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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – October 21, 2022

Iran News in Brief – October 21, 2022




Latest Updates on Iran Uprising on Saturday

Authorities in Tehran are rounding up trash canisters from the streets as officials are concerned about more anti-regime rallies on Sunday, October 22.

Protests are continuing with demonstrations in university campuses and many major cities, including in Tabriz as seen here where security forces are using live fire ammunition in an attempt to crack down on protesters.

Activities by defiant youth targeting and torching IRGC and Basij centers are expanding throughout Iran. Here is a post on social media of youths in Razan in Hamedan Province torching a Basij center after midnight on October 21, and in Tehran during the night.


65 Million Iranians Live In Absolute or Relative Poverty, Expert Says


The state-run Dideban website quoted an economic expert as saying on October 21: “According to published indicators, the cost of house rent at any place in Tehran is not less than 7 million tomans. Although the relative poverty line in Tehran and other big cities is 20 million tomans, 65% of our retirees earn less than 8 to 9 million tomans, which means they are in the absolute poverty zone.”

Hamid Haji Esmaili added: “30 million of the population require the aid of the relief and welfare committee and charities. In total, 65 million people in the country live in absolute or relative poverty.”

This state-affiliated recruitment expert added: “The liquidity growth indicator shows a 160% increase. All these factors, along with rampant inflation and the incompetence of our officials, are responsible for turning poverty into a super crisis, like the current social crisis we are witnessing. When in a country of 84 million, 65 million people are struggling with the effects of poverty in various ways, how can you pretend that the situation is normal?”


Iran’s Uprising on Friday

Today, October 21, marking the 36th day of the popular uprising in Iran, the people Zahedan took to the streets after the Friday prayer sermon and chanted slogans against the entire ruling establishment.

According to reports, demonstrators in Zahedan chanted “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to Basiji”. Protesters also chanted “From Zahedan to Tehran, I sacrifice my life for Iran”.

Iranians in Crimea Helped Russia Target Ukraine With Drones – White House


WASHINGTON, Oct 20 (Reuters) – The White House said on Thursday that Iranians have been on the ground in Crimea helping Russians target Ukraine with Iranian drones, and that U.S. efforts to negotiate a return to the Iran nuclear deal have been set aside for the time being.

John Kirby, the White House’s top national security spokesperson, told reporters that Russian military personnel, operating remotely from Crimea, have been piloting Iranian drones to launch attacks against Ukrainian targets including Kyiv in recent days.

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German Company Implicated in the Construction of the Closed Internet in Iran

netzpolitik-logoA German company from Meerbusch in North Rhine-Westphalia is implicated with the Iranian Internet company ArvanCloud in setting up a closed Internet in Iran. This is shown by joint research by Correctiv, Tagesanzeiger, and netzpolitik.org. German ministries and security authorities are alarmed.

A German company from Meerbusch in North Rhine-Westphalia is suspected of being a front company for the Iranian Internet company Abr Arvan, helping to restrict the Internet in Iran. As a joint research conducted by Correctiv, TAZ and netzpolitik.org shows, the company operates several data centers in Europe, which could ensure the operation of the internal Iranian network if the Internet were to be shut down.

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Hundreds of Iranian Opposition Supporters Demand Solidarity With Iranian People at European Summit in Brussels


With dozens of flags and a large banner reading “400 people killed, 20,000 arrested, stop inaction, close regime embassies, ban agents, stop trade”, Iranian opposition supporters lined up facing the European Union. settings. They show solidarity with the Iranian people who are rising up. The protests for more freedom and democracy in Iran have now been going on for more than 50 days.

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Latest Updates on Iran Uprising from October 20

A severe Internet blackout continues but reports indicate daytime strikes by local businesses in Kurdistan province and campus protests by university students throughout Iran, as well as nighttime protests in major urban centers, continued.

Mohsen Mandegari, a journalist who works for several newspapers in Iran where the media is controlled, has warned top officials that the country’s youth driving the protests “will not tolerate humiliation.” He added that “There is only a brief window of opportunity for the government to control the ongoing uprising, and if the government refuses to listen to them, it will face an uncertain and disappointing future.” In his interview with the Mostaghel website, Mandegari said: “Even if the current wave of protests in Iran recedes temporarily, it will flare up again at another time like fire from the ashes.”

  • Tehran – Large crowds gather in the streets, block traffic, and protest against the regime
  • Tabriz – Demonstrators occupied streets, lit bonfires to block security forces, and protested against the regime.
  • Isfahan – Protesters gathered in Chahar Bagh Street and chanted anti-regime slogans last night
  • Qom – Protesters graffiti in front of the city’s seminary of regime mullahs
  • Karaj – Defiant youth set a local police station on fire
  • Rasht – Protesters vandalize a statue of a senior cleric

Eyewitness reports from MEK-affiliated Resistance Units

“Back on Thursday and Friday, when people had called for demonstrations to take place on Saturday, October 8, I remember that the regime’s loyalists had ridiculed it, saying nobody would show up. When Saturday came, I saw protests that were way more ferocious than any I had seen before. I had never seen people so fearless and determined. They even freed several protesters detained in a police van. The security and plainclothes forces were beaten up more on that day than any day before. We have nothing to lose and much to gain. I can hear the march of freedom already.”


Live Report: Iran’s Nationwide Uprising Continues With Night Rallies in Several Cities


Iran’s continuous nationwide uprising continued for the 35th day Thursday as anti-regime protests escalated in the form of night rallies in several cities.

Protests in Iran have to this day expanded to 193 cities. Over 400 people have been killed and more than 20,000 are arrested by the regime’s forces, according to sources of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).  The names of 241 killed protesters have been published by the PMOI/MEK.

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Norway, Oslo: Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests

Norway, Oslo - October 18, 2022: MEK Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests.

Norway, Oslo—October 18, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and against the brutal attack on Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison by the mullahs’ regime.

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