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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – November 2, 2022

Iran News in Brief – November 2, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 48

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – 7 PM CET

  • Days: 48th day
  • Protests: 213 cities
  • Fatalities: 480+ estimated deaths, 324 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 25,000+

There is no respite in the Iran uprising as demonstrations continue in various cities and organized resistance units call for more rallies and actions against the regime in the coming days.

The Tehranpars, Ekbatan, Jannatabad, and Saadatabad districts of the capital were alight with protests and chants against the regime and its violent and brutal security forces.

Ignoring stern warnings by the regime’s IRGC officials who bloviated on Saturday and proclaimed the uprising’s end, students in universities and high schools, and in streets of numerous cities across Iran made clear what they think of the regime’s loyalists and brutal enforcers during the past few days with chants of, “This is the year of blood, Syed Ali [Khamenei] will fall”, “Death to the dictator”, “Death to Khamenei”, and “Mullahs must get lost.” No backing down could be discerned even as video posts of continued brutal and inhuman beatings and killings by the security forces began to circulate on social media platforms.

Students at scores of universities and high schools engaged in demonstrations, sit-ins, and protests against the regime today. Strikes also continued in many cities in Kurdistan province and in the petrochemical sector.

The regime’s increasing violence against university and high school students has entrenched anti-regime sentiments among the young population and their families, encompassing a broad population of Iran.

Multiple reports from inside Iran and sightings in Lebanon and Iraq indicate the regime has asked its mercenaries in proxy groups in the region to flock to its aid in suppressing the Iranian nation as its own forces begin to fray and vacillate in the face of fierce resistance by brave youth in the streets of Iran’s cities.

A regime-sponsored poll published in the ultra-conservative Hamshahri newspaper aimed at diminishing the widespread rejection of the regime, inadvertently admitted a washed-down figure of 55% of the population that supports the uprising. A regime loyalist, Mohammad Mehdi Mahdavi, sounded the alarm in his Telegram channel about the fraying of regime forces and said over 25% of the detained protesters have formerly been members of the Basij, some 6% are children of IRGC commanders, and more than 5% are from families whose members are considered martyrs of the regime.

  • Tehran – A large banner on a major thoroughfare reads: “Fight us and we will fight you back.”
  • Tehran – High school students of Golestan district protesting and chanting: “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!”
  • Nowshahr, northern Iran – Protesters gathered to mark the 40th day of Hananeh Kia’s murder by the regime’s oppressive security forces. They are chanting: “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!”
  • Zahedan, southeast Iran – Protesters are shown chanting in national unity against the regime: “Kurds! Baluchis! Azaris! Freedom and equality!”
  • Tehran – After a huge protest at Tehran’s Grand Bazaar, authorities deployed the military to the area in a vain effort to prevent future protests.
  • Tabriz, northwest Iran – Students of Madani University chant: “With or without the hijab, we’re heading for a revolution!”


Khamenei Repeats Anti-Uprising Rhetoric, Laying Bare His Regime’s Weakness

iran-khamenei-12042022In his fifth speech since the beginning of the nationwide uprising, the Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, made another round of desperate remarks, trying to boost the morale of his demoralized forces. While painting protesters as the “foreign nation’s agents,” Khamenei also revealed his fear of the organized opposition, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), which he described as “grouplet.”

“We have been witnessing a combined war, led by the United States, the Zionist regime, some insidious European powers, and some grouplets, who used all their power to strike the [system]. But that they have failed,” he blatantly claimed, as quoted by all of Iran’s state-run media.

Khamenei tries to exhibit power while protests continue to expand across Iran, with protesters calling out the regime and particularly chanting slogans such as “death to the dictator” and “Death to  Khamenei.”


Amid Tireless Uprising, IRGC Chief Calls for Internet Restriction


In an interview with the state Ofogh TV network on October 31, the IRGC commander-in-chief Hossein Salami showed the regime’s desperation on how to deal with the flow of free information and its impact on the young, vibrant society.

“Right now as we speak, we truly find ourselves in the midst of a cognitive war, a soft war if you will. It’s a war over media influence, an extensive psychological operation, and I must say that it is cruel. We are sensing it completely,” Salami said.

“The virtual space acts as a weapon of mass destruction instead of the nuclear bombs that exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As his excellency, the Supreme Leader has said, it has become the slaughterhouse of our youth. I am asking the youth if they hear my voice. Let them understand that the enemy’s plan is to divert our youth from the right path, to mobilize them to serve their own goals, and to lead them to protests and riots. In the end, this inflicts a wound on the body of our society, which cannot be ignored.”

Swiss Adopts Latest EU Drone Sanctions Over Ukraine War


Switzerland says it has adopted the new European Union sanctions against an Iranian firm and three top army members for supporting the Russian war against Ukraine.

The measures against the company Shahed Aviation Industries and three senior military officers are due to come into force later on Tuesday following a decision by the economics ministry, according to a statement by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Shahed Aviation Industries is a company affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ aerospace forces that is responsible for the design and development of the Shahed series of Iranian drones, according to SECO. These have been supplied to Russia and are being used in the war against Ukraine, it says.

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Iran’s Cities Witness Escalating Protests Continuing Into the Night


Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 47th day on Tuesday after college students took to the streets in dozens of universities across the country the day before. Students of all ages are relentlessly pursuing their protests against the regime’s escalating crackdown through their official security forces and plainclothes agents. Many reports indicate the regime has dispatched its Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) members in plainclothes to quell any anti-regime protests, only to see the Iranian people standing their ground and continuing their rallies. 

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Iran’s Protests Are at a Point of No Return – Day 47


The protests in Iran will continue as long as the demands of the people are not satisfied. The people’s main demands are not simple reform but fundamental regime change. Iran’s society is now fighting for its freedom for more than 130 years.

Thus, it should be considered that the next revolution in the country is a sequence of the people’s past rebellions against dictatorships ruling over the country with brutality and human rights discrimination. Since September 17, when the protests started, they have spread across the country and have engulfed the entire nation, despite the regime’s heavy crackdown.

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Washington, DC: Iranian Resistance Supporters Started a Long-Month Sit-in Outside the US Congress to Support the Iran Protests—Day 1

Washington, DC—Oct 30, 2022: MEK Supporters Sit-in Outside the US Congress to Support Iran Protests

Washington, DC—October 30, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) started a long-month sit-in and rally outside the US Congress to support the nationwide Iranian people’s uprising.

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