Iran News in Brief – November 4, 2023

iranian resistance geneva un 03112023



More Protests Reported on Saturday

On Saturday, November 4, residents of Behabad, in Yazd Province, held a protest in front of the Behabad County Governor’s Office to voice their concerns regarding the activities of the Aria South Demolition Company.

Additionally, following protests of locals against mining activities that create potential radiation hazards from the western mountains of Behabad, two Behabad-based reporters became victims of aggression by individuals associated with one of the mining operations.


Sunday Protests in Iran

On November 4, a group of nurses and medical staff at Urmia’s Khomeini Hospital gathered to express their dissatisfaction with the poor living conditions and the systemic neglect by the authorities.

Their primary concerns revolved around the salary rates for nurses and the low wages they receive. They were calling for attention to be given to the problems faced by their profession and their financial well-being.


Message to the Freedom-Loving Iranians’ Rally Outside the Un HQ in Geneva

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s message: “Fellow compatriots, and honorable supporters of the Iranian Resistance. I salute you all for gathering to voice your anger against the forced chairing of the UN Human Rights Council’s Social Forum by a representative of a regime associated with executions and massacres!

Your firm protest against appointing one of Iran’s ruling murderers to head a United Nations-affiliated institution echoes the voice of the Iranian people’s uprising and resistance. To those involved in appeasement and those who trample human rights and the historical achievements of the contemporary world, we say, Rest assured! No deals can save a regime, that solely relies on torture and carnage, from inevitable overthrow.
The United Nations, born out of the world’s outrage and sorrow following the immense pain and bloodshed during the two world wars in the past century, is today shamed by the presence of the clerical regime within its human rights institutions. These institutions are being compromised under the shadow of tyranny.

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Rebellious Youths Target IRGC Base in North Tehran

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Chemical Attack Targets Elementary Girls’ School in a Village in SE Iran

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, an elementary girls’ school in Rasoulabad Baghdanieh village fell victim to yet another chemical attack. The horrifying incident resulted in several schoolgirls being poisoned by toxic gases. Ambulances transported some of the affected students to nearby medical centers. Rasoulabad Baghdanieh village is situated in Iranshahr County, within the southeastern Sistan and Baluchestan province. Following the chemical attack, military forces cordoned off the school, preventing parents and local residents from approaching the affected area. Regrettably, this is not an isolated occurrence. On Sunday, October 29, sixty-seven schoolgirls at Zanjan’s Kowsar High School of Art also had to be hospitalized due to poisoning.

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The Iranian Regime’s Hollow Rhetoric on Palestine

The Iranian regime has consistently portrayed itself as a defender of the Palestinian people, often shedding crocodile tears for them. In a recent speech, the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, once again attempted to position himself as a loyal supporter of “the blood of the oppressed, children, patients, and women” in Palestine. However, these efforts can be seen as mere deception and manipulation. Recently, the regime has resorted to theatrical tactics, occasionally dispatching its Basij forces to airports within the country. These forces proclaim their readiness to sacrifice their lives for the Palestinian people, calling for revenge. However, these actions have become less convincing over time. There are in-depth analyses and interpretations of the Gaza conflict, that acknowledge the regime’s role as a significant instigator in the ongoing crisis.

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The Destructive Policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran Are Squeezing the Country’s Villagers!

The policies implemented by the Islamic Republic of Iran are having a detrimental impact on the rural communities of the country. Since the mullahs seized power and established a dictatorship, Iran has witnessed a multitude of grave issues in various aspects of society. Rampant corruption, embezzlement, a lack of transparency, and mismanagement have pushed both the environment and natural resources, as well as the Iranian people’s living conditions and livelihood, to the brink of devastation and disaster.

The story of the suffering of our country’s citizens, whose rights have been trampled upon by the provincial government, defies conventional description. However, the most heart-wrenching tale is that of the poverty and deprivation experienced by the villagers. In light of the anti-people policies of the Islamic Republic, the residents of the “Wider” village in Zarandiye City, located in the Kerman province, are persistently rallying against the construction of a third cement factory near their community. While the factory’s managers claim to have obtained the necessary permits from the Environment Agency, the villagers remain resolute in their opposition.

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Iran: 70% of Workers Have Two Jobs as Purchasing Power Decreases

Hadi Abavee, the Secretary of the Supreme Council of Iranian Worker Associations, announced that “the problem of the reduction in workers’ purchasing power has led to about 70 percent of them having dual jobs.”

Workers believe that with long working hours and low income, they cannot make ends meet and are forced to take on a second job after their regular working hours in a production or administrative unit to support their families.

Many reports have previously been published about the reduction in workers’ purchasing power in Iran, taking into account the inflation rate and the increased cost of living.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – November 3, 2023

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