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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 5, 2023

Iran News in Brief – November 5, 2023

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Flooding in 7 Provinces of Iran

iran floods june 2023 (1)

Due to heavy rainfall, seven provinces in Iran, including Isfahan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Kermanshah, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Gilan, Mazandaran, and Hamadan, have experienced flooding and waterlogging. The flooding in Abbas Abad, Mazandaran Province, resulted in the destruction of three bridges and inflicted damage on urban infrastructure, gardens, and farmlands.

The flooding in Abbas Abad led to the rupture of water supply networks in certain areas of the city, and some residents are still without access to drinking water.

In Salman Shahr, a suburb of Abbas Abad, the floodwaters caused significant damage to the local population. In an incident, a woman sustained severe injuries, and residents of the Karakti district in Salman Shahr have resorted to using boats for transportation.

Cartel of Regime Banks Accused of Hoarding Thousands of Homes in Tehran

The Bitter Truth of Irans 25 Square Meter Housing Project

In a concerning development for Tehran’s housing market, an expert has disclosed significant vacancy rates in both central and northern parts of the city, shedding light on a pressing issue that could have far-reaching implications.

As reported by various media outlets, state-affiliated housing expert Hamid Najaf revealed that a significant number of homes in both central and northern Tehran remain unoccupied, with estimates ranging from 20% to 40%. In certain areas of northern Tehran, it’s even more alarming, where 30% to 40% of newly constructed residential towers stand vacant. Furthermore, the problem extends to central Tehran, with 20% to 30% of properties lying unoccupied.

On October 30, the newspaper Hamdeli unveiled a cartel involving several state-affiliated banks, including Bank Maskan, Sepah Bank, Bank Mellat, Export Bank, Pasargad Bank, and Iran Insurance, who have collectively stockpiled an astonishing 170 to 8,000 residential units in northern Tehran alone.

This situation is leading to a growing issue. Many tenants, driven by exorbitant rent increases, have been forced to relocate to southern neighborhoods and the city’s outskirts. Over time, this migration is expected to cause significant problems, resulting in social and economic disparities and challenges.


The UN’s Misstep with Iran: Betraying its Founding Ideals

townhall-logoThe United Nations, with its blue flag and olive branches symbolizing peace, was built on the ruins of a world torn apart by war, with the core goal of upholding human rights and ensuring peace. Yet, today, this institution seems to be drifting away from its foundational ideals, evident in its recent decision to let the Iranian regime’s ambassador chair the Social Forum of the Human Rights Council in November 2023 in Geneva.

Understanding the gravity of this decision necessitates a deep dive into Iran’s track record. The Iranian regime has been at the epicenter of severe and systematic human rights abuses. The UN itself has condemned Iran in 69 resolutions. This is the regime that, in just the first ten months of 2023, is responsible for over 600 executions. It’s the same regime that, during the uprisings in 2019 and 2022, mercilessly snuffed out the lives of 750 and 1,500 protesters, including many dozens of women and children, respectively.

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Sunday Protests in Iran

On Sunday, November 5, retired individuals under the Social Security system in Shush, Ahvaz, and Kermanshah staged a protest in front of the Governor’s Office building, expressing their dissatisfaction with the current economic conditions and the lack of response to their demands.

Similarly, on the same day, nurses and medical staff at the hospital referred to as Khomeini in Urmia continued their second day of protest, highlighting issues such as unpaid dues, unmet demands, discrepancies in their salaries, and the absence of solutions to their economic challenges.


Hectic Movements and Considerable Mobilization in Deir Ezzor and Near the Occupied Syrian Golan

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Iran and its proxy militias have unprecedented influence in most areas under the “symbolic” regime control, as neither attacks by Israel and the International Coalition, nor the “cold war” with Russia could hinder the alarming entrenchment and expansion of these forces across Syria. Strengthening their presence and promoting their ideology, the Iranians are still carrying on with their systematic plan to change the demography of different areas throughout Syria’s geography.

In the following report, SOHR highlights the key developments in areas dominated by the Iranians in October 2023.

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Newspaper Survey Reveals Over 80% of Iranians Don’t Feel the Promised Economic Growth in Their Lives

iran donyaye eqtesad fake stats

Media outlets in Iran have reported an exacerbation of the economic crisis and stressed that people aren’t experiencing the positive effects of the economic growth claimed by government officials in their everyday lives.

The state-run Donya-e-Eqtesad newspaper conducted a survey on November 4, revealing that despite official data indicating economic improvement and increased employment, over 80% of the respondents don’t see these improvements reflected in their own lives.

