Iran News in Brief – November 29, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 75

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 – 7 PM GMT+1

In Mahdasht, a city in Alborz Province located west of Tehran, reports indicate protesters set ablaze the local office of Khamenei’s representative.

On Tuesday morning initial reports indicated truck drivers of the refinery in Shiraz, south-central Iran, were on strike and continuing the nationwide movement that is gaining pace. Truck drivers in Sanandaj and Marivan in the Kurdistan Province of western Iran, and ports in Bandar Abbas were also on strike. Hundreds of trucks are parked at a city terminal and nearby roads, according to local activists. Similar strikes were also reported in Kermanshah Province and Dehaqan of Isfahan Province.

Nurses of Khomeini Hospital in the capital Tehran also held a protest gathering seeking answers from regime officials regarding their long-raised demands. Nurses in Isfahan’s Al-Zahra University Hospital also staged a protest rally today.

In Hormozgan Province, southern Iran, workers of the Maad Koush Steel Company went on strike as another sector of the country’s industry joined the nationwide movement. Other reports from Sanandaj indicate schoolkids were seen setting up roadblocks by emptying dumpsters to set the trash on fire.

A hacker group has leaked a conversation between Basij Deputy Commander Ghassem Ghoureishi and state-affiliated media actors discussing intra-regime infighting over ongoing protests. Black Reward claimed a cyberattack on Fars News Agency’s website (IRGC-affiliated) on November 25. Fars later confirmed the hacking attack. The recorded discussion involving Ghoureishi and state media actors seems to have originated from Fars’ digital archives.

The two-and-a-half-hour-long audio file confirmed significant strikes in 22 of Iran’s 31 provinces on November 15, and almost complete store closures in the capital of Tehran. Ghoureishi additionally referred to directives issued by Ali Khamenei to violently crackdown on the protesters. One of the speakers related a story that Khamenei complained to Gholamali Haddad Adel (his son-in-law and a member of the council) that members of the Expediency Council had failed to back him up and condemn the protests. He also is reported to have warned SSF Commander Hossein Ashtari against his failure to sufficiently suppress the protests and that he was alarmed the SSF might fail to carry out its duty in the streets due to waning morale among security personnel.

The conversation’s reference to intra-regime fissures and differences is consistent with the current assessments of the regime’s dire circumstances in the face of a widening insurrection in the general population.


State Officials Continue to Warn of Regime’s Dire Situation

During the regime’s parliamentary session today, Mohammadreza Sabbaghian Bafghi, a member of the regime’s parliament acknowledged the nationwide outrage and asked the regime’s leadership to bridge the huge gap among themselves to be able to stop the unrest.

Calling on the regime’s Supreme Leader, the MP said: “We must negotiate with ourselves before negotiating with the United States. I am not talking with the People’s Mojahedin. I am not talking with the Communists. I am not talking with the Zionist regime. I am talking about the previous presidents and the previous parliament speakers who suffered from this system. We have to sit down and talk together. Otherwise, it will become tougher by the day and the enemy will exploit this.”

Meanwhile, Hossein Ashtari, the Chief Police Commander told a gathering of security forces: “The hypocrites (the regime’s pejorative term to slander the MEK) and counter-revolutionaries take advantage of any situation to implement their false plans and target the thoughts of the zealous youth of Islamic Iran. Therefore, by making excuses and abusing the situation, they have turned the protests into riots.”


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Is Listed Terrorist Group ‘by Association,’ Canadian Court Rules

A judge has ruled that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is a “terrorist entity” under Canadian law, adding fuel to the debate over how to deal with the branch of Tehran’s armed forces.

The Ontario Superior Court found the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was “a listed entity” because one of its branches, the Qods Force, was already designated as such by Canada.

The ruling was handed down in a case that weighed whether the estate of a late Canadian lawyer was required to pay almost $1 million to an Iranian aviation company alleged to be a front for the IRGC.

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Iran Protests Continue With Truck Drivers Joining the Nationwide Uprising With Strikes

Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 74th day on Monday as truck drivers in many cities across the country have been going on strike recently, with more joining the movement on Sunday. College students in different cities have continued their rallies and gatherings, protesting the regime’s crackdown measures against the entire society, and especially their fellow classmates. At night protesters have been using Molotov cocktails in more frequent attacks targeting the mullahs’ regime, especially sites of the Basij, a paramilitary force affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC); centers used by the mullahs to promote the regime’s ideology of hatred, misogyny, and fundamentalism; offices of local representatives of regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei; and local offices of members of the regime’s Majlis (parliament) in various cities and towns.

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Solidarity with Ghazal Ranjkesh on Day 74 of Iran Uprisings

Today, on Day 74 of the Iran uprising, Iranian students and protesters held symbolic acts of solidarity with a young woman blinded by security forces in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran. The young woman was Ghazal Ranjkesh, #GhazalRanjkesh, a law student. She was shot in the eye when returning home with her mother on November 15, 2022.

Some hours after being operated on, she explains her story on Instagram: “I was returning home to rest after 4 hours of class and 9 hours of work. The last image my right eye recorded was the smile of the man shooting at me.

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Women Have Been the Main Target of the Iranian Regime — Now They’re Leading the Revolution To Bring It Down

Brave Iranian women, supported by a generation of young men, educated, and knowing their inalienable rights, have openly and ferociously rejected the brutal religious dictatorship of Ali Khamenei and all his loyalists and apologists in pursuit of justice and equal rights.

They are organized, inspired, self-sacrificing, and ready to bring about fundamental change: the regime’s downfall and the establishment of democratic rule that will ensure their life, liberty, and prosperity.

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College Students, Truckers, Steel Workers Continue Strike – Day 74 of Revolution

On Monday, November 28, 2022, college students, truckers, steel workers, automaking factory employees, and merchants continued the nationwide strike across Iran.

Reports tallied by Iran News Update indicate strikes, protests, and anti-regime activities resumed in dozens of cities, including Tehran, Isfahan, Shahreza, Salafchegan, Sabzevar, Karaj, Asaluyeh, Hamedan, Sanandaj, Khorramabad, Kermanshah, Asadabad, Amol, Kashan, Yazd, Bushehr, and Mahabad.

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Gothenburg, Sweden—November 26, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests

Gothenburg, Sweden—November 26, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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Amsterdam—November 26, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests

Amsterdam, the Netherlands—November 26, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in Dam Square in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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