Iran News in Brief – October 28, 2023

iran sanandaj retirees protest 03102023



Iran: Rebellious youths target judiciary complex in response to executions

On Saturday night, rebellious youth in Tehran targeted the Bahonar Judicial Complex. Sounds of heavy explosions were heard in the surrounding areas. This attack was in response to 16 recent executions, including six Baluch prisoners. The Bahonar Judicial Complex is tasked with issuing execution and prison sentences and plays a key role in looting the belongings of the people of Tehran.


Saturday Protests in Iran

Families of students in Mashhad, healthcare system workers in Sari, municipal workers in Ilam, and the residents of Darvishan neighborhood in Ilam held protest gatherings today, October 28.

A Weak Response to Iran’s Attacks

The U.S. late Thursday launched air strikes on Iranian proxies, which have spent the past week attacking American forces in the Middle East. At least President Biden finally responded after more than a dozen provocations, but the Administration still isn’t grappling with the root cause of the region’s violence: Iran.

The Pentagon says the U.S. hit two facilities in eastern Syria that are used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). But pinprick bombing of weapons and ammo lockers aren’t proportionate to the enemy attacks. Iran’s proxies have lobbed rockets or drones at U.S. positions at least 19 times since Oct. 17.

One U.S. contractor died after suffering a cardiac event while ducking for cover. Some 21 U.S. service members have been injured. The restrained U.S. response is intended as a warning, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin implied more could follow if the militias keep it up. No doubt President Biden aims to avoid a larger regional conflict.

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Armita Garavand Passes Away After a Month of Being in a Coma

The official news agency IRNA wrote on October 28 that this 16-year-old schoolgirl “passed away after the failure of extensive medical treatments and 28 days of being in the intensive care unit.”

The news agency further stated, “The brain injury suffered by the victim caused her to spend some time in a coma and she passed away a few minutes ago.”

Other news agencies close to the government, including Tasnim, Fars, and Donya-e-Eqtesad, have also published the same report as their own news.

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The Truth Behind Khamenei’s Posturing About Palestine

In the midst of the destructive war going on in the region, Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei delivered a new speech in which he tried to hijack the plight of the Palestinian people for his own ends and gloss over his regime’s four decades of betrayal and warmongering to the people of the region, which has come at the cost of millions of lives in the region.

In his speech, Khamenei shed crocodile tears for the people of Gaza and Palestine and said, “This spirit of anger that has arisen in the people will create reactions. No one can stop this reaction.”

Khamenei also tried to frame himself as the leader of the Muslim world by chiding Arab and Muslim nations and warning them to “not fall behind.”

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The Iranian Regime’s Quest for Regional Dominance

Across several cities worldwide, thousands of people have taken to the streets in a show of solidarity with the people of Gaza, fervently calling for an end to the devastating war and the resulting atrocities.

While the Iranian regime’s propaganda machine strives to position itself as the ‘main leader of the Islamic world’, it is unmistakable that the outrage over this war, in which the people of Gaza are currently enduring immense suffering, is primarily directed at the Iranian regime, the architect and sponsor of the conflict.

One must closely examine the political rhetoric of the regime’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, concerning the ongoing war, rhetoric that lays bare the Mullahs’ direct and criminal involvement in perpetuating this destructive conflict that harms both the Iranian and Palestinian people.

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Water Crisis in Iran: A Looming Environmental Disaster

Iran is currently grappling with a severe water crisis, a situation clearly underscored by the United Nations’ water status and conditions index. The crisis is most pronounced in the central plateau of Iran, where an absolute water shortage is unfolding.

Regime officials have often attributed this crisis to factors like low rainfall and excessive water consumption. However, the Majlis Research Center has emphasized that mismanagement has played a pivotal role in exacerbating the situation.

The parliament’s research arm has also warned that the current model, if it aims to achieve self-sufficiency in producing food for the Iranian population, simply does not have the requisite water resources to support this goal.

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Amir Arsalan, a 15-Year-Old Protester, Commits Suicide on the Anniversary of His Detention

Amir Arsalan Ezhdehakosh, a 15-year-old protester, was abducted by security forces on October 7, 2022, in Maaliabad, Shiraz. He was subjected to two months of physical and psychological torture by the security forces. On the anniversary of his arrest, on October 7, 2023, he “committed suicide by hanging himself” on the roof of his house and tragically lost his life.

Amir Arsalan was arrested during the nationwide protests in 2022, and his family was completely unaware of his whereabouts for several weeks. After his arrest, this teenager was sent to the Shiraz Correction and Rehabilitation Center for Juveniles. During the two months of detention, he endured both physical and psychological torture by the security forces.

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Unresolved Fate: Plight of Two Former Political Prisoners Marzieh Farsi and Forough Taghipour

Despite the passage of two months since their rearrest in August, the two former political prisoners Marzieh Farsi and Forough Taghipour remain in limbo in Tehran’s Evin prison.
The two former political prisoners were arrested on Monday, August 21, 2023, on the eve of the anniversary of the Iran Uprising on September 16, 2022. They were immediately transferred to the Intelligence Ministry Ward 209 of Evin Prison.

Marzieh Farsi suffers from cancer, and she does not have access to her medications while in detention. Marzieh Farsi, born in 1965, is a housewife with two children. She was arrested on February 18, 2020, in Shahr-e Rey, and taken for interrogation under torture. She was released on February 22, 2023, from the women’s ward of Evin Prison.

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Regime Change in Iran: A Prerequisite for Peace and Stability in the Middle East

In recent days, the world has witnessed events that unfolded in Gaza, leaving everyone shocked at the sight of the massacre of innocent people. There is no doubt that the Iranian regime supports terrorist groups in the region, but when it comes to addressing the destructive role of the Iranian regime, all parties hesitate and express doubt. The reason for this hesitation is not the lack of awareness of the Iranian regime’s detrimental activities in the region, but rather the prevailing policy of indecisiveness and appeasement towards it.

There is no doubt the Iranian regime actively fans the fires of war in the region, including the most recent episode that we’re seeing today. Khamenei and his Revolutionary Guards take advantage of the devastating war in the Middle East to escape the regime’s overdue overthrow.

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Copenhagen, Denmark – October 27, 2023: MEK supporters rally in solidarity with the Iran Revolution

Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 27, 2023

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