The newspaper attributed the government’s touted economic growth to a rise in oil revenue and pointed out that the inflation level in Iran is so high that any increase in household income due to economic growth is quickly eroded by inflation.

Roughly 90% of the survey participants from Donya-e-Eqtesad expressed a negative sentiment when asked if they feel “economic prosperity” in their daily lives, with only 10% believing that economic prosperity has made a comeback.

In a previous report, the Parliamentary Research Center drew attention to a significant discrepancy between how the general public perceives inflation rates and the figures officially announced by the Central Bank and the Statistical Center of Iran. This raises concerns about the reliability of official data within the Iranian regime.

According to the report, the sample of participants in the parliamentary research poll estimated that in the Iranian month of August 2022, the perceived median inflation rate by the people was 86%, while the Central Bank and the Statistical Center had reported significantly lower rates of 46% and 51%, respectively, for the same period.


PMOI Resistance Units Protest Iran Regime Chairing UNHCR Social Forum

Iranian Resistance Units activities UNHRC Social Forum

The decision to appoint the Iranian regime as the head of the UN Human Rights Council’s Social Forum has outraged Iranians across the world. The fact that a regime that has one of worst human rights records in the world would direct any human rights assembly, let alone one associated with the United Nations is despicable. And the Iranian people and their resistance movement are making sure that the irony and disgrace of this decision is made known.

On Friday, November 3, freedom-loving Iranians gathered in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland to voice their protest to this decision. The protesters stressed that Iranian regime leaders and officials must be tried for executing dissidents, killing protesters, torturing opposition members, and numerous other crimes against humanity.

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Why Iran’s Regime Relishes the Killing of Innocent Civilians

Gaza devastation

The only party enjoying the tragedy unfolding in Gaza is the mullahs’ regime in Iran, whose leaders cannot even hide their joy behind crocodile tears for the victims of this conflict. They believe that with the killings and destruction in Gaza, they have obtained a shield for themselves against the uprising of the Iranian people and can temporarily postpone their own downfall.

The speakers of Friday sermons, who reflect the views of Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, openly talk about the “blessings” of this war for the regime, and some even say, “If today we don’t confront the Zionists at their borders, tomorrow they will come into our homes.”

Some of Khamenei’s associates depict the bombing of the people of Gaza in various ways as a normal and even necessary act.

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Iran Judiciary Sentences Mahsa Yazdani to 13 Years in Prison

Mahsa Yazdani min

Mahsa Yazdani is the mother of one of the victims of the 2022 Iran protests, Mohammad Javad Zahedi.

The first branch of the Revolutionary Court has sentenced Mahsa Yazdani to two counts of five-year sentences for “insulting the sanctities” and “provoking people against national security.” She is sentenced to two years for insulting Ali Khamenei, and to one year in prison for “activities against the Islamic Republic.” These make a total of 13 years. If the verdict is upheld, Mrs. Yazdani would have to serve five years in prison.

Security forces in Sari, the capital of Mazandaran Province, arrested Mahsa Yazdani on August 22, 2023, before the anniversary of last year’s Iran protests.

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US Congress Passes Bill to Increase Oil Sanctions Against Iran’s Regime


The United States House of Representatives has approved a bill to intensify oil sanctions against the Iranian regime. On November 3, the House of Representatives passed a bill with the support of members from both the Democratic and Republican parties to strengthen oil sanctions against Iran. The “Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum (SHIP) Act,” received 342 votes in favor and 69 votes against.

Representative Mike Lawler, a Republican, and Representative Jared Moskowitz, a Democrat, stated in a statement that this bill is a crucial step in preventing Iran from continuing its financial support for terrorism throughout the Middle East.

They also welcomed the widespread support of members from both the Democratic and Republican parties in the House of Representatives for this bill. Mike Lawler and Jared Moskowitz emphasized the importance of holding the regime accountable for its support of terrorist organizations.

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Berkeley, California: MEK Supporters Held a Photo Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution—November 3, 2023

Berkeley: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution—November 3, 2023

Berkeley, California, USA—November 3, 2023: Volunteers from the Iranian-American Community of Northern California rallied at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) in support of fellow Iranians engaged in a courageous fight for regime change. They stand in solidarity with Iranian protesters who are paying the ultimate price with their lives.

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Geneva: Protest Rally to Condemn the Iranian Regime’s Appointment to Chair the Social Forum of the Human Rights Council

Geneva—Nov 3, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians & MEK supporters rally in front of the UN headquarters

Geneva, Switzerland—November 3, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a protest rally in front of the UN headquarters to condemn the Iranian regime’s appointment to chair the Human Rights Council Social Forum.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – November 4, 2023