Iran News in Brief – November 28, 2023

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Iran’s Greenhouse Gas Production Triples China, Surpasses the United States Tenfold, Report Reveals

The “Iran Open Data” platform, citing statistics published by the European Union, has released a report on the levels of greenhouse gas production in various countries. Based on this report, Iran produces three times more greenhouse gases per thousand dollars of gross national production than China and over ten times more than the United States. This surpasses the global average production by more than five times.

These statistics reveal that, excluding Iran, all other major polluters are among the world’s largest economies. In 2022, Iran ranked 41st economically according to data from the World Bank, yet it stands at eighth place globally in terms of greenhouse gas production.

Experts attribute Iran’s excessive greenhouse gas production to factors such as low economic productivity, heavy reliance on fossil fuels, a lack of attention to sustainable development, and insufficient investment in clean energy.


Internal Strife Erupts: Etemad Newspaper Faces Legal Action Over Publication of State Directive on Hijab Enforcement

The Mizan News Agency, affiliated with the regime’s Judiciary, has announced that the Tehran Prosecutor’s Office has filed charges against the state-run newspaper “Etemad” for illegally publishing a confidential document in its December 5 issue, and a legal case has been initiated in this regard.

During the regime’s internal struggle over the enforcement of mandatory hijab, the state-run newspaper “Etemad” published a portion of a directive from the office of the Interior Ministry in its November 26 issue, emphasizing “detention” and “confrontation” with women without mandatory hijab.

In the article, which was deleted shortly after publication, it was emphasized that photographing and documenting women who defy mandatory hijab should be included in the “officers’ agenda” at various centers, including all metro sections and even inside the train carriages.

On November 22, Ahmad Vahidi, the regime’s Minister of Interior, openly lied by stating that they had not issued any permit for the new morality police, known as “hijab watchers,” in public places.

He said, “We have not granted permission for this, and civic groups are carrying out this work under the banner of promoting virtue and preventing vice.”

On November 25, he also stated, “Promoting virtue and preventing vice linguistically is a general and lawful duty and does not require a specific permit.”

Tuesday Protests in Iran

Iran witnessed widespread protests on November 28, with obstetricians in Tehran and nurses in Mashhad leading the charge. Obstetricians demanded tariff adjustments and essential support in front of the health ministry, while nurses in Mashhad protested destructive policies affecting their livelihoods, calling for overdue wages and policy changes.

Retired government employees in Mamasani, Hamedan, and Arak echoed these concerns, demanding higher pensions and basic needs. In Arak, retirees also called for the release of imprisoned teachers. Simultaneously, petrochemical workers in Gachsaran protested long-ignored demands.

These protests highlight a growing discontent with economic challenges and labor issues, posing a significant challenge to the Iranian regime. The situation remains dynamic, with potential developments in the days ahead.

Tillis, Colleagues Call on Biden Administration to Enforce Sanctions on Iran

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Thom Tillis and his colleagues recently sent a letter to President Biden urging him to immediately enforce oil sanctions on Iran as mandated by Congress. The letter also urges the administration to permanently freeze the $6 billion funding mechanism established in September’s hostage agreement with Iran.

“We write to you during a time of global outrage and sorrow following Hamas’s unprecedented massacre in Israel which has left 1,400 dead, including at least 33 Americans. Iran’s fingerprints are all over the events of October 7th and ensuing escalations across the Middle East. Its leaders have provided Hamas and Hezbollah hundreds of millions of dollars in funding, weapons, and training, bolstering terrorists on Israel’s borders,” the senators wrote.

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A Nationalist Party Delegation From Malta Meets and Holds Talks With Maryam Rajavi

On November 25, 2023, Maryam Rajavi met and held talks with a delegation from the Nationalist Party of Malta, led by Dr. Alex Perici Calascione, the party’s deputy leader, accompanied by Mrs. Janice Chetcuti, Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister of Environment, and Mr. Ivan Bartolo, Member of Parliament and spokesperson of the Shadow Government in housing affairs and fighting poverty. During this meeting, Mrs. Rajavi highlighted the pivotal role of the mullahs in igniting wars in the Middle East. She emphasized that, as Khamenei has repeatedly stated, if the regime were to cease its export of fundamentalism, terrorism, and aggressive actions toward other nations, it would inevitably fall.

Mrs. Rajavi further expressed that despite the Iranian people’s wealth, an alarming 80% of our people live below the poverty line because the clerical regime wastes a substantial part of their resources towards acquiring a nuclear bomb, inciting regional conflicts, as well as arming and funding its proxy groups.

