Iran News in Brief – November 4, 2022




U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Oil Smuggling Network Backing Iran’s Quds Force, Hezbollah

WASHINGTON, Nov 3 (Reuters) – The United States on Thursday issued sanctions against an international oil smuggling network it said supports Hezbollah and Iran’s Quds Force, targeting dozens of people, companies and tankers as Washington sought to mount pressure on Tehran.

The U.S. Treasury Department in a statement said it designated members of the network that facilitated oil trades and generated revenue for Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah and the Quds Force, an arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards that operates abroad, both of which are under U.S. sanctions.

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Amid G7 Meeting in Muenster, Germany, Iranians Support Uprising

On November 3, while the Group of Seven foreign ministers gathered to discuss major world crises, including the Iranian regime’s crackdown on protests, supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Germany held a rally and called for support of Iran’s uprising.

During the rally, Dr. Stephan Nonhoff, District Mayor of Münster-Mitte said: “Iran has been unstable for a long time. The Iranian regime is trying with all its might to suppress this uprising, but it has no future. I am amazed by the resistance and courage of Iranian men and women.”

Koze Yacob, head of the German Social Workers Union, also condemned the regime’s brutal crackdown and declared her support for the uprising of the Iranian people. She called on the G7 to condemn Iran’s regime and stop prioritizing economic interests over justice in Iran.

Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 50

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Friday, November 4, 2022 – 7 PM CET

In the face of a crushing defeat suffered by Ali Khamenei’s IRGC chief who had pompously declared the uprising as being over last Saturday, and with evermore demonstrations and an open revolt engulfing the regime, authorities attempted to launch yet another counterdemonstration today that drew sparse crowds.

Protests and demonstrations, however, persisted today. Reports indicate that protesters turned out in many cities in Sistan and Baluchistan province, including in Iranshahr, Khash, Saravan, Souran, Zahedan, Rask, and other towns and cities.

Clashes were reported between the protesters and security forces in Zahedan. At least 50, many teenagers among them, have been reported to have been wounded in Khash, under whom some were in serious condition, as security forces opened fire with live ammunition. Several state banks were torched in the city as was a vehicle of the State Security Force. In Zahedan, protesters were chanting “This is the year of blood, Seyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown” and “Down with the rule of the Supreme Leader.”

People in Isfahan commemorated the 40th day since the killing of Fereydoun Mahmoudi and Shirin Alizadeh with chants of “For every person killed, a thousand will rise”. Residents of Shahinshahr held a memorial for Mohammad Hassan Torkaman.

Despite warnings by authorities of a severe crackdown, the people in Karaj held a memorial ceremony for Kanan Aghaie, another teenager killed by the regime.

Yesterday, another teenage protester was killed by security forces.

Iranian athletes continue to resign from national teams, protesting the systemic crackdown of their fellow countrymen and women. Mohsen Kord-Alivand, a champion in Muay Thai (Thai boxing), slated to travel to Kazakhstan for the Asian games 2022, resigned and posted a video online saying he would die for Iran and will not attend these games for the regime. Also, some former Iranian national football players said it was wrong to attend FIFA 2022 in Qatar while the uprising is going on in Iran and as the regime would exploit it for its own purposes.

Reports coming in indicate protests have started in Tehran at night.  In Javadieh district, protesters are chanting: “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”


Updates on Iran Uprising on Friday

Today, November 4, marking the 50th day of the uprising in Iran, protests, and strikes are still enduring. So far, nationwide demonstrations and clashes have been recorded in more than 213 cities with more than 480 martyrs and 25,000 arrests according to the Mujahedin-e-Khalq network inside the country. The names of 324 of these martyrs have been announced by the organization.

Mallard, Karaj, Alborz province – Honoring the 40th day of Ruzbeh Khademian’s martyrdom, a number of people from Karaj City gathered in Behesthe Sakine cemetery while his mother gave a motivational speech. She bravely said: “My son sacrificed his life for Iran.”

On Wednesday, September 21, Ruzbeh Khadimian was killed by security forces near his mobile phone shop in Fardis Karaj.

Karaj – Despite serial threats from the regime’s intelligence agents, the commemoration of the 40th day of Kanaan Aghaei, one of the martyrs of the nationwide uprising, was held on Friday, November 4.

Shahin Shahr, Isfahan province – A mourning turned into a political rally as a large crowd attended the 40th day of the commemoration ceremony of Mohammad Hassan Turkaman and started to chant slogans against the regime.

Unable to tolerate the protest, security forces were dispatched to dismantle the protest and started shooting and clashing with the people.

Oshnavieh, West Azerbaijan province – The 40th-day ceremony of the Abdulsalam Qadir Galvan turned out the locals, and pledges were made against those who killed him.

Rezvan Garden Cemetry, Isfahan – The people of Isfahan gathered to honor the 40th day of Shirin Alizadeh’s martyrdom and chanted slogans of “Death to the dictator”. Security forces eventually showed up and fired tear gas and tried to disperse the protesting crowd.


Maryam Rajavi: Do Not Negotiate With the Regime That Kills Children and Teenagers

Greetings to each of you fellow compatriots and supporters of the Iranian Resistance,
You have raised the proud flag of Iran’s uprising outside the summit of the world’s seven industrialized nations! You have come to convey the voice of the Iranian people, brave girls and boys, brave university students, and passionate high school students to the world.

From here, we salute the heroes and the brave people of Iran, whose uprising will mark its 50th day tomorrow. Fifty days of battle, 50 days of sacrifice, and 50 days of perseverance against the demon of oppression and crime, with cries of “Pledging to our slain comrades, we will stand to the end.”

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Iran’s Relentless Uprising Continues With Night Rallies Across the Country

The ongoing nationwide uprising throughout Iran is now marking its 49th day on Thursday, following a busy night of protest gatherings, roadblocks, and other protesting measures by the Iranian people. 

In an important development in Washington, more than 2,000 academics from universities across the United States have written to U.S. President Joe Biden urging him to do more to support the Iranian people engaged in anti-government protests across the country, emphasizing many of these protesters are coming out of Iranian universities and schools as young Iranians take to the streets and face off against the country’s brutal security services. 

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Thousands of Iranians March To Pay Tribute to the Martyrs of Iran Uprising on Day 49

Thousands of Iranians took to the streets of various cities to commemorate martyrs of Iran uprising on the 40th day of their martyrdom, marking the 49th day of Iran uprising on Thursday, November 3, 2022.

Karaj, west of Tehran, was a hotbed of protests. Thousands of youths walked to Behesht-e Sakineh cemetery where Hadis NajafiSarina Esmailzadeh, Ruzbeh Khademian and Reza Parsadoust are resting in peace.

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Iran: Turning Point in Protests; People Resist, Authorities Flee – Day 49

On Thursday, November 3, 2022, citizens resumed protests across Iran. Commemorating several martyrs in Karaj, Amol, Eslamabad-e Gharb, Fuladshahr, Bandar Anzali, Qasr-e Shirin, mourners chanted anti-regime slogans and confronted oppressive forces.

Yesterday, the regime’s Supreme Leader compared recent protests with the coup in 1953, which led to the overthrow of Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq’s government, Iran’s only national government. Indeed, Khamenei deceitfully disguised his brutal theocracy with a democratic government.

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Berlin—November 1, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rally in Front of the Bundestag in Support of the Iran Protests—Day 13

Berlin—November 1, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue to sit-in and rally in front of the Bundestag in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and political prisoners.

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Stockholm—November 1, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rally in Support of the Iran Protests—Day 10

Stockholm—November 1, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue to sit-in and rally in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and political prisoners.

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