Iran News in Brief – November 3, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 49

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Thursday, November 3, 2022 – 5 PM CET

Today strong evidence emerged that the regime of Khamenei is losing the battle with the Iranian nation as major demonstrations erupted in Karaj, Arak, Fuladshahr, Amol, and Qazvin to commemorate the 7th and 40th days since the death of innocent and unarmed protesters by the regimes brutal uniformed and plainclothes security forces.

Thursday is the 40th day since the death of Hadith Najafi, Mahsa Muguie, Javad Heydari, and Ghazaleh Chalabi at the hands of Khamenei’s security forces in Iran.

The people of Karaj descended in the thousands on Behesht Sekineh cemetery, where they were met with brutality, gunshots, and tear gas by security forces. The highway to the cemetery was barricaded by protesters to stop security forces. Protesters in Karaj marched and chanted against the regime, “So many years of crimes! Death to the mullahs’ regime!” Security forces shot dead yet another protester, at least. Some protesters retaliated against plainclothes agents of the regime who were attacking them, and clashes ensued. Residents attacked turbaned mullahs guiding security forces and counterattacked against them and were able to disarm the security forces attacking them. The regime’s Tasnim news agency confirmed that at least one Basij member was killed in Karaj. They also blocked a State Security Force vehicle and severely beat up the agents inside, and confiscated their weapons.

Fuladshahr was also up in arms as protesters converged on Mahsa Muguie’s grave and mounted an impressive challenge to Khamenei’s regime, chanting, “I will kill those who killed my sister.”

Qazvin also saw thousands of its citizens protesting the regime for the innocent killing of Javad Heydari, an unarmed protester. The parents of Iranian wrestling champion Navid Afkari, who was executed for participating in the November 2019 uprising, participated in the massive demonstration to the cheers of participants who shouted Navid’s name.

Arak residents were also out in force to commemorate the 7th day of Mehrshad Shahidi’s murder by the regime’s oppressive security forces.


The Iranian uprising and the economic state of the regime

As protests continue across Iran, reports indicate that in the last ten working days, the country’s stock exchange market experienced an intense outflow of over 3.5 trillion tomans worth of capital, an equivalent to $715 million based on the free market’s exchange rate.

On September 22, while referring to the discharge of $45 billion of capital in the last four years, the head of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce said: “It seems that the outflow of capital from the country is more than this figure because a significant part of Iran’s economy is managed secretly.”

Iran’s economy is mostly dominated by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. While state-affiliated companies and authorities control the vast majority of the stock exchange’s capital, many experts believe the sudden and increasing trend of this outflow lays bare the officials’ fear of its looming downfall as its affiliates try to take what they have plundered in recent years and leave Iran.

Also worth noting is that on November 1, the dollar exchange rate broke its previous records, selling at 34,600 tomans in the free market.


Iran Uprising Inflames in Alborz, Markazi, and Mazandaran Provinces

Today, marking the 49th day of Iran’s nationwide uprising, locals in different cities who had gathered to honor several martyrs on their 40th day of martyrdom clashed with security forces.

In Karaj, angry locals who were mourning Hadis Najafi, killed in September by security forces with six bullets, chanted anti-regime slogans and confronted fully-armed security forces with bare hands. They torched a police station and disarmed several oppressive forces. The regime’s security forces opened fire on protesters.

Iranians in Arak, Markazi province, gathered to honor Mehrshad Shahidi, a 19-years-old talented chef killed by security forces last week. They chanted anti-regime slogans and vowed to continue Mehrshad’s path until the regime’s downfall.

Amol, Mazandaran province, also witnessed scenes of people skirmishing with security forces while honoring the Iran protests’ martyr Ghazaleh Cholabi on her 40th day of martyrdom.


Capital Flight in Iran Reveals Regime’s State of Mind

As protests continue across Iran, reports indicate that in the last ten working days, the country’s stock exchange market experienced an intense outflow of over 3.5 trillion tomans worth of capital.

On September 22, while referring to the discharge of $45 billion of capital in the last four years, the head of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce said: “It seems that the outflow of capital from the country is more than this figure because a significant part of Iran’s economy is managed secretly.”

Iran’s economy is mostly dominated by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei. While state-affiliated companies and authorities control the vast majority of the stock exchange’s capital, many experts believe the sudden and increasing trend of this outpouring lays bare the officials’ fear of a looming downfall as its affiliates try to take what they have plundered in recent years and leave Iran.

Also worth noting is that on November 1, the dollar exchange rate broke its previous records, selling at 34,600 tomans in the free market.


Live Report: Iran Uprising Grows to More Cities With New Strikes on 48th Day

The nationwide uprising in Iran, consisting of continuous protests and demonstrations, is entering its 48th day on Wednesday, with merchants in the Kurdish cities of Sanandaj, Saqqez, MahabadBukan, and Baneh closing shops and launching another round of their general strike in solidarity with the nationwide uprising. Locals in Saqqez, the capital of Kurdistan Province, are also taking to the streets and chanting anti-regime slogans. 

This followed a restive night of protests and rallies by people in several districts of Tehran, and others in the cities of Arak and Ilam, among others. The city of Deholoran in Ilam Province also saw major confrontations between protesters and the regime’s security forces continue into the night. 

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Iran Protests Continue on Day 48 With Strikes and Demonstrations

On Wednesday, November 2, 2022, citizens resumed protests across Iran. Merchants closed shops and joined the nationwide strike. Furthermore, the people of Nowshahr paid homage to the late Hananeh Kia, 22, with anti-regime slogans.  

November 2 marked the 48th day of anti-regime protests in Iran. The demonstrations began following the heinous murder of Mahsa Amini, 22, in police custody. However, it immediately turned into a revolution against the entire theocratic regime. 

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London—November 1, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Continue to Rally in Support of the Iran Protests—Day 11

London—November 1, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue to sit-in and rally in Trafalgar Square in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising and political prisoners.

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Washington, DC—November 1, 2022: A Long-Month Sit-in by the Iranian Resistance Supporters in Front of the US Congress to Support the Iran Protests—Day 3

Washington, DC—November 1, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continue to the long-month sit-in and rally outside the US Congress to support the nationwide Iranian people’s uprising.

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