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Savak Director Parviz Sabeti Denies His Role in Torturing and Executing Iranian Dissidents

In a recent interview, Parviz Sabeti, one of the key figures of the notorious SAVAK police of the ousted Shah regime, egregiously denied having had any role in torturing and executing Iranian dissidents during the tyrannical rule of Shah.

Sabeti, who was talking to Manoto, one of the Persian channels that has been actively promoting the remnants of the Shah regime and whitewashing the Shah’s crimes, said, “Officials and ministers knew me before because of the connections I had with Prime Ministers during the era of [Hassan Ali] Mansur and [Amir Abbas] Hoveyda, but the people didn’t know me. This caused jealousy and even a security threat for me since I was a known person who was working in the security domain. Even the opposition these so-called guerrilla groups express against me is due to the interviews that I later did about the People’s Fedai Guerrillas and the People’s Mojahedin Organization.

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Iran’s Regime Is Running The Government Like A Military Garrison

The political structure of any country is a reflection of its sovereignty, a nuanced expression of the values and principles shaping its governance. In the context of Iran, the term “garrison system” has emerged as a descriptor employed by officials to characterize the nature of the ruling structure. While on the surface, Iran’s political apparatus may bear the trappings of democracy, a closer examination reveals a complex and deceptive landscape.

In the outward narrative, Iran presents itself as a republic with ostensibly democratic features. Regular elections, ostensibly involving the selection of officials by the people, create an illusion of participatory governance. However, beneath this veneer lies a stark divergence from the democratic ideals it claims to embody. The regime’s facade is carefully crafted to mislead both its citizenry and international observers, fostering a narrative that belies the true nature of its governance. Decades of experience have equipped the people of Iran with a keen awareness of this deception.

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Poverty Causes Sharp Dip in Housing Transaction in Tehran

The most recent report from Iran’s real estate transaction registration system indicates a noticeable decline in housing transactions in Tehran, both in comparison to the same period last year and when compared to October. In November, housing transactions saw a nearly 4% decrease compared to October, with a total of 2,912 houses being traded. This represents a stark drop of over 60% compared to November of the previous year when 7,359 houses were traded in Tehran. The 20th district of Tehran experienced the lowest housing transactions in November, with only 25 houses changing hands in that period. In contrast, District Five had the highest number of transactions, totaling 437 housing deals. Examining statistics for the year ending on December 1st reveals a significant decrease in housing transactions, particularly in the 12th district of Tehran, where over 74% of the transactions occurred within the year.

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Marriage of Girl Children, a Devastating End to Childhood

Marriage of girl children, or child marriage, is one of the worst forms of violence against young girls which has been institutionalized in the clerical regime’s laws and constitution in Iran. It has become commonplace due to the spread of poverty under the mullahs’ rule.
During the 16 days of activism to eliminate violence against women and girls, we will discuss the various forms of violence against women and girls in Iran. Violence against women exists everywhere. The difference in Iran is that such violence is state-sanctioned and institutionalized in the regime’s laws and constitution.

Marriage of girl children, or child marriage, does not have cultural roots in Iran. They have turned into a social catastrophe due to the policies of the mullahs’ regime.

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Inflation rate in Iran shows no sign of improvement

According to the official report from the Iranian regime’s Statistical Center, the inflation rate has only decreased by one percent since the start of the Persian calendar year (March 21), despite the fact that the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, named it the year of “Containing Inflation, Promoting Production.”

The latest report from the regime’s Statistical Center, which is the government’s official report on the inflation situation in the country, has reported an average inflation rate of 45.5 percent. This is in contrast to the officially announced inflation rate of 46.5 percent in February and March 2022.

Comparing the changes in the inflation rate since the formation of the government under Ebrahim Raisi also shows that despite his promises to reduce the inflation rate, he has not achieved any success in this regard.

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Heidelberg, Germany—November 25, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Brutal Executions in Iran

Heidelberg, Germany—November 25, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This rally served as a tribute to the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian uprising especially Milad Zohrehvand, a 21-year-old brave son of the people of Malayer. He was executed secretly and without informing his family at Hamedan Central Prison on Thursday, November 23.

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Stockholm, Sweden—November 25, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Brutal Executions in Iran

Stockholm, Sweden—November 25, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in front of the Parliament in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This rally served as a tribute to the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian uprising especially Milad Zohrehvand, a 21-year-old brave son of the people of Malayer. He was executed secretly and without informing his family at Hamedan Central Prison on Thursday, November 23.

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Copenhagen, Denmark—November 25, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Brutal Executions in Iran

Copenhagen, Denmark—November 25, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This rally served as a tribute to the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian uprising especially Milad Zohrehvand, a 21-year-old brave son of the people of Malayer. He was executed secretly and without informing his family at Hamedan Central Prison on Thursday, November 23.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – November 27, 2023

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