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Iran News in Brief – October 16, 2023

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Dutch Ministry Highlights Iranian Regime’s Intelligence Tactics and Crackdown on Dissent

ministry of foreign affairs of the netherlands vector logo

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in its annual report dated September 2023 recently published on its website, dedicated a section to Iran and the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people.

The annual report by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued every year on the situation in Iran under the rule of the clerics, covers actions by the Ministry of Intelligence and the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence activities.

According to the Dutch FM annual report, the intelligence services of the Iranian regime monitor the activities of dissidents through surveillance of social media and individuals collaborating with them outside Iran. The regime threatens them through phone calls, emails, or social media. For example, by arresting family members of dissidents within Iran, they intimidate them to cease their activities outside the country.

The report by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasizes, “The situation in Sistan and Baluchestan province has been highly volatile. This includes continuous anti-government demonstrations on Fridays and a relatively high number of executions of Baluch individuals. At least 110 Baloch individuals were executed in the first four months of 2023.”

The report also states, “In early July 2023, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran held their annual gathering near Paris. Iranian authorities accuse the People’s Mojahedin of being responsible for various incidents in Iran. Throughout the preparation of this report, authorities reported several times regarding the arrest of individuals and the dismantling of networks allegedly associated with the People’s Mojahedin. Individuals accused of having connections with the People’s Mojahedin usually face severe sentences. On April 25, 2022, the Revolutionary Court in Tehran sentenced two students to ten years in prison under Article 687 of the Penal Code. Authorities accused them of having family ties to the People’s Mojahedin.”

Alarming Surge in Traffic Accident Fatalities in Iran – Newspaper Warns


A report dated October 16 by the state-run newspaper “Donyaye Eghtesad” concerning traffic accident victims in Iran revealed that in the year 1401 in the Iranian calendar (March 2022 – March 2023), the number of fatalities resulting from traffic accidents on the roads was 19,490 individuals.

According to the source, during the spring of 2023, 5,885 individuals lost their lives due to these accidents. This marks a significant increase of 961 fatalities compared to the number of fatalities from traffic accidents during the spring of the previous year.

Further into the report, Donyaye Eghtesad stated, “This figure surpasses the total casualties of the regional war. In recent years, the yearly death toll from road accidents in Iran has ranged between 15,000 and 20,000, with a majority being household breadwinners losing their lives in these unfortunate incidents.”

According to some experts, the main reasons for this high mortality rate are issues such as the poor quality of available vehicles within the country, underdeveloped non-road transport, and substandard road conditions in Iran.


Monday Protests in Iran

Today, October 16, a group of retired telecommunications workers in Zahedan, Arak, Ahvaz, Tehran, Khorramabad, Ardabil, Ilam, Zanjan, Urmia, Isfahan, Kermanshah, Shiraz, Sanandaj, among other cities protested against the officials’ disregard in addressing their demands, including the full implementation of the 2010 personnel and hiring regulations and resolving healthcare insurance issues.

Also on October 16, the workers of the Kian Tire factory set tires on fire within the factory premises to protest their living conditions and outstanding demands, shouting, “Abandon Palestine, start thinking about us.”

Today, the official employees of the Ministry of Petroleum working at the Forouzan Platform, Bahregansar Platform, Abuzar Platform, and Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company gathered to protest the lack of response to their demands. They demanded the removal of salary ceilings, elimination of retirement age restrictions, and the return of excess tax deductions, as they engaged in a gathering to voice their protest.

Iranian Regime Advances Drone Assembly and Development at Syria’s T4 Military Airport


A reliable military source informed Orient Net that paramilitary groups supported by the Iranian regime have recently launched a new program to assemble and enhance drones at the Tiyas Military Airbase. This initiative is in coordination with both the airport’s command and the Syrian Air Force.

