Iran News in Brief – October 11, 2023

iran retirees protest 10102023



Dr Milan Zver Meets Iranian Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi

MEP Dr Milan Zver and his wife Dr Andreja Valič Zver met with the leader of the Iranian opposition and the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Maryam Rajavi, in Paris. Dr. Milan Zver assessed the meeting as important.

“It was a good analysis of the situation in the Middle East, where Iran, as the largest sponsor of terrorism, is the main destabilizer of the region,” MEP said after the meeting.

He added that he and the leader of the Iranian opposition agreed that the American release of the $6 billion frozen was a major mistake by US President Joe Biden.

“Instead of stepping up pressure and imposing new sanctions, the US has added momentum to the brutal regime with this move,” Dr. Zver said. “If we want to avoid nuclear and terrorist threats, the West must provide substantial support to the Iranian opposition, which is clearly committed to democracy and the only guarantee of peace in the Middle East,” said Dr. Milan Zver.




The Iranian Dinosaur Faces Extinction

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Maryam Rajavi Meets and Holds Talks With a Delegation From the Republic of Slovenia

On Monday, October 9, 2023, Maryam Rajavi met and held talks with a delegation from the Republic of Slovenia headed by Mr. Milan Zver, a member of the European Parliament and the co-chairman of the EP Friends of a Free Iran inter-parliamentary group. The delegation also included Dr. Andreja Valic Zver, the director of the Study Center for National Reconciliation of the Republic of Slovenia and a member of the Board of Directors of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, and Mr. Petier Suhel, adviser to the former Prime Minister of Slovenia.

Mr. Milan Zver was the Minister of Education and Sports of Slovenia before becoming a member of the European Parliament in 2009. In this meeting, he said: All indications are that the people of Iran are determined to overthrow Iran’s ruling dictatorship. Your movement is recognized worldwide for its 10-point plan, and you, as its president of the transitional period. It enjoys extensive support at the international level. It is very significant that more than 100 former leaders, presidents, and prime ministers of various countries with different political tendencies have supported your Resistance and the 10-point plan.

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Unidentified Planes Target Convoy and Headquarters of Iranian Militias

Violent explosions were heard as a result of airstrikes by unidentified planes on positions in Al-Bokamal countryside near the borders between Syria and Iraq.

The airstrikes attacked a convoy of Iranian militias near illegal smuggling crossings used by Iranian militias to transport between Syria and Iraq, in addition to attacks on positions of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the vicinity of Al-Bokamal on borders with Iraq.

On October 4, Iranian militias repositioned their military formations, following the airstrikes on their positions in Deir Ezzor countryside, and groups of the Iranian militias changed their positions and transferred a section of their weapons in Al-Bokamal headquarters, near the Syrian-Iraqi border, Deir Ezzor city and Al-Mayadeen city, as well as their positions near the banks of the Euphrates.

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Iran: Retirees’ Protests and the Mega Crisis of Pension Funds

From Sunday to Tuesday, pensioners returned to the streets again, shouting “Pensioner dies but does not accept humiliation,” in Tehran, Kermanshah, Arak, Shush, and Ahvaz, and other cities. While chanting, “Expensive, inflation, the scourge of the people,” “Social Security, what a wrong name” and “bankrupt government is the enemy of retirees,” the retirees displayed their anger against the government of Ebrahim Raisi and a regime that is wrought with discrimination and looting.

In Ahvaz, a large number of retirees gathered in front of the offices of the Social Security Organization of this city and by shouting “We will not live under oppression, we sacrifice our lives in the path of freedom, death to this slavery, death to this slavery,” they challenged the regime and the bankrupt government of Raisi.

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Iran’s Internet Freedom Under Siege: A Global Perspective

The internet, once hailed as a beacon of free expression and global connectivity, has increasingly become a battleground for the protection of human rights and digital liberties. In a world where information flows freely across borders, governments are grappling with the challenges posed by this digital revolution. Iran, in particular, has recently found itself in the spotlight for experiencing one of the most significant declines in internet freedom.

From its inception, the internet was envisioned as a tool that would democratize access to information and empower individuals worldwide. However, as governments recognized the Internet’s potential to influence and mobilize their populations, the concept of Internet freedom became increasingly complex. Countries began implementing measures to monitor and control the flow of information online, giving rise to debates surrounding censorship, surveillance, and the protection of digital rights.

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Infographic Series on the 2023 Death Penalty in Iran

On the occasion of World and Europe Day against the Death Penalty, the Iran Human Rights Monitor (IranHRM) urgently calls upon the international community to take decisive action to halt the ongoing executions in Iran.

Therefore, on October 10, 2023, the number of executions by the Iranian regime surpassed 550. 550 individuals have been deprived of their right to life.

The number of executed women stands at 16, and Iran remains the leading country in the execution of women worldwide. In the previous year, Iran claimed the title of the largest executioner of women in the world by executing at least 15 women in 2022. According to Amnesty International’s report in 2022, a total of 24 women were executed worldwide, with 15 of them being in Iran.

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Former Secretary of State Pompeo Urges Support for Iranian Opposition in NCRI Speech

In a gathering of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on October 6, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech commemorating the anniversary of the Iranian uprising and expressing solidarity with the brave Iranians who have fought against the oppressive regime. Pompeo praised the resilience and sacrifice of the Iranian people, acknowledging the atrocities committed by the regime to suppress their voices.

“We are here to mark a special anniversary, and I of course want to acknowledge the bravery and sacrifice of so many brave Iranians over the past year. The brutal regime has committed a great many atrocities to silence their voices,” he said.

Pompeo emphasized the importance of supporting the opposition movement within Iran and recognized the significant progress made over the past year.

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Stockholm—October 9, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Front of the Swedish Court, Seeking Justice for the 1988 Massacre Victims

Stockholm, Sweden—October 9, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally on the thirteenth session of the appeal trial of the executioner Hamid Noury in front of the court. They are seeking justice for more than 30,000 martyrs of the 1988 massacre.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – October 10, 2023

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