Iran News in Brief – November 7, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 53

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran 

Iran is marking its 53rd day of the uprising across the country on Monday as protests expanded throughout the country the day before. The city of Marivan witnessed intense confrontations between locals and the regime’s oppressive security forces who were opening fire on locals using AK-47 assault rifles and shotgun pellet rounds following a burial ceremony. Brave protesters stood their ground and local activists were describing the city as a “war zone” with clashes continuing well into the night.

Protests were reported in many cities throughout the day, especially in several districts of Tehran. The cities of Tabriz, Isfahan, Shiraz Mashhad, Sarbaz, Behbahan, Yazd, Bushehr, Karaj, and Baba Heydar were also reporting similar protests against the regime.

On Monday morning the latest reports from the city of Marivan of Kurdistan Province indicated an ongoing general strike and continued confrontations between protesters and the regime’s security forces in various parts of the city. Local activists said authorities had dispatched many different security units to Marivan to quell anti-regime protests.

The people of Bukan, another city in northwest Iran, are also reportedly in the streets in solidarity with the protesters of Marivan. Protesters were seen establishing roadblocks and taking control of the streets by nightfall.

Other reports on Monday morning indicate that students at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran and the Islamic Azad University of Rasht in northern Iran were protesting and boycotting classes. Students at Noshirvani University in Babol, also in northern Iran, and Beheshti University of Tehran, among others, launched a gathering protesting the insistence by university authorities on gender segregation in the university cafeteria.

High school students have been taking to the streets on Monday in different cities, furthering the scope of today’s anti-regime protests. This includes schoolkids in the cities of Karaj, Shahriar, Sabzevar, and others chanting slogans against the mullahs’ regime.

People in the city of Siahkal of Gilan Province, northern Iran, held a ceremony in memory of Erfan Zamani, a protester killed recently by the mullahs’ security forces. Authorities had dispatched a large number of oppressive security forces to the city, who eventually opened fire on the ceremony participants. The participants stood their ground despite the crackdown and the heavy rainfall. Some reports indicate authorities had bussed in non-native security forces.

Maryam Rajavi made a statement on Twitter underlining the unity of the Iranian people in the struggle for the downfall of the regime and the establishment of a democratic republic:


The Major Iran Protests Have Caused Fear to Shift to the Regime’s Camp

In recent days, the Iranian regime’s judiciary sentenced some of the nationwide uprising’s arrestees to Moharebeh or waging war on God, thus preparing the ground for their execution. These cruel rulings were meant to intimidate brave Iranian protesters, but it has failed as protests persist and more Iranians are joining the uprising. This has caused the fear to shift to the regime’s camp, prompting some officials to express their utter fear.

“Defendant has rights, including free access to a lawyer and informing their family members. Violating their rights is not for our benefit. Because soon, those [officials] who are now out of prison might be accused and arrested,” MP Jalil Rahimi Jahan-Abadi told the state-run Jahan-e Sanat daily on November 7.


Iran’s College Students Continue Anti-regime Protests Despite New Crackdown Measures

Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 52nd day on Sunday, following a day of continuous protests by college students in numerous cities. These protests are relentless despite the fact that authorities are taking more measures to impose stricter campus rules and regulations and seeking to create a climate of fear in the country’s universities to prevent the students from launching more anti-regime protests.  

Protests in Iran have to this day, expanded to at least 216 cities. Over 530 people have been killed, and more than 25,000 are arrested by the regime’s forces, according to sources of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The names of 358 killed protesters have been published by the PMOI/MEK. 

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Monthly October 2022 – Stop Arrest and Torture of Iranian Women

An appeal to the world for urgent action and concrete measures to stop the torture and ill-treatment of Iranian women and youths for peaceful protest. They have been so brave that the world is now talking about them, the people of Iran, and especially their courageous women. Even those who usually keep silent on human rights in Iran, the UN Security Council, the G7 nations, etc. everyone is taking a stand and extending a pledge of support.

But words are not enough. The clerical regime has killed at least 530 protesters and detained 25,000.

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Iran: Marivan Citizens Begin Protests Day 52, Students Continue

On Sunday, November 6, 2022, citizens of Marivan, Kurdistan province, turned a funeral ceremony into a revolutionary momentum. Authorities beat Nasrin Ghaderi, a 35-year-old Ph.D. in philosophy at Tehran University, to death in the capital on November 4.

Fearing public anger, authorities secretly transferred and buried the late Nasrin in a local cemetery early morning. However, many citizens attended the place, paying homage to her despite the regime’s propaganda and misinformation campaign. Rebellious youths also took over the streets, chanting: “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to the dictator!”

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Berlin—November 5, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rally in Front of the Bundestag in Support of the Iran Protests—Day 17

Berlin—November 5, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue to sit-in and rally in front of the Bundestag in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and political prisoners.

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