجویان دانشگاه امام رضا مشهد - ۱۲مهر

Tehran, School of Engineering– students chant: “Our enemy is right here, they lie when they say it’s America!”

تهران - دانشکده مهندسی - دانشجویان شعار می‌دهند «دشمن ما همین‌جاست دروغ میگن آمریکاست» - ۱۲مهر

Gilan province, Rasht, University of Medical Science

رشت - اعتصاب دانشجویان علوم‌پزشکی گیلان همزمان با نوزدهمین روز از قیام سراسری - ۱۲مهر

Fars province, Shiraz– school students chant: “It’s a bloody year and Khamenei is going to topple!”

شیراز - تظاهرات دانش آموزان  با شعار امسال سال خونه سید علی سرنگونه-۱۲ مهر

According to reports, many merchants and market owners in various cities closed their shops and went on strike today.


Iran: Uprising of Tehran’s Sharif University Students and Their Resistance Against Repressive Forces’ Attacks


On Sunday night, October 2, 2022, the suppressive forces of the clerical regime, fearing the spread of student protests, surrounded Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, injured several students after opening fire and arrested many others. However, the students stood up against the regime’s security forces with remarkable resistance.

On Sunday evening, many people from Tehran rushed to Sharif University. The suppressive forces, including Special Anti-Riot Units, State Security Forces (SSF), and plainclothes agents were not allowing the crowd to approach the university; still, the people rushed to aid the students by chanting “Shame on you! Shame on you!” and “Free the students!” The suppressive forces fired tear gas at the protesting people.

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Live Report: Iran’s Uprising Enters 18th Day Following Heavy Crackdown of Sharif University


The Iranian people resumed their anti-regime uprisings on Monday, following a day of intense protests and heavy crackdown on Sunday. Monday marked the 18th consecutive day of protest rallies that have expanded to 170 cities and all 31 provinces across the country. According to reports gathered by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the regime has so far killed 400 civilians and arrested 20,000 others. On Monday, students resumed their protests in several cities, including Tehran, Isfahan, Zanjan, Semnan, Urmia, Qom, Mashhad, and Birjand.

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High School Girls Join Iran Protests on Day 18


Day 18 of the Iran protests started with student protests. High school girls held anti-regime protests in dozens of schools across Iran. Some of them even took to the streets and chanted slogans against Ali Khamenei, the mullahs’ supreme leader. Others chanted, “This year the regime is overthrown.”

In Karaj, high school students were chanting, “We will take back Iran!” And in Gohardasht, schoolgirls confronted a regime official and forced him to leave the school while shouting, “Shame on you!” In Karaj, high school students were chanting, “Mullahs get lost!”

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Life Report: Iran’s Protests Continue on the 18th Day, With the Collapse of the Regime’s Propaganda


On Monday, October 3, the 18th day of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people continued with protests and strikes. So far, nationwide protests have been recorded in more than 170 cities with 400 people and protesters killed and 20,000 arrests.

It should be noted that the night before the regime surrounded the Sharif University of Technology in fear of the spread of student protests and injured and arrested many of them. At least a hundred students have been arrested. The students stood up to them with remarkable resistance. While the students were surrounded by the regime’s special unit in the parking lot of the university, many people from Tehran rushed to Sharif University for help, after a nationwide announcement on social media.

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The Violent Crackdown on Tehran’s Elite Students Led To Massive Protests Across Iran


The violent crackdown on Tehran’s elite students led to massive protests across Iran.  Students at the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran were locked inside the university’s parking lot by state security forces on October 2, 2022.

The Sharif University of Technology is one of the world’s best universities and admits elite students. Numerous videos by eyewitnesses and students demonstrate the horrific attack on the students who tried to find a safe exit. Security forces used pellet guns and live ammunition against the trapped students and injured many.

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Security Agents Arrest 14 More Students in Tehran and Gorgan


Iran protests are on day 18, and there have been protests by Iranian students in more than a hundred universities. Iran’s security agents arrested several more students as they forced repression on protesting youth at Sharif University. On Saturday, October 1, 2022, students held strikes in more than 100 universities across Iran. Students at Tehran University, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), and Isfahan and Tabriz Universities were attacked by security forces while protesting.

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Iranian Resistance Supporters Gathering and Candlelight Vigil in Los Angeles in Support of the Iran Protests and Martyrs of the Nationwide Uprising

Gathering and Candlelight Vigil in Los Angeles in Support of the Iran Protests and the Martyrs

Los Angeles, October 2, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a gathering and candlelight vigil and expressed solidarity with the nationwide Iran Protests. This gathering and candlelight vigil was held in front of the Federal Building in Los Angeles.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 3, 2022