Iran News in Brief – October 16, 2022

As news about the fire at Evin Prison broke out, supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Los Angeles, US, took to the streets to raise awareness about an imminent massacre of political prisoners in Tehran



Support for Political Prisoners in Evin

Today, October 16, supporters of the Iranian Resistance organized more rallies in several European cities and the United States to tell the world about the atrocities committed by the Iranian regime against political prisoners inside Iran, particularly, those who are suffering systemic misconduct in Evin Prison.

London, United Kingdom

Geneva, Switzerland

Stockholm, Sweden

Washington DC, United States



Despite IRGC Commander’s Belittling Iran Uprising, Senior Cleric Reveals Regime’s Fear

Every day, commanders of the regime’s security apparatus as well as other senior state officials talk to the media and try to pretend that the ongoing uprising in Iran is a sideline story of “some emotional young and deceived rioters” that will rapidly fade away. But some other officials’ rhetoric might be more indicative of what is truly going on in the minds and hearts of the rulers in Tehran.

Ghorbanali Najafabadi, the Supreme Leader’s representative in Markazi province told the state-run Aftab TV network on October 13: “These incidents occurred in the worst timing possible. We are supposed to have school openings after three years of lockdown. Well, now a minor incident happened in a distant corner, for which someone was to blame. Someone might or might not. We don’t know. The judicial system should really determine who is to blame. They opened the country to chaos. After chaos came disturbance, and then a lot of cruelty happened. We had a woman who passed away and the reason is unknown. But more than 40-50 of the country’s best youths were martyred directly and indirectly by bullets or without it.”

“They took out guns and bang, bang. Raided police centers and killed IRGC commanders. They martyred our dear IRGC Defense Unit commander as well as other martyrs. They did this in Tehran, in Sanandaj, and in Saqqez, everywhere. I am really touched by these dear young people who were brutally martyred (referring to the killed security forces). It’s like we are sitting on a tree and we are sawing the main trunk of this tree.”


Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 31

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Sunday, October 16, 2022 – 12 PM CET

Prisoners in the infamous Evin prison, built and used by the Shah and later by the Khomeinist regime, revolted against the brutality of guards and were met with gunfire, death, and beatings. Evin is where political prisoners have been held, tortured, and massacred for decades by this regime. Many in Iranian society consider those imprisoned in Evin to be the most self-sacrificing and noble in the nation and they command much respect.

A fire broke out in the prison at around 9 PM on Saturday and several large explosions were heard. Video posted on social media showed a huge flow of protesters to the areas adjacent to Evin, as the routes were closed by plainclothes and later security forces to prevent protests around the prison. Protests continued in streets leading to Evin through the late hours. The authorities have claimed that some prisoners went into a “minefield” that they have established around Evin while trying to escape. More details will be reported as they are received.

As the nationwide uprising in Iran entered its second month on Saturday, IRGC Special Force Commander General Hassan Karami proclaimed, “the unrest is over!” This is while protests raged on Saturday. In an interview with Hamshahri Online Karami claimed that those taking part in the protests are trained saboteurs, “experts in creating flash mobs using hit and run tactics, who were organized in groups of three or four and were armed with all sorts of weapons including grenades.” He went on to claim the protesters were better armed than his special units, claiming that his forces just use “paintball shotguns”, while opponents display full metal jackets with war ammunition. The use of Goebbelsian propaganda tactics is par for the course with the IRGC and regime officials who attribute their crimes and characteristics to their opponents and playact the role of righteous defenders of the nation. The problem is that the nation does not believe them and is calling for “Death to the dictator” every day now.

IRGC General Hassan Hassanzadeh, the commander of Mohammad Rassoulallah Corps, which is tasked with Tehran’s security told the official news agency IRNA that 850 Basij militia members were wounded, and three others killed in clashes with the protesters in the Greater Tehran area. Some 185 Basij members were wounded in just one night, he said. Hassanzadeh added that the Basij has 380 well-equipped combat-ready battalions in Greater Tehran, seemingly contradicting Karami. He claimed that IRGC’s commanders have banned the use of military weapons by these units. Tens of videos going viral on social media show Basij, IRGC, and police personnel shooting at peaceful demonstrators in Tehran and other cities.

Today, on Sunday, demonstrations have started again in many universities across the country.

Maryam Rajavi wrote in a tweet about Evin prison: I urge the United Nations, the UN Human Rights Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the European Union to take urgent action and intervene to prevent the massacre of prisoners in #Evin. #Iran. I urge Tehran’s residents and youths to rush to the aid of the families who have gone to #Evin Prison. Help them save the lives of prisoners who are confronted with fire and shootings. #IranRevolution2022

Iranians In Diaspora Call for Urgent International Action to Save Political Prisoners inside Iran

As soon as the news crossed Iran’s borders about the fire and explosions inside the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran, supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Dublin, Bern, Vienna, The Hague, Hamburg, London, Brussels, Stockholm, Berlin, Oslo, and Los Angeles took to the streets and voiced their outrage against the regime’s misconduct against political prisoners and a possible plot for another massacre.

Hamburg, Germany

Oslo, Norway

London, United Kingdom

Stockholm, Sweden


International Call To Condemn Sexual Harassment Of, Violence Against Women, Girls by Suppressive Forces

Revolting and shocking scenes of sexually harassing women by the Special Unit of the State Security Force, and plainclothes agents once again expose the filthy nature and mindset of the mullahs’ misogynist regime.

While the public rage over their abhorrent behavior has spread all over Iran, the state-run news agency Mehr, October 14, reported that the information center of the SSF command described the released video as “psychological and demonizing tactics to confuse the public and inflame people’s emotions.” It announced that a special instruction to deal with this matter has been issued by the SSF commanders.

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Live Report: 30th Day of Ongoing Protests, Strikes as People Remain Steadfast in Their Resistance

Iran’s nationwide uprising continues on Saturday, marking the 30th day of the relentless protests, despite the regime’s heavy crackdown on people from all walks of life. The restive city of Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan Province, and Saqqez, the hometown of Mahsa Amini, and Mahabad saw many of its merchants close shop and continue their general strike against the mullahs’ regime. Strikes were also reported in the cities of Bukan and Ilam.

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A High School Girl Dies in Security Forces’ Attack

Plainclothes agents attacked Shahed High School in Ardabil on Thursday, October 13, 2022, arrested 19 students, and injured ten more, reliable sources said. The injured were taken to the Fatemi Hospital; however, one of the girls lost her life due to internal bleeding.

The Coordination Council of Teachers confirmed this report. The council said the school’s principal, Ozra Fatehi, had collaborated with the intelligence services.

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Iranian People Continue Protests, Suggest Brighter Future – Day 30

Saturday, October 15, 2022, is the 30th day of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people and strikes which are restless continuing. So far, protests have been recorded in more than 190 cities. More than 400 people have been killed and more than 20,000 have been arrested.

Some of the deadliest unrest has been in areas home to ethnic minorities with long-standing grievances against the state, including Kurds in the northwest and Baluchis in the southeast.

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Norway, Oslo—October 13, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Demonstration in Support of the Iran Protests

Norway, Oslo—October 13, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continued their rally in front of the terror embassy of the Iranian regime in Norway to express solidarity with the nationwide Iran Protests. They condemned the brutal suppression of protesters by the mullahs’ regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 15, 2022

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