Iran News in Brief – October 27, 2022





Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 41

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Thursday, October 27, 2022 – 7 PM CET

The uprising expanded significantly yesterday, with protests reported in over 100 locations in the capital, and over 33 cities nationwide, the most extensive and geographically expansive protest activity since the beginning of the uprising on September 16.

Today, marking the 40th day since the death of a young Iranian girl, Nika Shakarami, and other protesters, people in various cities, particularly in Khorramabad, gathered to commemorate the martyrdom of those who have fallen for freedom. The mourners and protesters directed their chants at the regime and said, “This is the last message, the entire regime is the target,” and “Fight us and we will fight you back.”

As of this morning, the regime security forces have reportedly lost control over the Kurdish city of Mahabad. Demonstrators have taken over the city’s main seat of government (Farmandary or Governate), the police station, banks, and stores associated with the IRGC, as well as other state-affiliated centers, including the local treasury department.

In Mahabad, protesters surrounded the mother of Ismail Moloudi, a protester killed last night, and they chanted, “Don’t weep for your child! We promise to avenge him!”

Universities across Iran are against kicking off the day with protests.

A Telegram channel (tv1irib_sima) reportedly affiliated to the regime’s IRIB (state broadcasting network) complained that half of the Basij called to duty in Tehran had not shown up yesterday and that the remaining lot had to bear the brunt of the protests. The channel claimed that numerous Basij, IRGC, and SSF forces had been killed in clashes with protesters whom it called “rioters” on Wednesday in ferocious clashes. One video clip of a protester infiltrating a Basij base shows the grenades, tear gas, and other materials they possess and use to brutalize the protesters.

The global solidarity of Iranians abroad has boosted the demonstrators in Iran as the uprising continues to surprise analysts and shock regime insiders whose plans to reign in and pacify the uprising have failed. Protesters are calling each other to turn out every day to exhaust the regime’s security forces.

The regime’s threadbare attempt to exploit and abuse an attack on a religious shrine in Shiraz to blame protesters and deflate the uprising has backfired, with Iranians calling it a suspect act probably instigated by the regime. Serious questions have been raised about the ability of the attacker to carry a big gun into the shrine, his lack of the hallmark explosive belt of ISIS, the almost immediate security response of a regime SWAT team just a few minutes into the killing, and a statement attributed to ISIS that was erroneously dated 30 Rabi al-Aval, a lunar month of only 29 days. The regime characteristically blamed the “rioters” as having set the stage for the attack. The Iranian public, however, is not buying the regime’s claims and sees it as an excuse to further brutally crack down on the uprising.


12 Women Foreign Ministers Condemn Iran’s Crackdown

Ottawa (AFP) – Women foreign ministers from a dozen nations led by Canada’s Melanie Joly on Wednesday jointly condemned Iran’s violent crackdown on women’s rights, as protesters in the Islamic republic marked 40 days of unrest.

“As women foreign ministers, we feel a responsibility to echo the voices of Iranian women,” said a joint statement issued by ministers from Albania, Andorra, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Iceland, Kosovo, Libya, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, and Norway.

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UK Condemns Iran’s ‘Barbaric’ Use of Live Ammunition and Bird Shot Against Protesters

The UK is considering taking “very strong action” against Iran after a clampdown by Tehran’s security forces that included firing live ammunition and birdshot at protesters, the British Parliament was told on Tuesday.

MPs urged the government to impose sanctions on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and press for a United Nations investigation into alleged human rights abuse.

Iranian security forces were filmed firing teargas during a raid on a girl’s school in Tehran on Monday, with many videos of the incident being posted on social media.

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Iran: Massive Crowd in Saqqez on the 40th Day of Mahsa Amini’s Martyrdom

“We are all Mahsa, fight, and we will fight back,” “This year is a year of sacrifice. Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown.”

Cry of “Death for Khamenei” throughout Iran, university, high school students, workers, and shop owners stage protests.

Today, Wednesday, October 26, the people of Saqqez marched from different parts of the city to Mahsa Amini’s grave in Aichi Cemetery to commemorate the 40th day of her martyrdom. Despite repressive measures and the blocking of roads, people reached the cemetery through secret ways, including through the river.

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Iran’s Uprising Begins 41st Day With Escalating Protests and Strikes

Iran’s continuous nationwide uprising is entering its 41st day on Wednesday as people throughout the country are continuing their anti-regime protests as more sectors of the Iranian economy launch strikes in solidarity with the general protests.

Locals in the city of Saqqez in Kurdistan Province, western Iran, rallied at the resting place of Mahsa Amini in her memory on the 40th day of her passing. Despite the fact that authorities had gone the distance to block roads and resorted to different measures to prevent a ceremony in Mahsa’s memory, a large crowd at the site began chanting anti-regime slogans, including “Death to the dictator!” referring to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

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Voices of Women Loud and Clear on Day 41 of Iran Uprising

Protests and strikes began on the morning of October 26, 2022, in Tehran and various parts of Iran. Voices of women were loud and clear on Day 41 of the Iran uprising as they chanted the slogan of the day, “Death to the oppressor, be it the shah or the (mullahs’ supreme) leader.”

Until 5 p.m. at least 58 universities30 Tehran districts, and 19 cities saw anti-regime protests and clashes with security forces. Bazaar merchants held strikes in 31 cities. Workers in Abadan and Tehran oil refineries and Kerman’s Steel went on strike and high school students joined the protests in many cities.

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UN Human Rights Experts Condemn Crackdown on Iran Protesters

GENEVA (26 October 2022) — UN human rights experts* condemned the killings and the crackdown by security forces in Iran on protesters following the death of Jina Mahsa Amini, including alleged arbitrary arrests and detentions, gender-based and sexual violence, excessive use of force, torture, and enforced disappearances. They urged that the reports are thoroughly and independently investigated and those responsible held to account.

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Iran: Students, Merchants, and Physicians United Against Dictator – Day 41

Wednesday, October 26, marked the 41st day of nationwide Iran protests against the regime. Commemorating the late Mahsa Amini’s demise, thousands of citizens attended her grave in Aichi cemetery, Saqqez. Simultaneously, students, merchants, physicians, and people from different walks of life went on strike. Footage from Saqqez Aichi cemetery, Kurdistan, shows thousands of citizens attending the Mahsa Amini commemoration ceremony. Rather than weeping, the Mahsa family and citizens demonstrated their determination to continue protests against the entire regime.

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Stockholm—October 24, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rally in Support of the Iran Protests

Stockholm, October 24, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue to rally in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and political prisoners.

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London—October 24, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rally in Trafalgar Square in Support of the Iran Protests

London, October 24, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and some UK citizens continue to rally in Trafalgar Square in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and political prisoners.

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