Orient Net reported this development on October 15, stating that, according to the source who wished to remain anonymous, paramilitary groups associated with the Iranian regime are following the guidance of officers and experts linked to the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force. These activities are conducted under direct supervision from the clerical regime in Iran. The objective is to collect and improve various types of drones. The Revolutionary Guards are not only working closely with the Air Force but are also collaborating with General Mohammad Al-Ajwaz, the commander of T4 Airport. This collaboration extends to coordination with the Air Force through Waseem Al-Muhammad, an officer affiliated with the Air Force’s 222nd Brigade in the Assad regime’s paramilitary Air Force.

The source highlighted that Quds Force paramilitaries are actively engaged in the assembly and enhancement of four distinct drone models. Moreover, they are providing training to their members and Hezbollah paramilitary members within the airport’s garrison.

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Iranian Officials Must Be Held to Account For Their Atrocities

slider conference against world death penalty

October 10 marks the World Day Against the Death Penalty. According to the annual report by Amnesty International, over 50% of global executions (excluding China) take place in Iran. Officially reported statistics from the Iranian regime indicate that at least 660 individuals were hanged in Iran between October 10, 2022, and October 10, 2023. This is in addition to hundreds of street killings, torture of young people, and suppression during this period.

On Thursday, October 11, concurrent with the anniversary of the World Day Against the Death Penalty, a conference was held at the French National Assembly. In this conference, Ms. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and several representatives of the French National Assembly delivered speeches, calling for the prosecution of Iranian regime officials who have been involved in crimes and the suppression of the Iranian people.

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The Bitter Truth of Iran’s 25-Square Meter Housing Project

The Bitter Truth of Irans 25 Square Meter Housing Project

Less than two months after the Iran regime’s Ministry of Roads and Urban Development issued a statement denying any government endorsement for the construction of 25-square meter houses, Khashayar Bagherpour, the CEO of Tehran Construction Cooperative Union, announced in the presence of reporters that the Minister of Roads and Urban Development fully supports the plan. Bagherpour defended the concept of 25-square-meter houses during a press conference, citing their simplicity and their design inspired by the residence of the First Shiite Imam in Najaf.

He asserted that these houses would be constructed using a new housing production concept and emphasized that the project would proceed without any changes or setbacks.

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The Condition of Rural Women in Iran: Medieval, Catastrophic, and Unimaginable!

Rural women in Iran

October 15 represents an opportunity to address the condition of rural women in Iran, support them, and emphasize the importance of their role as working people.

Since 2008, the United Nations has designated October 15 as the International Day of Rural Women to promote gender equality and empower women in rural areas.

Rural women play an important role in eradicating hunger and poverty as almost 42% of rural women are involved in the agricultural sector. The majority of the women form the agricultural labor force and contribute to the livestock’s unpaid domestic care.

October 15 has been designated in the name of rural women to create awareness among society about the unnoticed and unappreciated contribution of rural women.

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French Parliamentarians Champion Iranian People’s Quest for Democracy

france paris maryam rajavi french assembly

During a conference held on Wednesday, October 11, at the French National Assembly, participants including French parliamentarians, members, and supporters of the Iranian Resistance, alongside human rights activists and politicians, convened to address and engage in discussions concerning the severe human rights conditions prevailing in Iran. The occasion coincided with the World Day Against Death Penalty, emphasizing the urgent need for attention and action.

The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated in her speech: “The world must stand against the mullahs’ warmongering. Instrumentalizing the Palestinian issue is a well-known tactic of this deceitful regime. Today, Khamenei and Raisi want to transform the Iranian people‘s uprising and struggle against religious fascism in Iran into a Muslim-Jewish war.”

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Amsterdam, The Netherlands—October 14, 2023: MEK supporters rally & photo exhibition in Dam Square

Amsterdam, The Netherlands—October 14, 2023 :MEK supporters rally & photo exhibition in Dam Square

London, England—October 14, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters held a photo exhibition

London, England—October 14, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters held a photo exhibition

Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 15, 2023