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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 29, 2023

Iran News in Brief – October 29, 2023

iran retirees protest 04102023



Female Unemployment in Iran Doubles, Outpacing Male Unemployment

iran ettelaat female unemployment (1)

The latest report from Iran’s Statistical Center reveals a troubling trend: female unemployment has doubled in comparison to male unemployment.

Citing the most recent official statistics, the state-run Ettelaat newspaper reported today that, on average, unemployed educated women accounted for a significant 68.8% of the total unemployed population in the country.

A closer look at the Statistical Center’s data reveals that during the summer of this year, educated unemployed men made up about 42.8% of the total national unemployed population. Among these, 30.5% were male graduates, while the remaining 66.3% were female graduates.

The state-run Khabar Online reported in July that the female labor force participation rate in Iran is less than one-fourth of the rate in developed economies and less than half of the rate in Turkey. Their estimates also suggest that the female unemployment rate in Iran is 70% higher than that of men.

20,000 School Administrators Ousted for Political Beliefs, MP Reveals

mp jalal mahmoudzadeh (1)

In a recent statement, a member of the Iranian regime’s parliament criticized the recent administrative changes within the country’s educational system. According to Jalal Mahmoudzadeh, the new education minister of Ebrahim Raisi has removed around 15,000 to 20,000 school principals from their positions due to political and ideological reasons.

These administrators have either been expelled, suspended, or transferred to different positions. The Minister of Education, Reza-Morad Sahraee, who assumed office in June, had previously mentioned that these changes were intended to “transform the school system.”

Previously, reports indicated that a substantial number of university professors have also faced dismissals or faced the authorities’ refusal to extend their contracts. Besides the shocking revelation that highlights the increased level of suppression, the large number of dismissed school administrators is a serious indication of dissent at every level of society.


Brave Iranian Prisoner, 25, Risks Her Life To Reveal How Women Are Tortured, Humiliated & Brutalised at Notorious Jail

The Sun

A BRAVE Iranian political prisoner has risked her life to share with the world the squalid and often torturous conditions inside the regime’s notorious women’s prison.

University student Farideh, 25, was imprisoned for more than a year at Qarchak – an infamous prison originally built to house livestock in Varamin, around 40 miles south of Tehran.

She told The Sun how she was arrested after painting some graffiti against the country’s current regime.

Farideh – a member of the Iranian resistance group MEK – said she was denied a fair trial, tortured, beaten, interrogated, and kept in solitary confinement before being housed in a filthy public cell at Qarchak.

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Fifteen Poor Freight Carriers Targeted by Regime Security Forces in West Iran

iran nowsud kulbar

On Saturday evening, October 28, criminal agents of the Border Regiment, opened fire directly on a group of Kurdish “kulbars” [poor freight carriers who transfer goods for a living] in the border area near Nowsud. This brutal attack resulted in severe injuries to 15 kulbars who hail from the cities of Javanrood and Salas Babajani in Kermanshah Province.

The kulbars primarily suffered injuries in their heads, backs, arms, and legs. Among the injured, 25-year-old Arman Salimi from Marivan required surgery, which was performed at Qods Hospital in Paveh.

These injured kulbars were transferred to Qods Hospital in the city of Paveh for medical treatment. Unfortunately, the overall condition of several of them is reported to be critical.


Armita Geravand Was Laid to Rest in Tehran

Today, October 29, a significant number of people gathered in Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery in Tehran to pay their respects to Armita Gheravand during her funeral procession. Despite the presence of security and intelligence forces, the crowd passionately chanted slogans and called out Armita’s name. They also shouted, “This flourishing blossom has become a gift to our homeland.”

Sunday Protests in Iran

Today, October 29, a group of disabled individuals organized a sudden protest in front of the Plan and Budget Organization in Tehran. They carried placards expressing their concerns, stating that the officials’ refusal to implement the Disability Act amounts to disrespecting human dignity and a clear violation of human rights.

Additionally, retirees from different cities, including Isfahan, Kermanshah, Ahvaz, and Tehran, also took part in protests on the same day. They were expressing their dissatisfaction with their current living conditions and the lack of attention to their demands.

Former US Officials Call on Washington to Face Off Tehran

مایک پمپئو: استراتژی برای قطع کردن سرمار چه باید باشد؟

In a Saturday interview with Fox News, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed the strategy for cutting off the venomous snake’s head, referring to the Iranian regime. He stated that the United States can certainly impose a heavy cost on Tehran. There are simple, indirect actions that can extract a significant toll from the regime’s leadership, compelling them to control their proxy forces.

Also, General Jack Keane, a former Deputy Chief of Staff of the United States Army, outlined a strategy during an interview with Fox News on October 28, suggesting that first, measures should be taken to prevent the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from attacking US forces. Subsequently, the focus should shift towards eliminating the IRGC. He emphasized the need for continuous and robust strikes against their command and control facilities, along with their leadership. The plan also involves the destruction of all offensive systems, such as rockets, missiles, and drones, and dismantling their entire logistical network.

General Jack Keane further discussed a potential second phase of the strategy. In this phase, the objective would be to target the training centers within Iran where the IRGC trains various proxy forces. Additionally, the plan includes disabling the command centers of the IRGC in Iran, which play a crucial role in coordinating, financing, and supporting these operations.


Maryam Rajavi’s Condolences on the Loss of Armita Garavand

armita geravand hospital

I offer my sincere condolences for the loss of Armita Garavand. Once again, the religious fascism ruling Iran has taken an innocent girl from us under the bogus excuse of improper veiling.

The repressive forces aim to prevent people’s uprising and protest by besieging the hospital and employing oppressive measures. Yet, they are unaware that the people, especially the youth of Iran, as well as my fellow Iranian girls and women, remain determined to overthrow the mullahs’ regime and replace it with democracy and people’s sovereignty.”

The inhumane and misogynistic policies and practices of the mullahs’ regime against women have nothing to do with Islam and the Quran and are only a means to continue the disgraceful rule of the Velayat-e Faqih regime. No to compulsory religionno to compulsory government, and no to compulsory hijab.”

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Iranian teen Armita Geravand dies after assault by morality police

Iranian teen Armita Geravand (آرمیتا گراوند) dies after assault by morality police

This morning, Iranian government news agencies reported the death of Armita Geravand, who was in a coma in hospital. Government news agencies wrote on Saturday, October 28, that she died after failing extensive medical treatment and 28 days in the intensive care unit. Armita Geravand, 16, was on her way to school on October 1 when a morality police agent at Tehran’s Shohada metro station attacked her for not wearing the compulsory hijab. According to witness reports, she lost consciousness after the agent pushed her and her head hit a metal bar.

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Copenhagen, Denmark – October 27, 2023: MEK supporters rally in solidarity with the Iran Revolution

Copenhagen, Denmark - October 27, 2023: MEK supporters rally in solidarity with the Iran Revolution

Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 28, 2023