Iran News in Brief – November 20, 2023

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Central Bank Chief: Stats Shall Be Tailored with “National Security”

To further conceal the deteriorating economic situation of the Iranian regime, the head of the Central Bank announced that inflation data has become a tool for political debates, emphasizing the need to consider “national interests” in statistical analysis.

The state-run Borna News Agency quoted the head of the Central Bank, as stating, “For the complete implementation of the national currency governance plan, we need a precise monitoring of the money and foreign exchange path in the country. We believe that money and foreign exchange are public commodities and should be utilized in line with national interests and the welfare of the people.”

Speaking at the annual “Electronic Banking” conference today, Mohammadreza Farzin highlighted that the Central Bank and the Statistical Center publish macroeconomic data, which has turned into a “political analysis tool” and does not impact policymaking.

Although notorious for systemic deceit and dismissing transparency, the clerical dictatorship is clearly taking steps to impose restrictions on the release of reports and statistics in various areas, including the economy. Statistics and information are only published in cases that align with the statements of authorities.

Earlier, Mohammadreza Farzin had also mentioned a “security perspective” on economic statistics and stated that some statistics are not disclosed for security reasons. This is happening at a time when any planning for investment and development in the production sector, and even household economic planning, requires access to economic statistics and information for a comprehensive outlook in this area.

1.5 Million Iranian Children at Risk of Dropping Out of School

A researcher from the regime’s Parliamentary Research Center has expressed alarming concerns about the situation of children in Iran, stating that 1.5 million children are on the verge of dropping out of school. Additionally, 14 million children live in households unable to provide them with the minimum required nutritional support.

Hadi Mousavi-Nik, referring to statistics from the Ministry of Education, mentioned in a video circulating on media and social networks that around 450,000 children are currently out of school, and approximately one and a half million children are at risk of discontinuing their education.

According to Mousavi-Nik, in terms of educational inequality, only 12% of the top 3,000 ranked students in the national university entrance exam were from public schools. This comes at a time when the trend of students dropping out of school in Iran is accelerating, and experts are warning about its consequences.

The former Minister of Education, relying on statistics from the Parliamentary Research Center, announced on the nineteenth of Shahrivar (September 10) of this year that the number of school dropouts in the country is 930,000 individuals, constituting the “illiterate future.”

Monday Protests in Iran

On Monday, November 20, retirees from the Telecommunications sector staged protests in various Iranian cities, including Tehran, Isfahan, Ardabil, Kermanshah, Shiraz, Zanjan, Khorramabad, Hormozgan, Marivan, Zahedan, Rasht, Sanandaj, Tabriz, and more. They expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of attention to their demands, which include the full implementation of personnel and employment regulations from 2010 and addressing healthcare insurance issues. Following their regular Monday gatherings, they once again convened in the Telecommunications Company building.

Additionally, on the same day, nurses at Tohid Hospital in Sanandaj organized a protest to voice their concerns and assert their demands.


Four Years Later, the Spirit of Iran’s 2019 Uprising Is Still Alive

Four years have passed since the November 2019 uprising. The endless transformations and struggles of the uprising have proven that it was not a momentary spark, but rather a manifestation of the fiery determination of the Iranian people, which will continue until the overthrow of the ruling clerical regime.

In these four years, the people of Iran have proven that the blood of the 1,500 martyrs of the uprising was not in vain. And neither has the determination of the freedom fighters of that great uprising ceased.

During the November uprising, the people of Iran confronted the regime head-on, and within 48 hours, they presented a vivid image of the possibility and inevitability of dismantling the regime’s integrity. In this confrontation, the people, empty-handed but resolute and prepared to pay the price, pushed the regime to the precipice of being overthrown.

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Education in Iran: Teachers Without Contracts, Students Without Shelter

Mohammad Vahidi, a member of the Education and Research Committee of the Iranian regime’s Majlis (Parliament), announced that 18,000 reserve teachers were employed without employment contracts, timely payment of salaries, and insurance. He admitted that the Ministry of Education should determine the fate of these teachers.

On November 17, Mohammad Vahidi, referred to the employment of 18,000 reserve teachers in the new academic year and announced that these individuals are working without contracts, salaries, and insurance, and their situation should be determined by the Ministry of Education.

After two months into the new academic year, Vahidi mentioned that “in October of this year, 23,000 primary school classes had no teachers.”

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Esper Says US Retaliation Strikes Against Iranian Proxies in Syria Not ‘Forceful Enough’

The military’s responses to attacks carried out by Iranian proxies against U.S. forces in Syria and Iraq have been inadequate, according to former Defense Secretary Mark Esper. U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria are in the region to ensure the lasting defeat of the Islamic State, but they have come under attack by Iranian proxies more than 60 times in the last month, which has left roughly 60 U.S. troops with injuries, though all of them have returned to duty. The U.S. military has launched three sets of airstrikes against facilities used by the proxies, but the strikes have not deterred the proxies from continuing their attacks. There have been multiple attacks since the most recent of the U.S. strikes.

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Majlis Calls for Increase in Retirement Age with New Guidelines

In a recent resolution passed by the Iranian regime’s parliament on Sunday, November 19, there are adjustments coming to retirement ages for various professional segments.

Under the new guidelines, those contributing to insurance with 25 to 28 years of service will see a two-month extension to their total employment years for each year until retirement.

Similarly, individuals with 20 to 25 years of service will have an extra three months added to their employment years for each year until retirement. For those with 10 to 20 years of service, in line with regulations, there will be an additional four months for each year until retirement.

Lastly, individuals with up to 10 years of service will experience an increase of five months in their employment years for each year until retirement, as per the regulations.

Munich, Germany — November 18, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Commemorating Iran’s November 2019 Uprising

Munich, Germany—November 18, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally and exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This demonstration served as a tribute to the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian uprising. Among those remembered was Kian Pirfalak, a 10-year-old from Izeh who lost his life at the hands of the criminal agents of the Mullahs’ regime in November 2022.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – November 19, 2023

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