Iran News in Brief – November 8, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 53

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Protests continued in Iran today. Mourners gathered at the grave of Nasrin Qaderi in Marivan, a philosophy doctoral student who was recently killed in Tehran by security forces wielding truncheons after repeated and merciless blows to the head. Protesters chanted, “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to the IRGC”, “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!” and “This whole crowd has come out against the leader!” referring to regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei. The mourners also chanted a slogan targeting the regime’s founder, “Death to Khamenei! Damned, be Khomeini!”

High school and university students continued their protests against the regime today. Social media posts showed various demonstrations and protests in Tehran, Ahvaz, Sanandaj, Najafabad, and Damavand near Tehran, Karaj, and other cities. Students of Mathematics Faculty at Melli University, University of Science and Technology, Tehran University of Science and Culture, Allameh University, Sharif University of Technology, Ershad University in Damavand, Faculty of Architecture of Azad University in Najafabad, Noshirvani University in Babol, students and professors at Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences staged protests and sit-ins.

Industrial and commercial strike actions also continued in Zahedan, petrochemical and oil workers in 37 platforms, Isfahan steel mill, Tabriz Bazaar, Sanandaj University of Medical Sciences, and other locations.

Eyewitness reports from Resistance Units

Maryam Rajavi stated on her official Twitter account today that “the Iranian Resistance has an adopted plan for the National Solidarity Front for the Overthrow of the Ruling Religious Dictatorship. We call for the establishment of a society based on freedom, democracy, and equality.” Her speech detailing the National Solidarity Front can be viewed here.


As Protests Continue, Authorities Call for the Punishment of Protesters

Iran’s nationwide uprising is a few days away from entering its third month. As the uprising expands across the country, regime officials call for more violence against protesters and those arrested during the demonstrations.

On November 7, Mohseni Ejei, the regime’s judiciary chief, showed his teeth, threatening protesters with capital punishment.  

“Those who committed crimes during the recent riots should be rapidly identified and arrested. The judiciary officials should quickly act to condemn and punish the rioters,” he said, as quoted by the state-run Keyhan daily, known as Khamenei’s mouthpiece.  

Despite the regime’s heavy crackdown, Iranians are holding their ground and clashing with security forces. “In recent incidents, [protesters] disrespected the security forces, Basij, and the police. They should see the consequences of their actions. They should be punished,” Ali Rezai, the supreme leader’s representative in the IRGC’s aerospace, said on November 8, according to the state-run Mehr news agency.

According to the Iranian opposition, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), over 500 protesters have been killed by the regime’s security forces. While footage from Iran shows security forces opening fire on unarmed civilians, authorities vehemently deny killing any protester.

“The enemies have staged the death of [protester] and created the current situation in the country. They intended to influence the people on the streets by instigating a combined war and force the population to violence, Massoud Setayeshi, the judiciary’s spokesperson, said in a press conference on November 8, according to the state-run Arman-e Meli daily.

Setayeshi also announced that the regime’s judiciary had issued the indictment of 1024 arrested protesters.

In recent days, the clerical regime has held several kangaroo trials of the uprising’s arrestees. The victims are deprived of having free access to lawyers and are denied from contacting their family members. Last week, the regime’s judiciary sentenced several detained protesters to execution.



Intense Clashes in Marivan and New Protests in Many Cities of Iran

Iran is marking its 53rd day of protests across the country on Monday as protests in numerous cities expanded throughout the country the day before. The city of Marivan, following a burial ceremony, witnessed intense confrontations between locals and the regime’s oppressive security forces who were opening fire on locals using AK-47 assault rifles and shotgun pellet rounds. Brave protesters stood their ground and local activists were describing the city as a “war zone” with clashes continuing well into the night.

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Funeral of Nasrin Qaderi Turns Into Massive Protest in Marivan

The people of Marivan turned the funeral ceremony of Nasrin Qaderi into a massive protest on Sunday, November 6, 2022. Tehran University Ph.D. student Nasrin Qaderi, 38, was in a coma following multiple blows to her head. The state security forces in Tehran hit her in the head with batons during a November 4 protest in Tehran, where she was studying philosophy. She died in a hospital on November 5. Fearing public anger, state forces secretly transferred and buried her in a local cemetery early morning.

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Iran: Siahkal Citizens Join Protests on Day 53

On Monday, November 7, 2022, citizens of Siahkal, Gilan province, turned a commemoration ceremony into a full-scale fight against authorities. In addition to locals, Lahijan citizens attended the event, paying homage to the late Erfan Zamani, 37, killed by security forces in Lahijan on November 3.

Authorities sealed the city from early morning, creating checkpoints at the entrance gates and inspecting citizens to strike fear into society. However, defiant youths honored the late Erfan with anti-regime slogans such as “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the dictator,” “This is the year of [Khamenei] overthrow,” etc.

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Unfair Trials Prepare for Execution of Iran Protesters

As Iran’s Judiciary is issuing death sentences for imprisoned protesters, MPs have signed a statement calling on the Judiciary to decisively execute protesters.

The trial of Kurdish singer, Saman Yassin, presided over by Judge Salavati, was held at the General and Revolutionary Court in Tehran. In this trial, on October 29, 2022, Saman Yassin was charged with “moharebeh” by firing 3 bullets from his colt gun. The singer is also accused of “assembly and collusion with intent to commit a crime against the national security.”

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London—November 6, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rally in Support of the Iran Protests—Day 16

London—November 6, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue to sit-in and rally in Trafalgar Square in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and political prisoners.

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