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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 30, 2022

Iran News in Brief – November 30, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 76

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 – 7 PM GMT+1

  • Days: 76
  • Protests: 277 cities
  • Fatalities: 680+ estimated deaths, 545 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000+

A grand majority of Iranians abroad and at home rooted for the American team as the USA-Iran match got underway in the World Cup 2022 on November 30. The answer erupted in joyful scenes of thousands of cars converging on major streets in almost all of Iran’s cities in the early hours after midnight to celebrate a win that Iranians dubbed as PEOPLE 1 – KHAMENEI 0.

As cars honked, fireworks lit the skies, and commuters danced in the streets of Tehran, Karaj, Zanjan, Tabriz, Kermanshah, Hamedan, Qom, Qazvin, Isfahan, Sanandaj, Saqqez, Mahabad, Marivan, Javanrud, Zahedan, Chahrmahal & Bakhtiari towns, the border town of Sarpol Zahab, and other cities, one Iranian asked another in astonishment, “Did Iran win?” and the answer came back that, “Iranian people won.”

Never mind that the official scoreboard showed USA 1 – IRAN 0.  This was up for interpretation in a society where revolution is afoot, and protesters are chanting “Down with Khamenei” on every street corner in every city. The dominant and overwhelming sentiment of Iranian society was that they had won, and the regime had lost. As one protester said, “the Islamic Republic lost.”

Sharif University students who waited until midnight for the match results erupted in celebratory chants. Various districts of Tehran posted videos of the people’s celebration of the Khamenei regime’s loss as in Abdolabad, Naziabad, Punak, Fallah, Eslamshahr, and other districts of the capital. Even Iranians who had gone to Qatar celebrated.

Fox News Digital website reported that “In an encrypted telephone interview with Fox News Digital Monday, an Iranian woman who called herself ‘Mahoora’ and lives in southern Iran, said, ‘It’s not just some people in Iran, it is the majority of people in Iran…that want the U.S. to win (on Tuesday). The silent majority [of Iranians] did not celebrate the regime team’s victory over Wales.’”

Maryam Rajavi said in her official Twitter account on the people’s celebration of the results of the World Cup 2022 match: “Iranian people expressed their anger last night with unison chants of “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to Bassiji” at the regime’s corruption of national sport. If anyone in any position or career stands with the mullahs, people know them as anti-patriotic & anti-Iranian.”


Alabama Man Indicted for Violating U.S. Sanctions Against Iran

the U.S. Department of Justice sentenced Behrooz Behroozian, a 64-year-old resident of Ohio to 20 months in prison for violating U.S sanctions by sending industrial and oil technology to Iran’s regime

An indictment was unsealed today charging Ray Hunt, 69, of Madison County, Alabama, with federal offenses related to an illegal scheme to export U.S.-origin goods to Iran.

The 15-count indictment charges the defendant with conspiracy to defraud the United States, sanctions violations, smuggling goods from the United States and submitting false or misleading export information.

According to the indictment, since at least November 2017, the defendant conspired to export U.S.-origin parts used in the oil and gas industry, including control valves and oil tubing, through his Alabama-based company, Vega Tools LLC, to customers in Iran. The defendant transshipped the goods to Iran through Turkey and the UAE to evade U.S. sanctions.

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In Iran, 21 People Arrested in the Protests Face Death Penalty: Un Expert


GENEVA — A U.N.-appointed independent expert on Iran voiced concern on Tuesday that the repression of protesters was intensifying, with authorities launching a “campaign” of sentencing them to death.
The U.N. says more than 300 people have been killed so far and 14,000 arrested in protests which began after the Sept. 16 death in custody of 22-year-old Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini.

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Iran Uprising Marks Its 75th Day as Regimes Fails to Silence Protesters


The protests in Iran have evolved into a nationwide uprising movement and are entering its 75th day on Tuesday. Truck drivers in several cities are joining the anti-regime campaign with strikes that bear the potential of delivering a crippling blow to the mullahs’ regime. People in various cities have also continued their nightly protests and certain anti-regime measures of setting ablaze pro-regime billboards, posters, and monuments to voice their hatred of the mullahs’ rule.

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Eyes Staring World Cup, Iranians Gazing Streets – Day 75 of Revolution


On Tuesday, November 29, 2022, an audio file revealed by the hacktivist group, Black Reward, indicated concerns among Revolutionary Guards commanders and high-ranking intelligence and security officials about worn-out security forces, media failure, and strikes.

Contrary to the regime’s propaganda, IRGC Basij deputy chief Qassem Qoreyshi revealed damning details about security forces’ frustrations and protesters’ boldness on day 59 of protests, November 15. The audio was secretly recorded by IRGC’s Fars news agency deputy editorial chief Abbas Darvish Tavangar.

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Torturing Political Prisoner Loghman Aminpour in Evin Prison


It has been 40 days since political prisoner Loghman Aminpour was transferred to Evin Prison (Detention Center 241). Loghman remains under tortured and is kept in solitary confinement. He is repeatedly interrogated and tortured, which has raised serious concern for his family and relatives. Loghman Aminpour was transferred to Detention Center 241 of Evin Prison on October 19, 2022. It was from this date they interrogated and tortured him while keeping Loghman in solitary confinement. During this period, the political prisoner was denied contact or visitation with his family. He is deprived of any facilities. The prison authorities have filed a lawsuit against him.

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