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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 25, 2023

Iran News in Brief – November 25, 2023

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Mass Purging of Parliamentary Election Candidates Will Have Grave Consequences for the Regime, Warns Former MP

gholamali jafarzadeh imenabadi (1)

On November 23, Gholam-Ali Jafarzadeh Imenabadi, a former member of the regime’s parliament, warned against serial purging of parliamentary election candidates, stating, “The Guardian Council’s Supervisory Board must reconsider disqualifying candidates. If we continue down this path, it’s like breaking a dam; we are destroying ourselves. These are the realities of our society. Why deceive ourselves?”

Admitting to the illegitimacy of the regime by referring to the low number of votes cast by current members of the parliament, Jafarzadeh said, “It is not acceptable for someone to become a parliamentarian with only 4,000 votes and speak on behalf of 85 million people.”

The former MP also told the state-run Khabar Online, “This parliament has never objected to the Raisi government. Whereas, according to the Constitution, we have a separation of powers. The emphasis is that there should not be unnecessary conflicts and tensions, does not mean that the parliament shall abandon its oversight. But the eleventh [current] parliament relinquished its supervisory role, and Mr. Raisi’s government did whatever it pleased, and the people paid the price.”

He added, “The reality is that the mindset that the parliament is one of the pillars of this country is now shattered, and people say it doesn’t matter whether there is a parliament or not. When we go among the people, they say, ‘What do you want to do in the parliament?’ Because they don’t let you work in the parliament at all; you’re afraid to speak, and if you do, you get disqualified. This means that the people’s mindset towards the parliament has been ruined.”

Iran’s Regime Executes Political Prisoner Milad Zohrevand for Participating in Nationwide Uprising

Iran’s regime executes political prisoner Milad Zohrevand (میلاد زهره‌وند) over nationwide protests

Iran’s regime executed political prisoner Milad Zohrevand on Thursday in the Central Prison of Hamedan without informing his family. Zohrevand, 21, who hailed from Malayer, western Iran, was injured and arrested by security forces on October 27, 2022, during the nationwide uprising that began in September, after the regime’s so-called morality police murdered 21-year-old Mahsa Amini for supposedly violating the regime’s misogynistic dress code.

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“Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions in 2023: Unveiling Ongoing Concerns and International Implications”

iran nuclear raisi eslami

The year 2015 marked a critical juncture for Iran, grappling with severe economic challenges bordering on the brink of bankruptcy. In response, negotiations between the Iranian regime and Western nations unfolded, culminating in an agreement that imposed significant constraints on Iran’s nuclear activities for a defined 15-year period. While this agreement provided much-needed relief by lifting stifling economic sanctions, it also ignited profound international concerns, casting a spotlight on Iran’s evolving nuclear ambitions and their potential implications on global stability.

Recent confidential disclosures by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have brought Iran’s remarkable advancements in nuclear development into sharp focus. Revelations concerning Iran’s possession of enriched uranium approaching levels suitable for weaponization have raised alarm, indicating the capability to potentially construct three atomic bombs—far exceeding the limitations stipulated by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by more than 22 times.

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Women and Girls in Iran Struggle Against State-Sanctioned, Institutionalized Violence

Violence against women and girls in Iran min

As we approach the International Day to Eliminate Violence against Women and Girls and the 16 Days of Activism Campaign, it becomes imperative to shine a stark light on the relentless state-sponsored violence targeting women and girls in Iran. The NCRI Women’s Committee delves into a series of issues plaguing Iranian women under the iron grip of an oppressive regime.

Decades of rule under a regime entrenched in misogyny have seen women become central targets of state oppression. Emerging from a revolution that sought democratic freedoms, the clerical regime responded by immediately clamping down on women, making them the cornerstone of its oppressive policies. This approach materialized in the imposition of compulsory Hijab as a religious obligation.

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Iran: 1.5 Million Children on Verge of Dropping out of School, 14 Million Without Proper Food


According to Hadi Mousavi Nik, an expert at the Majlis (Parliamentary) Research Center, one and a half million children in Iran are on the verge of dropping out of school, and 14 million children are living in households that cannot afford a proper diet.

Based on a video published in the media and social networks, Hadi Mousavi Nik stated that according to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, there are about 450,000 school dropouts, and approximately one and a half million children are at risk of dropping out of school.

According to Mousavi Nik, in terms of educational discrimination, only 12% of the students accepted with the top 3,000 ranks in the university entrance exam were from public schools.

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Vienna Rally: MEK Supporters Against Appeasement Policy Toward the Mullahs’ Regime, Standing in Solidarity with the Iran Revolution — November 23-24

Vienna Rally: MEK Supporters Against Appeasement Policy Toward the Mullahs' Regime—November 23, 2023

Vienna, Austria—November 23-24, 2023: For two consecutive days, freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally simultaneously with the IAEA Board of Governors meeting against the appeasement policy toward the Mullahs’ regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – November 24, 2023